Services Database Substance Misuse Service (Southend Borough Council Area)
Service ID
The pharmacy contractor will be required to provide supervision of consumption for methadone, naltrexone, suboxone or buprenorphine where this is used in the treatment of opiate addiction as part of a detoxification programme or maintenance treatment to patients 16 years and over using the FP10MDA prescription form as requested by the prescriber. The supervision will be undertaken by the pharmacist. It cannot be delegated to another member of staff.
Location of service
Essex LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Supervised administration
Other organisations involved
Essex Drug Action Team, Southend Drug Action Team, Thurrock Drug Action Team
Start date:
End date:
Pharmacists delivering the service must have evidence of completing:
- CPPE certificate in Substance use and Misuse; or
- RCGP Part One Certificate in the Management of Drug Misuse.
Accreditation will be monitored annually.
Allowance will be made under the contract to cover times when a locum is employed in an emergency situation and the above requirements cannot be met. If a regular locum or a long term locum (period of more than one month) is employed they will be required to meet the above listed competencies.
This service is available in the Southend Borough Council area only.