Services Database Pharmacy First Service (Leicester City Area)

Service ID



The purpose of the service  is to improve access and choice for people in NHS Leicester City with minor ailments by:

  • promoting self care through the pharmacy, including provision of advice and where appropriate medicines and/or appliances without the need to visit the GP practice;
  • operating a referral system from local medical practices or other primary care providers; and
  • supplying appropriate medicines at NHS expense.

It also aims to improve primary care capacity by reducing medical practice workload related to minor ailments.

Location of service

Leicestershire & Rutland LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type

Minor ailment service

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists (including locum pharmacists)
The latest Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) training packs for pharmacists should be completed within three months of registration with the scheme (the training package comprises of 2 courses numbers 37315 and 38013. Total no of hours =12, including assessment).

Attendance is also required (or the contractor’s representative) at CCG training events. 

Technicians (including ACTs) and counter assistants
Staff who provide the Minor Ailments Scheme must be trained to a minimum of level NVQ2 (dispensary technician) or an accredited counter assistant course. Pharmacy contractors must ensure appropriate CPD has been undertaken by their staff since qualification. They must also be trained by the lead provider pharmacist on the use of the Webstar database.


This service is available in the Leicester City area only.