Services Database Supervised Self Administration of Methadone/Buprenorphine (Camden Area)

Service ID



2.1.1 This service will require the LCS contractor (pharmacy or healthcare provider) to supervise the
self-administration of OST prescribed medicines (methadone or buprenorphine) at the point of
2.1.2 Supervised self-administration (SSA) can take place in a pharmacy, drug treatment service or
other clinical environment. In whatever environment, staff supervising the consumption of
medication need to be competent to do so and ensure that the dose has been consumed by the
2.1.3 To be eligible for the Camden payment (see section 9) associated with this LCS, the contractor will provide this service to adult patients aged 18 years or over being prescribed by Camden registered GPs/Camden drug service providers only. The LCS contractor are free to accept SSA referrals from outside the area that are not paid for under this LCS and/or sign up to provide SSA under a neighbouring borough’s scheme if they fulfil the acceptance criteria.

2.1.4 The LCS contractor will offer a user-friendly, non-judgmental, client-centred and confidential service.
2.1.5 The LCS contractor will ensure all staff delivering the supervised self-administration service will provide support and advice to the patient, including referral to primary care or specialist centres where appropriate.
2.1.6 The service will conform to the overarching principals outlined in the London Borough of Camden (LBC) standard contract for LCS contractors.
2.1.5 The referral to supervised self-administration services meets the agreed referral pathway as
deemed appropriate by the referring service/clinician/specialist centre.

Location of service

Camden & Islington LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




CPPE training which is required for this service:

  • Substance Use and Misuse pharmacist version
  • Dealing with difficult situations

Pharmacists are also required to attend one locally determined training update (throughout the year).


This service is available in the Camden area only.