Healthy Living Pharmacy: Holding an awareness event/campaign on oral health

Published on: 12th April 2017 | Updated on: 1st June 2022

This page contains links to resources and information which pharmacy teams may wish to consider using when planning a health promotion event/campaign focussing on oral health.

This page is ‘work in progress’ and will continue to be updated.

Click on a heading below for more information. 

Resources to assist with finding local data

The below tool can be used to gather information to establish the level of oral health in the local area:

  • Public Health England – Oral Health Profile: The indicators contained within this oral health profile will support professionals to focus on and prioritise oral health and oral health improvement initiatives, particularly among young children and vulnerable adults.

Community Pharmacy England resources
National awareness campaigns
Campaign Dates
National Smile Month 17 May – 17 June 2021
World Oral Health Day 20th March 2021

National charities & resources
Key facts & statistics

Training resources
Oral care advice

Source: Oral Health Foundation – Caring for my teeth

A simple routine can help prevent most dental problems:

  • brushing teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste;
  • cleaning between the teeth with ‘interdental’ brushes or floss at least once a day;
  • good eating habits – having sugary foods and drinks less often; and
  • regular dental check-ups.

Although most people brush regularly, many don’t clean between their teeth and some people don’t have regular dental check-ups. A few small changes in someone’s daily routine can make a big difference in the long term. A dental team can remove any build-up on teeth and treat any gum disease that has already appeared. But daily dental care is up to an individual, and the main tools are the toothbrush, toothpaste and interdental cleaning (cleaning between your teeth).

Campaign/event tips

  • Consider linking oral health campaign to Public Health England’s sugar awareness campaign, as the two topics are linked
  • Speak to local dental practices to enquire if they are also running a health promotion event, or if there are any props/materials you can borrow to display in the pharmacy

Further resources

Click here to return to the Health Promotion Ideas hub page

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