Services Database Umbrella Sexual Health Service (Birmingham Area)
Service ID
Umbrella is a tier 1 and 2 service sub-contracted to University Hospitals Birmingham.
The elements of services within Tier 1 pharmacies include:
- emergency hormonal contraception;
- advance provision of emergency contraception;
- condom distribution; and
- dispense STI testing kits.
The elements of service within Tier 2 pharmacies include:
- emergency hormonal contraception;
- advance provision of emergency contraception;
- condom distribution;
- dispense STI testing kits;
- initiate STI testing and provide STI testing kits;
- hepatitis B vaccination;
- initiate combined oral contraception, progesterone only oral contraception and contraception injections;
- dispense and administer ongoing contraception injections; and
- dispense treatment for chlamydia.
Location of service
Birmingham & Solihull LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Sexual health
Other organisations involved
Start date: 10/08/2015
End date:
Pharmacy staff offering services will have the appropriate skills, knowledge and confidence to provide the service. This will be obtained by attending an approved training course within the previous 3 years for the service being provided. On-going support and advice will be provided by the Umbrella team.
This service is available in the Birmingham area only.