April & May 2020 Meetings
Published on: 23rd June 2020 | Updated on: 30th May 2023
Click on the links below to download the agendas and minutes from the Community Pharmacy England subcommittee and main committee meetings held in April and May 2020. Minutes from the meetings will be published after they are approved at the following meeting.
A summary of the May 2020 Community Pharmacy England meeting
Community Pharmacy England Agenda (May 2020)
Community Pharmacy England Minutes (May 2020)
LPC and Contractor Support Subcommittee Agenda (May 2020)
LPC and Contractor Support Subcommittee Minutes (May 2020)
Legislation and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee Agenda (May 2020)
Legislation and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee Minutes (May 2020)
Funding and Contract Subcommittee Agenda (May 2020)
Funding and Contract Subcommittee Minutes (May 2020)
Communications and Public Affairs Subcommittee Agenda (May 2020)
Communications and Public Affairs Subcommittee Minutes (May 2020)
For more information on this topic please email comms.team@cpe.org.uk