Services Database Sussex Take home naloxone
Service ID
To increase awareness and the availability of training and supply of Naloxone.
To provide training and supply of Naloxone to clients at risk of opiate overdose.
To provide clients with a convenient supply of replacement injectable naloxone following
emergency use or date expiry.
To help clients who use the service to access other health, voluntary and social care services
where appropriate to facilitate behaviour change in their journey toward recovery.
Location of service
Sussex LPC
Other: Change, Grow, Live
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacists are required to complete the CPPE Declaration of Competence for Needle
Exchange and Supervised services as part of other service provisions. Only pharmacies
providing these other services will be invited to deliver this service.
A pharmacist and representative may be required to attend an initial training session and
any training updates.
The declaration will need to be confirmed on PharmOutcomes via enrolment. There will be a
three-month grace period for the CPPE Declarations from the start of the service; after this
if not completed you will not be able to access the services. The declaration for reading and
signing the SOP need to be confirmed on PharmOutcomes via enrolment before starting the
LloydsPharmacy aim to arrange at least one contractor meeting per year to promote service
development and update the knowledge of the named pharmacist.