Services Database Supervised Consumption Scheme

Service ID



The aim of this service is to provide supervised consumption of methadone and subutex for clients of Doncaster Drug Services from community pharmacy premises where the medication has been dispensed.

Pharmacists will supervise clients consuming methadone or Subutex and interact with the client to discuss their treatment, general health and demeanour. The pharmacist should also use this interaction with the client to promote harm reduction/safer injecting practices and general health advice.

Location of service

Doncaster LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved

Garage, New Beginnings Project and Shared Care


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacy contractor should ensure that all staff involved in the delivery of the service are available to access ongoing training, which will be arranged and co-ordinated by the Garages Pharmacy Liaison Officer.  In addition, all staff should maintain an up to date knowledge of developments within their professional field and attend training as appropriate.
