Services Database Treatment of UTI in women following CPCS referral under PGD
Service ID
Aims and objectives of service
The service aims to:
- improve timely access for patients to self-care advice for symptoms of UTI via nationally
commissioned and funded Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS) referral and this service provides the legal mechanism and funding for the supply of nitrofurantoin as treatment where appropriate (standard prescription charges will apply unless patient is exempt).
- increase the number of CPCS referrals
- further develop the referral processes from local medical practices to community pharmacy utilising the nationally commissioned CPCS
- improve working relationships between surgery and pharmacy teams
- improve primary and emergency care capacity by reducing the workload of these providers associated with UTIs.
- provide evidenced-based care in line with local and national guidelines
- encourage self-referral into CPCS and this service by promoting use of the NHS111 Minor Illness online triage tool
The pharmacist is responsible for the appropriate running of this service in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (CPCS, PGD and Dispensing).
Location of service
Gloucestershire LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Minor ailment service
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All Pharmacists working at pharmacies providing this service must:
1. Complete CPPE Declaration of Competence (DoC) – Minor Ailments (includes Level 1 service and Level
2 supply of prescription only medicines by a pharmacist using a PGD)
2. Sign the PGD
Items 1 and 2 will be verified on initial recording of consultation under this service on PharmOutcomes.
Additional recommended training resources:
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) on UTI (lower) - women
CPPE Fact sheet – UTI in adults
HEE e-learning for health (eLFH) Antimicrobial Resistance and Infections
RPS NHS CPCS Clinical Training Women’s Health