Services Database Supervised Consumption of Methadone and Subutex Scheme

Service ID



The ‘supervised consumption scheme’ is an agreement between identified community pharmacies and Gloucestershire County Council drug and Alcohol commissioners for the provision of a supervised consumption of routinely prescribed drugs for treatment of drug dependence, primarily methadone and buprenorphine (Subutex).

Location of service

Gloucestershire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved

Turning Point


Start date:
End date:




  • To ensure, on a 3 yearly basis, that the lead/regular pharmacist providing the service has successfully completed:
    • CPPE Substance Use and Misuse (pharmacist version) and the associated Declaration of Competence
    • CPPE e-learning module Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults and the associated e-assessment
  • All pharmacists will be required to complete the CPPE Declaration of Competence for Supervised Administration of prescribed medication. It is recommended that all registered
    pharmacy technicians complete the same declaration.
  • The declaration of training and reading and signing the SOP will need to be confirmed on PharmOutcomes via enrolment. There will be a three month grace period from the start of
    the service; after this if not completed you will not be able to access the service.
  • A representative from the pharmacy may be required to attend an annual training event.
  • Be responsible for identifying their own staff learning needs and recording their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and where relevant, cascade training to all staff to ensure
    everyone is aware of the key issues and can respond sensitively and appropriately to enquiries.
