Services Database Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Service (only in Hertsmere and Dacorum area)

Service ID



Aims of the scheme
The overall aim of the scheme is to ensure that patients, where appropriate, can be referred to a pharmacy and consult with a pharmacist, can access self-care advice or can be supplied with antibiotics for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections women aged 16 years to 64 years if clinically indicated and have no contraindications. This provides an alternative location from which patients can seek advice and treatment, rather than seeking treatment via a prescription from another provider.
The aims of the service are:
• To educate patients to seek advice and treatment from the most appropriate healthcare setting
• To improve patient’s access to advice and appropriate treatment via community pharmacy
• To reduce GP and NHS 111 acute appointment workload allowing greater focus on more complex and urgent medical conditions
• To educate patients with aim of reducing requests for inappropriate supplies of antibiotics
• To promote the role of the pharmacist and self-care
• To improve working relationships between doctors and pharmacists

Location of service

Hertfordshire LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Minor ailment service

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacist will need to log in to the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) website and access the Declaration of Competence (DoC) section to download the DoC Self-Assessment Framework for Minor Ailments.
(The UTI service is a Level 2 Minor Ailments Service involving supply of POM medication under aPGD).
The Commissioner training requirements relating to the service are;
Qualifications and professional registration
• Current contract of employment within a Local Authority or NHS commissioned service or an NHS Trust/organisation
• Registered healthcare professional listed in the legislation as able to practice under Patient Group Directions
Initial training
The registered healthcare professional authorised to operate under this PGD
must have:
• undertaken appropriate training and successfully completed the competencies to undertake clinical assessment of individuals leading to diagnosis of the conditions listed. Minimum recommended training is completion of the RCGP eLearning Urinary Tract Infections (webinar, presentation, quiz and podcast are free to access) and completion of ICB led training.
• undertaken appropriate training and successfully completed the competencies for the identification of sepsis
• undertaken appropriate training for working under PGDs for the supply and administration of medicines. Recommended training - eLfH PGD elearning programme
