Where to obtain external resources

Published on: 9th August 2013 | Updated on: 8th July 2022

Below is a table outlining how to source commonly required resources for community pharmacy teams.




Various secure and non-secure NHS stationery for community pharmacies Examples include:

  • HC1 Application Form (for Low Income Scheme)
  • FP95 Application Form (for Prescription prepayment certificates)
  • FP57 Form (Receipt and Refund Forms)
  • FP10CDF Form (Controlled Drug Requisition form)
  • FP10DT (EPS) Tokens
  • Prescription pads for pharmacist prescribers
  • Lithium, methotrexate, steroid, anticoagulant treatment cards and Insulin Passport
  • Repeat Dispensing stationary

For a complete list please see our Dispensing Factsheet – NHS stationery for community pharmacy obtainable from the Primary Care Support England (PCSE) portal (June 2016).


Primary Care Support England (PCSE) portal.

Drug Tariff

NHS Prescription Services produces the Drug Tariff on a monthly basis on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care.

The Drug Tariff outlines:

  • what will be paid to pharmacy contractors for NHS services provided either for reimbursement or for remuneration
  • rules to follow when dispensing
  • value of the fees and allowances you will be paid
  • drug and appliance prices you will be paid

Pharmacy contractors can access the Drug Tariff online via the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website.

Pharmacy contractors that have a registered email address with the NHSBSA will receive a link to the PDF copy of the Drug Tariff each month.

For any issues in accessing the PDF version of the Drug Tariff from a registered email address, pharmacy teams can contact NHSBSA at the following email address: nhsbsa.drugtariff@nhs.net. This email address can also be used by pharmacy teams to request the addition of an email address to the circulation list.

Help with Health Costs Promotional Material A range of information materials for patients on ‘Help with health costs’

Primary Care Support England (PCSE) portal


The Pricing Authority’s  website.

Account Identifier Document for submission of paper prescriptions Copies of Account Identifier Document, which is used when submitting NHS prescription forms for pricing, are sent out monthly by the NHS Business Services Authority.

If the Account Identifier Document is lost or misplaced, contractors will still be able to download and print another copy from Manage Your Services MYS portal.

Note: you must not use a photocopy, or a copy from another dispensing contractor.

FP10CDF CD Requisition Form for the requisitioning of all Schedule 2 and 3 Controlled Drugs  In England, the new mandatory form has been developed to make sure all of the current legal requirements for ordering Schedule 2 and 3 CDs are met. Pharmacy contractors must ensure that requisitions for Schedule 2 and 3 CDs are obtained on the new mandatory form from 30 November 2015. NHS Prescription Services has indicated that requisitions not received on the new mandatory form cannot be processed. The new mandatory form can be obtained online from the NHS Prescription Services website. They can be downloaded, completed online, printed and signed in wet ink.
Smartcards Local NHS England Teams are responsible for establishing local Registration Authorities (RAs) to manage the issuing of smartcards to access the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS).

Pharmacy teams can access the list of RA contacts.

Where information listed in the RA contact list is missing or incorrect you may obtain RA contact information:

Patient Safety Incident Reporting

Contractors can report patient safety incidents to the National Reporting and Learning Service (NRLS)

Community Pharmacy England guidance on patient safety incident reporting and template forms to use in the pharmacy are available on our website.

NRLS patient safety incident report forms can be accessed on the NRLS website.
Equality Act Toolkit (Formerly DDA Toolkit) NHS Primary Care Commissioning published a toolkit to assist pharmacy contractors to comply with their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act.  Whilst the legislation has now been consolidated into the Equality Act 2010, the toolkit may still be used to help pharmacy teams identify the adjustments that may be needed. NHS Primary Care Commissioning website.
British National Formulary and British National Formulary for Children (BNF and BNFc)

From September 2013, community pharmacies only receive hard copy versions of the BNF once a year (in September). Pharmacies with one registered pharmacist will receive a single copy of BNF/BNFc, and pharmacies with two or more registered pharmacists will receive two copies of BNF/BNFc.


Those who have not received copies should contact Binleys by telephone on 01268 495 609/ 495600 or by email at BNF@Binleys.com, to ensure they are registered to receive copies in future.

Purchasing print copies and subscriptions– those wishing to have the March print edition, can order online on the Pharmaceutical Press website (pay by credit or debit card), or via their fulfilment company Macmillan Distribution by telephone on 01256 302692 or by email at direct@macmillan.co.uk.

BNF and BNFc eBook-The BNF and BNFc are also available as eBooks. For further information, please visit the  Pharmaceutical Press website.

BNF and BNFc online– the BNF and BNFc content can be accessed online. For further information, please visit the MedicinesComplete website.




Related Resources

Dispensing Factsheet: NHS stationery for community pharmacy (October 2018)


For more information on this topic please email comms.team@cpe.org.uk

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