Services Database Supervised Consumption (Bristol Area)
Service ID
The aims of the service are to:
- ensure compliance with the agreed treatment plan by:
- dispensing in specified instalments (doses may be dispensed for the patient to take away to cover days when the pharmacy is closed); and
- ensuring each supervised dose is correctly consumed by the patient for whom it was intended;
- reduce the risk to local communities of:over usage or under usage of medicines:
- diversion of prescribed medicines onto the illicit drugs market;
- accidental exposure to the supervised medicines;
- provide service users with regular contact with health care professionals and to help them access further advice or assistance. The service user will be referred to specialist treatment centres or other health and social care professionals where appropriate. The drug liaison worker can provide support with this.
- comply with future Public Health Bristol initiatives to improve services to clients (e.g. information campaigns etc.).
Location of service
Avon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Supervised administration
Other organisations involved
Public Health Bristol, Bristol Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service, Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service (ROADS)
Start date:
End date:
Opiate treatment: supporting pharmacists for improved patient care open learning.
Locally organised Best Practice meetings (pharmacists to be encouraged to attend multi-disciplinary meetings).
RCGP Certificate in the treatment of substance misuse (Part 1), available locally
This service is available in the Bristol area only