Services Database Supervised Consumption of Substitute Medication for Treatment of Substance Misuse

Service ID



The objectives of this service are to:

  • ensure compliance with the agreed treatment plan and thereby to stabilise service users on substitute medication to alleviate withdrawal and to reduce craving by:
    • dispensing in specified instalments and when appropriate NB: doses may be dispensed for the patient to take away to cover days when the pharmacy is closed if stated by the prescriber; and
    • ensuring each supervised dose is correctly consumed on site by the patient for whom it was intended;
  • ensure the involvement of pharmacists in the multidisciplinary team to make sure that the patient receives optimal care;
  • Reduce the risk to local communities of:
    • over usage or under usage of medicines;
    • diversion of prescribed medicines on to the illicit drugs market; and
    • accidental exposure of others to substitute opioids;
  • assist service users to remain healthy by providing them with regular contact with healthcare professionals and to help them access further advice or assistance. The service user will be referred to specialist treatment centres or other health and social care professionals where appropriate;
  • promote safer drug-using practices and healthier lifestyles through the provision of information, resources and advice on harm reduction strategies, health issues and the range of services available;
  • reduce dangers associated with substance misuse, including risks of HIV, hepatitis B and C and other blood-borne infections and risks of drug-related death;
  • complement existing drug and alcohol services within the Models of Care framework by facilitating referral of clients to other agencies where specialist treatments can be obtained; and
  • determine the level of need in the area and adequacy of provision.

Location of service

City & Hackney LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




To be accredited to provide the service the pharmacist must:

  • have successfully completed the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) open learning course ‘Opiate Treatment – Supporting Pharmacists for Improved Patient Care’ or the RCGP part 1 course;
  • attend in full an initial local training event prior to commencement and at least one annual update training event in full thereafter when these are held; and
  • must maintain clinical knowledge appropriate to their practise by attending relevant study days, courses and to make themselves aware of and familiar with appropriate literature.
