Services Database Weight Management Service
Service ID
A motivational interviewing programme aiming at 5-10% weight loss through behaviour change.
This service is only available to patients who fulfill specific criteria- BMI >35-50 or >30 with specified co-morbidities. Those with lower BMI will only be offered a Tier 1 service from the weight management HUB which is 4 phone based support calls and a tailored self help guide. Those with BMI> 50 can be referred directly to the Tier 3 Obesity Services in the district General Hospitals as previously. Those with lower BMI who are wanting Bariatric surgery (gastric bands and by-pass surgery) need to go through the Tier 2 service first before referral to Tier 3.
Public Health has commissioned four Lots for Tier 2 weight management services offering different types of intervention. Lot 2 is weight management with clinical support (some pharmacies are offering Lot 2 services and some Lot 1 which is weight management without clinical support which results in lower remuneration).
The Lot 2 service provides 6 face to face contacts with the HCA and 6 telephone or email contacts with the patient over a 12 week period. The face to face appointments should be 20minutes though it might be wise for the first session to be 30minutes in the first instance until the HCAs feel more up to speed with the tools and data collection. There will need to be telephone appointments put aside for the follow up calls.
Location of service
Devon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Weight management
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known