Services Database NHS Health Checks
Service ID
- The NHS Health Check programme represents the national primary prevention screening programme for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk assessment and risk management for 40– 74 year olds.
- The programme aims to improve the health and quality of life for 40 – 74 year olds, whilst reducing overall health inequalities. The component and methodology of the NHS Health Check are clearly defined at a national level.
- This Agreement will enable the Provider to offer an NHS Health Check to eligible patients in line with national guidance and the details set out in this agreement. KCHFT will use the Health Options patient reporting statistics and data for local and national reporting, as part of its requirements with Kent County Council (KCC).
Location of service
Kent LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
NHS Health Check
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date: