LPC Conference 2022

22nd September 2022 10am

Hybrid online and in-person in Manchester

Though always an important event in the calendar, this year Conference is even more significant as it will provide LPCs with the opportunity to discuss the pressure facing pharmacy contractors and allow time for LPCs to debate the planned changes to how the PSNC levy is calculated and updates to the Model LPC Constitution.

We are planning a hybrid format conference, in person with the option of a live-stream for those who would prefer. The event will provide a real opportunity to network with colleagues again from across England.

Date:  Thursday 22nd September, 2022
Time: 10am – 3pm (registration from 9.30am – 10.00am)
Location: – Hyatt Regency Manchester and a live-stream remote option

The booking for this event has now closed.

Press: please contact comms.team@cpe.org.uk to register your interest.


The agenda has been shaped by the LPC/PSNC Conference and Events Working Group with the aim of bringing LPCs together to share experience and learning to address shared issues and to allow them to share their views with PSNC.

09:30am: Registration opens

10:00am: Welcome and opening remarks

  • Sue Killen, PSNC and Conference Chair
  • James Wood, Director of Contractor and LPC Support

10:10am: PSNC CEO report and update on the CPCF, Janet Morrison OBE

To be covered:

  • PSNC’s work
  • The CPCF.Arrangements for year 4 and 5 of CPCF
  • Short, medium and long-term priorities for PSNC
  • Working with together

10:30am: Group Discussion 1: The big issues – ongoing pressures facing pharmacy contractors.

PSNC has heard a lot from contractors, pharmacy teams and LPCs concerning the ongoing pressures facing the network of community pharmacies.

The focus of this discussion, led by PSNC members, is to further understand the feedback and feelings of LPCs and contractor representatives from across England.

  1. Is there anything missing from what PSNC has heard?
  2. What can PSNC and LPCs do together to lobby and lead and build on the arrangements for years 4 and 5 of the CPCF? What are the options available for contractors?
  3. What are the messages that you want us to give to HM Government and the NHS?

11:20am: Live polling

LPC representatives attending conference will be invited to vote and provide feedback via several interactive live polls that will run throughout the conference.

11:30am: Comfort break

11:50am: Q&A with the PSNC Leadership Team

In this ask us anything session, put your questions to the PSNC Leadership Team. Questions can be submitted prior to conference via Slido or in-person on the day. You will be able to upvote each other’s questions using Slido, pushing the most relevant and important ones to the top.

12:30pm: Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme Update

  • Overview of planned work to deliver on the PSNC RSG proposals
  • Moving forward together – opportunities for engagement
  • Moving forward at a local level –LPC progress and what next?
  • Questions

1:00pm Lunch and in-person and online networking

1:45pm: Group Discussion 2 – Levy 2023/24 onwards

Changes to how the PSNC Levy is calculated and the principles used for calculation will be further presented, there will then by an opportunity to ask questions, before moving to group discussions. It is important that consensus around these principles is reached so that PSNC can provide guidance on LPCs levy for 2023/24 and beyond.

2:30pm: Model LPC constitution – Conference floor discussion

Over the summer, work has been ongoing to review the PSNC constitution, exploring what changes need to be made to deliver the recommendations made by RSG. LPCs have, at the same time, been asked for suggestions for improvements to the model LPC constitution – this session will bring together the main changes and ask LPC representatives to provide their views to shape the final draft.

2:45pm: Soapbox

Soapbox is a session of conference that gives up to 7 LPC representatives one minute to highlight any topic that is important to them that has not made it onto the main agenda.

3:00pm: Closing remarks and informal networking

NOTE: Those livestreaming the event will receive a unique Zoom joining link prior to the meeting. Virtual delegates will need to use this link to access the Zoom breakout groups on the day. The joining link will be resent on the morning of the Conference for ease of access. There is not a general joining link for the Zoom breakout groups, so please ensure that you have already located your link before joining the Conference. 

To help LPCs prepare for the discussions, a supplementary agenda will be made available on Monday 19th September 2022, including background information on the PSNC levy and the model LPC constitution.

PDF copy of 2022 Annual LPC Conference Agenda plus appendices


How many representatives?

Each LPC is permitted to send ONE delegate in person to the 2022 Annual LPC Conference. LPCs are allowed additional online places according to the rules outlined within PSNC’s Constitution. See below for more information.

Up to 100 contractors – 2 representatives (1 in person / 1 online)
101 – 200 contractors – 3 representatives (1 in person / 2 online)
201 – 300 contractors – 4 representatives (1 in person / 3 online)
301 – 400 contractors – 5 representatives (1 in person / 4 online)
401 – 500 contractors – 6 representatives (1 in person / 5 online)
501- 600 contractors – 7 representatives (1 in person / 6 online)

It is up to each LPC to decide which committee members or officers it wishes to represent the views of the LPC and its contractors as a delegate at the Conference.

Further information about the conference is set out in PSNC’s  Constitution and Rules

In-person attendance

PSNC will abide by good practice guidance by the venue and HM Government relating to steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of catching and spreading Covid-19.

If you are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms (a high temperature, new and persistent cough, or a loss of/change in sense of taste or smell), please do not attend. A live-stream option can be made available in these circumstances and there will be no cancellation fees.