Online repeat prescription ordering

Published on: 30th July 2015 | Updated on: 5th March 2023

Online repeat prescription ordering enables patients to request their repeat prescriptions online, and for that request to be approved, particularly if previously authorised by the GP practice to be re-ordered. Online repeat prescription ordering is a type of Patient Facing Services (PFS). Many now also enable medicine ordering including NHS App and some pharmacy apps such as those which integrate with the NHS IM1 PFS standard. If the patient has an EPS nomination in place, the related electronic prescription will be sent to the patient’s chosen community pharmacy so that the patient can collect it or (if relevant) have the item delivered to their home.


Several international studies have concluded that patients with access to online features are more satisfied and that such features improve self-care along with patient’s communication and engagement with their clinicians. Community pharmacy organisations of all shapes and sizes are now supporting their patients with app and website offerings to enable patients to place medicine orders  and make use of other features. Many pharmacy teams are also now benefitting from patients using the NHS App or NHS account (although the pharmacy will not be sighted regarding medicine orders made by patients using the App to order repeat prescriptions).

Community Pharmacy England and Community Pharmacy IT Group have fed back to the NHS App team that it would be useful for the pharmacy to have ability to have sight of what is ordered via NHS App / NHS website if the patient has nominated that pharmacy via the NHS EPS nomination.

Patients placing orders for repeat prescriptions in a timely manner ahead of weekends and holiday periods help to reduce the pressures on pharmacy teams.

Patient apps with IM1 online ordering feature

See: Patient apps and lists

Further information



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