Forum of LPC Chairs

Published on: 7th February 2025 | Updated on: 4th March 2025

A Forum of LPC Chairs, created to provide more local input into the representation of pharmacy owners at a national level. It aims to bring a stronger local voice to national work, steer Community Pharmacy England on local matters, and foster collaboration on areas of mutual interest.

A Council of Chairs was first put forward in the Independent Review of Community Pharmacy Contractor Representation and Support by Professor David Wright. Whilst this didn’t have widespread support within the sector, alternative proposals put forward to create national forum of LPC representatives – and therefore voices of local pharmacy owners – were identified by the Review Steering Group (RSG) and taken forward as part of the Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) work programme.

The Forum was established in 2024, following consultation with LPCs and comprises the Chairs of all LPCs. It brings together all Chairs of LPCs (or Vice Chairs) in England to support the work of LPCs, Community Pharmacy England and each other.

Its purpose is to:

  • Share information, experience and best practice amongst Local Pharmaceutical Committees;
  • Collective engagement and discussion with Community Pharmacy England on emerging issues or areas of concern;
  • Consultation and input into Community Pharmacy England’s draft plans and policies during their development and testing and;
  • Collaborative working to progress specific activity of mutual benefit.

Click on a heading below for more information.

Who is who

Sue Killen



Sue Killen took up her post as non-executive Chair of Community Pharmacy England on 1st September 2019. Sue also chairs Change Grow Live and the Katie Piper Foundation and was formerly Vice Chair and Senior Independent Director at Clarion Housing Group. During her executive career she was for 10 years the CEO of St John Ambulance and the interim CEO of the Nursing and Midwifery Council. She is a former senior civil servant who worked for a range of Government Departments including as a Director General at the Department for Transport and the Director at the Home Office responsible for leading work on tackling drug misuse. She also led an Independent review of children and young people’s palliative care for the Secretary of State for Health.

Janice Perkins

Vice Chair


Biography – Janice Perkins FRPharmS

Janice’s career has been dedicated to the enhancement of community pharmacy with a particular focus on patient safety & quality, health, wellbeing & development of pharmacy teams and trying to simplify and standardisation of governance requirements linked to the CPAF and service delivery. She is keen to establish a pragmatic approach to the development of the profession whilst balancing the professional, people and commercial priorities that are essential to the success of community pharmacy.

Janice prides herself on being open, transparent, approachable and collaborative whilst demonstrating professionalism, integrity and a healthy level of challenge. These are attributes she brings to her role in CPGM and also as Chair of the RPS Community Pharmacy Expert Advisory Group.

Janice’ previous experience as the Superintendent Pharmacist of Well Pharmacy, CCA board member and Chair and founding member of the Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group gave her a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities the sector continues to face. She uses this knowledge and my leadership skills to support pharmacists and their teams across CPGM and wider around the country.


What Janice hopes to achieve/bring to the forum

Janice is keen to facilitate open and focussed discussions ensuring everyone has an equal voice and an opportunity to contribute. She’d like the forum to focus on supporting chairs in their role so they can maximise the skills and expertise of their CP Local team and committee members whilst navigating a way through the different opinions and options.

Janice would like to see the forum help develop the role of Chair to so much more than leading the committee meeting. She believes it is about being a support for Chief Officers whilst being a critical friend, a source of challenge, a sounding board for complex matters and an ambassador for community pharmacy not just locally but nationally through CPE.

Jancie believes in the need to harness the collective power of the Chairs’ Forum by sharing best practice and learning from each other. Whilst every CP Local team is different, we have lots in common that we can share and maximise to save time and effort given the challenging environment we’re all operating in.

Janice would be keen to hear the thoughts and ideas from my Chair colleagues around the country so please do get in touch via or call 07730367919 for a chat.

Past meetings
Future meetings
Support for chairs

As part of our LPC Support for 2024/25 we have organised membership of the Association of Chairs (AoC) for all LPC Chairs in England – at no direct cost to you.

It will give you access to specific resources to help you in your chairing role including:

  • Access to member-only bespoke resources to support you in your chairing role.
  • Access to a programme of Chair-focused events including webinars, workshops, networking groups, and training. Some events are free for members or you’ll get a special member rate and priority booking (these will have to be self-funded or funded by the LPC if agreed)
  • opportunity to become part of our lively community and talk to other Chairs from other sectors – charity, associations and not for profit
  • A member newsletter to keep you up-to-date with relevant news and practical resources.

To activate your membership, see: – please note this is a unique link for LPC chairs only and should not be shared with others. if you are asked for a billing address, please add: c/o Community Pharmacy England, 14 Hosier Lane | London | EC1A 9LQ

If you have any questions about membership and our partnership with AoC please let me know, if you have specific questions about the sign-up process or resources and services from the AoC please email:

Terms of reference

A report on the nature and content of meetings and other activity will be regularly provided to the Community Pharmacy England Committee and to LPC committees.

Forum of LPC Chairs in England: Terms of Reference

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