Services Database NHS Health Checks Community Pharmacy (Islington Area)
Service ID
Ten community pharmacies that meet the eligibility criteria have been commissioned to opportunistically identify patients aged 35 to 74 years, who are registered with an Islington GP (or who are resident in Islington and not registered with any GP) and are not currently being treated for CVD, diabetes, atrial fibrillation or peripheral artery disease. They will opportunistically assess individuals in order to establish their risk of developing cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years, through completion of a questionnaire, simple measurements and finger-prick blood testing.
Following the cardiovascular risk assessment, pharmacists will offer individuals a tailored package of advice, support and signposting to enable them to manage and reduce their risk.
Location of service
Camden & Islington LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
NHS Health Check
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Pharmacists will be required to attend a two day training programme in Health Checks in community pharmacy prior to service provision, and will also be expected to attend yearly training updates. These training programmes will be provided by the Commissioner and locum cover will be reimbursed for up to two pharmacists per pharmacy.
Training will include use of the Telehealth CardioPod system and use of Point of Care Testing equipment, in addition to other aspects of the health check. Competency in the use of the POCT and other equipment used in the NHS Health Check will be assessed, and a certificate of completion of training will be issued. Pharmacists will only receive access to the CardioPod system once they have attended training and registered for a username and password.
Pharmacists are should have passed the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate training (CPPE) Vascular Risk Focal Point training (or other equivalent) which supports this service.
Pharmacists will be expected to complete level II vulnerable adult safeguarding training when such training is introduced in Islington.