Services Database Surrey County Council Influenza Vaccination Scheme for Employees
Service ID
The aims of this Community Pharmacy Service Specification are:
- To extend the national flu immunisation programme to eligible Surrey County Council, Surrey Heartlands ICB and SCC school employees
- To reduce the morbidity and mortality rates from influenza disease by reducing the transmission of influenza to vulnerable people
- To maintain business continuity by protecting front-line workers within the local authority and care settings.
Location of service
Surrey LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Training and premises requirements
- Vaccinations under this service must take place in a private area. In order to provide the service, pharmacies must have a consultation room, this service can also be conducted offsite in line with standards operating procedures. Vaccinations can be offered in any area of the pharmacy where suitable facilities are available and patient confidentiality is able to be respected. However, the vaccination must take place in the consultation room wherever the patient expresses this preference. The consultation room must comply with the minimum requirements set out below:
- the consultation room must be clearly designated as an area for confidential consultations
- it must be distinct from the general public areas of the pharmacy premises
- it must be a room where both the person receiving services and the pharmacist providing those services are able to sit down together and talk at normal speaking volumes without being overheard by any other person (including pharmacy staff), other than a person whose presence the patient requests or consents to (such as a carer or chaperone)
- it must be a room where infection control standards can be maintained
- The pharmacy contractor must ensure that individuals providing the service are competent to do so. Registered pharmacy professionals should demonstrate to the pharmacy contractor that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide the service by completing the vaccination service Declaration of Competence (DoC) The pharmacy contractor must keep on the pharmacy premises copies of each DoC completed by any registered pharmacy professionals that they employ/engage to deliver the service.
- The pharmacy contractor must ensure that individuals providing the service are aware of the National Minimum Standards6 in relation to vaccination training and are compliant with the training requirements within those Standards that apply, including the requirements for face to face training and refresher training for injection technique and basic life support (including administration of adrenaline for anaphylaxis).
- The pharmacy contractor must ensure that staff are appropriately trained and made aware of the risks associated with the handling and disposal of clinical waste and that correct procedures are used to minimise those risks. A needle stick injury procedure must be in
- The pharmacy contractor must ensure that staff involved in the provision of this service are advised that they should consider being vaccinated against Hepatitis B and be advised of the risks should they decide not to be