Practice Payment and Establishment Payment top-ups

Published on: 12th September 2014 | Updated on: 30th March 2022

This information applies to Wales only

Part VIA Section 1.4 of the Drug Tariff outlines the arrangements for pharmacy contractors to request a top up of their Establishment Payments. An Establishment Payments top up is only likely to be required where monthly dispensing volumes fluctuate between the payment bands.

Part VIA Section 2.10 of the Drug Tariff outlines the arrangements for pharmacy contractors to request a top up of their Practice Payments. A Practice Payments top up is only likely to be required where monthly dispensing volumes fluctuate between the payment bands. Please note that where Practice Payments were paid at a lower level because minimum staffing levels were not met or because the pharmacy contractor did not declare staffing levels, those months will be disregarded in the calculation of any top up due.

To claim a top up payment, pharmacy contractors are required to submit copies of their Schedule of Payments to their LHB along with a covering letter. Template letters can be downloaded in Microsoft Word Format by clicking on the links below.

Top Up Claim Examples

Guide to when a Top-up Payment could be claimed

Template Letters

Wales template letter (Word format)

2020/21 Template spreadsheet to aid with ‘Top Up’ calculation

Wales 20/21 top-up calculator (Excel format)

All claims relating to the 2020/21 financial year have to be submitted to the local NHS England team or LHB by 30 November 2021.

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