PSNC publishes TAPR Progress Report

PSNC is continuing to make progress on addressing the Review Steering Group (RSG) proposals and has today published a series of resources to update contractors and LPCs on this work.

PSNC is taking forward the RSG proposals directed at the Committee through its Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) work programme.

Alongside an update on the TAPR workstreams, PSNC has also today published a briefing document setting out how it plans to use the additional levies that will start to be directed to it from April 2023 onwards. These monies will be used to strengthen PSNC’s negotiating capability and capacity, in line with the RSG Proposals.

Read the Levy Briefing

Read the TAPR Programme Update

As these documents show, work is progressing in a number of really important areas for contractors and the future of the sector including on:

  • Vision and Strategy: In September, PSNC appointed the Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund to lead on the vision and strategic options for the sector. Both organisations are committed to working closely with the community pharmacy sector throughout the project, and a Steering Group and Advisory Panel have been set up. An initial consultation is now open to the sector until Friday 9th December. There will be further chances to engage with the project in 2023, including a second consultation once the initial report has been published.
  • LPC Support: PSNC has also been progressing work to support LPCs to respond to the RSG proposals specific to them. This includes the publication of a revised model LPC constitution and ongoing practical support for delivering LPC changes.
  • Levies: Following the Committee’s acceptance of a levy uplift, each LPC has now been provided with a guidance figure, outlining the amount that they will be expected to pay in levy to PSNC over 2023/24 and 2024/25. The basis of the PSNC levy calculation has also been changed, following discussion at the LPC Conference, so that this will be based on total contractor NHS income rather than the total number of items dispensed.
  • Governance: Initial decisions on reducing the Committee’s size have been taken, and planning for a wider governance review in 2023 has begun.
  • Influencing: PSNC has appointed an experienced political agency in Luther Pendragon and is kickstarting Parliamentary campaigning with an event in Westminster this month.
  • Renaming and rebranding PSNC: IE Brand has been appointed, and a sector survey and LPC engagement are being planned. This work will also look at supporting LPC rebrands, if those are wanted in due course.

This work is all be led and funded by PSNC, which has accelerated £850,000 of investment from its own reserves to fast-track the TAPR programme, given that much of the additional funding from the redirection of levies will not come on stream for some time and given the importance of some of this work to the future of the sector.

In addition to these updates, PSNC has today published some resources to help contractors and LPCs to better understand the TAPR work programme, and also to show our progress against the RSG proposals. These can all be viewed below.

TAPR: An Infographic

TAPR Programme Timeline

TAPR: Progress against RSG Proposals

Contractors can find out more about the TAPR programme, including all the latest updates via our webpage:

PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison said:

“Alongside working tirelessly to represent community pharmacy contractors’ interests on the big issues, such as funding, capacity and price concessions, and continuing to make the case for the financial and regulatory support that pharmacies urgently need, PSNC is also keeping an eye to the future. The TAPR project, in line with the RSG Proposals, will improve our governance and, most importantly in the longer-term, strengthen our negotiating hand to help us work for better outcomes for contractors.

It was critical that we started this work now, ahead of the next CPCF negotiations, the results of which will be crucial for struggling contractors up and down the country. I hope contractors and LPCs can see from the resources published today that we are making significant progress and using all possible levers to improve the outlook for contractors.

It has also been great to hear from LPCs who are likewise working hard to implement the RSG proposals specific to them: PSNC remains on hand to provide support and guidance to them where possible.”