Services Database Supervised Consumption (Devon and Torbay Area)
Service ID
The Supervised Consumption Scheme is restricted to service users who are prescribed methadone or buprenorphine for drug treatment via the Treatment Provider (Devon Drug Service / GPwSI or a Shared Care GP).
The community pharmacy must provide a supervised consumption service Monday to Saturday.
Location of service
Devon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Supervised administration
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacies participating in the supervised consumption scheme must be accredited by Devon DAAT. New pharmacies joining the scheme will be prioritised according to a needs-led mapping exercise, co-ordinated by Devon DAAT, which will determine the service’s expansion.
Lead pharmacist
The lead pharmacist must complete CPPE training for substance use and misuse (mandatory from 1/4/2013) and supply Devon DAAT with a copy of the certificate.
Additional pharmacists
Only one lead pharmacist can be accredited per pharmacy. However pharmacies participating in the Supervised Consumption Scheme may nominate an additional pharmacist(s) to be responsible for the signing of supervised consumption paperwork and running of the Scheme on a daily basis. Nominated pharmacists are also encouraged to attend local harm reduction training and complete CPPE training for substance use and misuse. The Lead Pharmacist will inform Devon DAAT in writing of any nominated additional pharmacists.
Locum / deputy pharmacists
The lead pharmacist must ensure that any deputy or locum is fully aware of the Supervised Consumption Scheme in advance of their providing cover. The Lead Pharmacist will also ensure that locum/deputy pharmacists are fully supportive of the Scheme.
Locum pharmacists may not assume the role of a Lead Pharmacist for the Scheme unless they are nominated to do so.
Regular locum and deputy pharmacists should also be encouraged to attend local harm reduction training and complete CPPE training for substance use and misuse.
Other staff
All new pharmacy staff involved in supervised consumption should attend harm reduction training and the lead pharmacist is required to make reasonable efforts to ensure continued staff attendance at harm reduction training when it is offered.
This service is available in the Devon area only