Extra Smartcard rights for pharmacy professionals

NHS Digital previously added the multi-site ‘FFFFF’ Smartcard code and SCR rights onto Smartcards with the pharmacist or pharmacy technician role, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative was supported by PSNC and NHS England and NHS Improvement.

NHS Digital have confirmed to PSNC that assignment codes will be further extended until 31st January 2023.

SCR access was granted to all those with the pharmacist 5F multi-site code on their Smartcard, by the addition of new roles:

  • National Locum Pharmacist + SCR – COVID-19; and
  • National Locum Technician + SCR – COVID-19.

These temporary Smartcard positions were created to provide greater flexibility for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians during the ongoing pandemic. This will help pharmacy staff if they unexpectedly find themselves working at a pharmacy where they haven’t previously worked.

Can you help? Case studies requested

SCR and Smartcard changes are scheduled to be time limited (including SCR with Additional Information as the default SCR). PSNC would like the changes to be enduring, so it is requesting pharmacy teams email it@cpe.org.uk with examples of why the changes would be beneficial following the end of the pandemic. Please share experiences and case studies about how wider SCR access supports your ability to care for your patients.

Read more at: Smartcards, Smartcard codes briefing and SCR.


"We have been assured that negotiations on the CPCF will recommence this month – and that cannot come quickly enough."

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