Services Database Tobacco Intermediate Service in Community Pharmacy (St Helens Area)

Service ID



  • The Intermediate Stop Smoking Pharmacy will provide one to one motivational support and smoking cessation advice to people who want to give up smoking.
  • If a client opts to utilise a smoking aid ie. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), the client will receive advice regarding the NRT from Lead Pharmacist and this element of the service will be paid for via a separate NRT service specification, however the client will receive a seamless service. Details of the NRT service and payment are outlined in a separate specification.
  • The nominated Pharmacy Champion will be responsible for offering and providing, with the client’s consent, support, evidence based advice, motivational interviewing and encouragement. They will also offer choice of NRT and follow-up according to the Smokefree local treatment protocol (Appendix P) and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance (4).  The Lead Pharmacist is responsible for ensuring that all staff involved in the provision of this service have the appropriate training to deliver the service.  All training will be provided by St Helens Smokefree Service.
  • The Pharmacy Champion will be responsible for ensuring that details of consultations and advice, provided to each client referred to the service, is recorded in PharmOutcomes.
  • The Lead Pharmacist will be responsible for ensuring the suitability of the NRT product supplied to the client.
  • The Pharmacy Champion will be responsible for ensuring the completion and accuracy of all client data recording and service documentation. The standard of the information collated must meet with the criteria set in the Russell Standard (6) and data will be shared with the St Helens Smokefree Service for the purpose of monitoring

Location of service

Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




All Intermediate Stop Smoking Pharmacies undertaking this scheme need to ensure minimum training requirements as outlined below.

  • All Counter Staff will have been trained in offering brief intervention and stop smoking advice.
  • It is essential that members of staff delivering the intermediate training have their names on an approved list kept by the Council and the St Helens Smokefree Service.
  • There will be a requirement for update and on-going training. There will be annual training will be delivered by St Helens Smokefree Service and supplemented with online NCSCT training.
    • Training for the Intermediate service will be facilitated by the St Helens Smokefree Service.
    • Only Intermediate Stop Smoking Pharmacies contracted to the Council can provide the service. Accredited pharmacists must at all times supply NRT in accordance with the local treatment protocol (see Appendix P).
    • Non-accredited locum pharmacists must either be prepared to be fast-track accredited if level 2 trained and practicing in another borough or clients can be seen by an alternative accredited practitioner within the pharmacy.
    • Whilst trained and competent staff (Pharmacist Champion and Counter Staff) may be authorised by the Lead Pharmacist to undertake counselling, monitoring or data recording, clinical responsibility for supply of NRT lies with the Lead Pharmacist.
    • Intermediate Stop Smoking Pharmacy must inform the Council and St Helens Smokefree Service any changes to staff involved in the provision of the service so that any new staff may be appropriately trained.  If there is staff turnover the pharmacy will ensure that new staff are trained to ensure the delivery of the service.
