Services Database Supervised Consumption (St Helens Council Area)

Service ID



3.1 Where a service user commences on prescribing treatment, this phase is commonly referred to as titration. Service users should be on supervised consumption during the titration period. This should be reviewed to evidence the need for ongoing supervision after 4 weeks for Methadone and after 1 week on Buprenorphine.

3.2 The service will require the pharmacy to supervise the consumption of prescribed medications when indicated by the prescriber, ensuring that the dose has been administered appropriately to the service user.

3.3 The recovery worker will contact the service user’s chosen pharmacy from the supervised consumption list of available pharmacies prior to commencement of treatment in order to ensure the pharmacy has capacity to take on a new service user. The key worker will provide the pharmacy with the service user’s details and treatment details in terms of strengths, quantities, and form of treatment to ensure they can get the relevant items in stock.

3.4 On the first day that the service user presents at the pharmacy, a four-way agreement contract between the client and pharmacy should be agreed and signed by a member of pharmacy staff and the client. A copy of this contract should be kept in the client’s file and a copy should be given to the client. The contract should include:

» An outline of expected behaviour in and around the pharmacy;

» Opening hours for service users to access services (this should be as flexible as possible to encourage retention);

» The pharmacist’s right to contact the prescriber or named contact (Recovery Co-ordinator);

» That missed doses cannot be dispensed at a later date;

» That medication will not be automatically dispensed if a service user has missed three or more consecutive doses;

» Medication will not be dispensed if the pharmacist suspects that there is drug or alcohol intoxication (the service users may be asked to return later or to contact CGL);

Location of service

Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known


This service is available in the St Helens Council area only.