Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG) workstream updates (archive)

Published on: 4th October 2021 | Updated on: 3rd December 2024

Read more about CP ITG and its work at: the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG) webpage.

This ‘CP ITG workstream update (archive)‘ webpage sets out information following past CP ITG meetings based on past pharmacy IT bulletin.

The bulletins (including the most recent one) can also be downloaded in pdf format at the CP ITG webpage.

Workstreams (overview)

CP ITG workstreams are set out within these infographics.

Autumn 2024 updates
Summer 2024 updates

Community pharmacy IT developments

Overview of current pharmacy IT priorities

NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care and the CP ITG have previously highlighted the IT priorities for pharmacy, which include the PRSB Community Pharmacy Data Standard / Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) IT; electronic health records; service data APIs; Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS); and EPS next generation. The CP ITG has been actively supporting these projects, and Community Pharmacy England is also working with the NHS on the following steps to progress in these areas. These priorities are in line with the CP ITG’s vision of pharmacy IT and align with the IT aspects outlined in the Nuffield Trust’s Vision for Community Pharmacy. The Primary Care Recovery Plan has also incorporated digital elements that align with these priorities, such as GP Connect and Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) for Pharmacy First IT.

GP Connect is a system that enables GPs and other authorised healthcare organisations to link with GP system information, allowing those authorised to use additional access/update record functionalities. The minutes and slides from the group’s previous meetings explained more about GP Connect.

EPS and the detained estate

NHS England’s Health and Justice Information Service (HJIS) have been working with NHSE’s TD EPS team and others to explore allowing prison prescribers to use EPS. There is currently a relatively small volume of such prescriptions dispensed across England within community pharmacies (NHS England estimates this to be 300 prescriptions per year).  A small project team are exploring how to make the use of EPS successful for all involved – including for this vulnerable patient group. This would involve a first-of-type rollout to around one to three prescribers – from early July 2024 at the earliest, subject to planning and discovery work.

Patients leaving prison may not have immediate access to mobile phones, and their registered GP information may be outdated. NHS England’s Health and Justice Information Service (HJIS) are discussing with prison prescribers that there are scenarios in which they may wish to issue the EPS prescriptions remotely.

NHS England’s HJIS and the project team will continue to work with stakeholders to plan the successful use of EPS in this care setting.

Vaccination IT

CP ITG pharmacy representatives have expressed support for the following vaccination IT elements:

Appointment Accessibility:

  • Patients can view and modify appointments using both the NHS App and/or pharmacy apps.
  • The development of a BaRS standard for pharmacy and NHS appointments and the integration of Pharmacy & NHS systems into BaRS so that referrals and appointments are seamlessly managed.
  • NHS National Booking Service appointments are also part of this integrated system.
  • Parity across NHS systems so that NHS systems which facilitate GP appointments also facilitate pharmacy appointments.
  • IT to support the recall system.

System Integration:

  • The BaRS system is expanded to incorporate appointments, IT standards, and its acts.
  • Pharmacy systems and NHS systems are integrated, streamlining appointment availability management and communication. Pharmacy teams report needing to be able to load clinic availability across different pharmacy and NHS systems (e.g. National Booking Service (NBS) or any other appointment system used by the patient or the pharmacy).
  • Post event notification: automated notification to the patient’s record held by the GP. To ensure improved data for general practice and the NHS.

Supplier Diversity:

  • Multiple system suppliers contribute to the development of vaccination service modules. Making use of the Digital Care Services Catalogue to encourage choice
  • This diversity ensures flexibility, innovation, and continuous improvement in vaccination services.

Patient experience:

  • Standardised patient messages.

Pharmacy teams can send additional comments to with any feedback.


The NHS England pharmacy team, along with NHS England’s Transformation Directorate (NHSE’s TD), will be considering further NHS pharmacy IT priorities. They plan to engage with the group in a future session.

In an initial meeting between NHSE’s TD, Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG Chair, we provided feedback on pharmacy priorities identified by the CP ITG so far. This includes support for the following developments (in alphabetical order), and we have advised that the CP ITG is open to providing further input:

  • Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS);
  • Electronic health records and GP Connect;
  • Expanded Community Pharmacy Data standard;
  • Independent Prescribing IT;
  • NHS App, apps and the next generate  EPS; and
  • Additional items outlined within the CP ITG’s vision of pharmacy IT.

The theme across pharmacy requests for IT change (in line with NHS Long Term Plan) relates to a desire for the ‘seamless flow of clinical information (interoperability)’. A more seamless flow of clinical information would also help to realise Nuffield Trust’s vision for the sector with it being able to support continuous improvement:

  • preventing ill health and supporting wellbeing;
  • pricing clinical care for patients;
  • helping patients to live well with medicines; and
  • provision of integrated primary care for neighbourhoods.

Pharmacy teams can send additional comments to with any feedback.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Background: Alan Turing was the first to conduct substantial research into machine intelligence in the 1950s. Since then, AI has continued to evolve exponentially. Notably, AI language models like GPT-4 are revolutionising how citizens and workers can carry out some tasks, and large and small companies are seeking to utilise AI technology. AI developments within healthcare continue at pace – some outlined in Appendix CPITG 05/03/24 AI sections, the Winter 2023 CP ITG bulletin AI sections and Appendix CPITG 05/06/24 (pages 11-12 of this agenda paper).

AI considerations:

  • Clinical systems optimisation: Pharmacy teams are already utilising clinical systems equipped with pre-set algorithms. These assist pharmacists in optimising patient care.
  • Data utilisation: Pharmacists and NHS organisations are exploring ways to better utilise datasets for improved outcomes. AI could play a crucial role in analysing extensive data.
  • Supporting pharmacy practice: AI and machine learning have the potential to revolutionise pharmacy practice. By supporting the elusive quadruple aim of healthcare—improving outcomes, reducing costs, enhancing patient experience, and benefiting clinicians.
  • As AI adoption grows, ensuring data security and patient privacy remains critical.

Pharmacy teams can send additional comments to with any feedback.

Systems & services IT

Pharmacy First IT

NHS England and its Transformation Directorate are continuing to work with four IT system suppliers to assure Pharmacy First functionalities:

Previously, the system suppliers updated their NHS-assured IT support for the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) to incorporate the additional elements of the Pharmacy First service. Furthermore, development of an additional IT functionality is underway to further enhance support the service. As a result, pharmacy owners have of the option to either:

  • Continue using their current IT system supplier for Pharmacy First IT support, or
  • Transition to another NHS-assured Pharmacy First IT system supplier.

All four CPCS IT system providers have confirmed to Community Pharmacy England that the pharmacy’s contracts for using a CPCS IT system have been carried over to the supplier’s new Pharmacy First IT system at the start of the service, unless the pharmacy owner chooses to switch to another supplier for Pharmacy First. Pharmacy owners who have not yet entered into a contract with their current or intended system should do so promptly.

NHS England and suppliers continue to work on the other IT elements coming in post-launch:

  • GP Connect Update Record (see also the records section of this report);
  • GP Connect Access Record; and
  • Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS).

NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) pharmacy IT

  • NHS England and Community Pharmacy England have expressed the need for suppliers to receive comprehensive information about the service, including the IT implications and dataset requirements. The minutes and slides from the group’s previous meeting provide further details on the progress of MYS APIs. The MYS API priorities were previously listed as Pharmacy Contraception Service, Discharge Medicine Service (DMS), Blood Pressure Checking Service, New Medicines Service (NMS) and Smoking Cessation Service. CP ITG pharmacy representatives previously reported that data entry for services like DMS is consuming excessive time for many pharmacy teams. In response, last year, NHSBSA issued an expression of interest for the DMS API to gauge the market’s interest in providing this integration service. Both NHS England and NHSBSA remain committed to prioritising the progress of the API programme.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): current use

AI: future use

AI: governance and principles

AI: overcoming bias

Data flow, standards & IT communications

New dm+d consultation

As part of the UK Medicines Terminology Futures work, NHSE’s TD seeks feedback from those who use or manage dm+d data to understand the impacts of uplifting the dm+d standard ‘SCCI0052’.

The scope for uplifting the Standard relates to the following:

  • dm+d historical codes (already live);
  • ingredients for VTMs (expected in dm+d: Quarter 3 2024);
  • Trade Family and Trade Family Group (expected in dm+d: Quarter 4 2024); and
  • removal of the ‘interesting’ excipient field  (this data has not been in dm+d extract since October 2022).

These changes will be incorporated into the core dm+d data model rather than as elements within Supplementary Files. To assess the impact on users and the resulting changes to the core dm+d files and download, the team has created a short survey. A sample non-official test file reflecting the proposed changes has been provided. Pharmacy IT suppliers and others interested are encouraged to submit a response by 5pm on Friday 21st June 2024. Questions can be sent to the CP ITG secretariat or directly to

Information standards for health consultation (Community Pharmacy England and Community Pharmacy IT Group response)

Department of Health and Social Care ran a consultation to invite views on the proposals for information standards for health – how these are produced, communicated and implemented in the future. Department of Health and Social Care say that:

“Changes introduced by the Health and Care Act (HCA) 2022, once commenced, will make information standards binding, i.e. they must be complied with, and will extend their application to include private health and adult social care providers. These changes necessitate regulations to establish the procedure for preparing and publishing information standards.”

Community Pharmacy IT Group pharmacy representatives fed into the joint response, emphasizing the importance of  interoperability standards. They have also highlighted the need for ongoing engagement regarding IT policy and technical changes that could be progressed or implemented by the community pharmacy sector and its IT suppliers. As a result, it is recommended that information standards related to the pharmacy sector involve relevant engagements with Community Pharmacy IT Group, Community Pharmacy England and the NHS England pharmacy team.

Changes made by the Health and Care Act 2022, once commenced, could:

  • make information standards binding; and
  • extend information standards so that they may also apply to private health and adult social care providers.

Standards and interoperability

  • A Digital Health roundtable discussed how the NHS can get more from Application Programming Interface (APIs) and ensure they promote interoperability.
  • Community Pharmacy England reported on GP Connect: Update Record developments. This is a new feature that CPCF IT system suppliers are adding to their systems.
  • Pharmacy team members using GP Connect Update Record / Access Record / Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) that wish to share feedback (or speak with NHSE’s TD user research team members) please email NHS researchers will also conduct some visits to those pharmacy teams using GP Connect Update Record in the London and Manchester area during spring/summer 2024.

Digital patient services & prescriptions

Other NHS account and NHS App updates

Original Pack Dispensing IT

Appendix CPITG 02/06/24 includes updates on OPD IT. A CP ITG subgroup meeting was held on November 15th, 2023, about this topic (the minutes were distributed to attendees). CP ITG pharmacy and supplier representatives proposed items for OPD IT.

Patient digital tools and apps: case studies

Electronic health records

Records: National

Records: local


Government’s new five-year UK Pathogen Genomics Strategy

The government’s UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) published a  five-year UK Pathogen Genomics Strategy.

Genomics will help to detect new threats to:

  • identify outbreaks and find their source
  • track transmission of disease between people
  • understand whether human immune responses will be protective
  • choose the most effective vaccines for the population
  • detect antimicrobial resistance and determine the optimal treatments for individuals

The strategy aims are:

  • using pathogen genomic data to optimise clinical/public health decision-making from local to global settings;
  • using pathogen genomic data to drive improvements in diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics;
  • providing a nationally coordinated, scaled-up pathogen genomics service;
  • supporting a pathogen genomics workforce transformation within and beyond UKHSA;
  • committing to pathogen genomic data sharing and global collaboration;
  • driving innovation in pathogen genomics; and
  • building high-impact pathogen genomic services that are good value for money.

Connectivity & data security

NHSmail multi-factor authentication (MFA)

  • The NHSmail team previously announced that multi-factor authentication will become mandatory across the platform for all NHSmail users from 2024.
  • The NHSmail team previously presented to the group about MFA and NHSmail. MFA is already a requirement for Welsh NHSmail. The group has advised the NHSmail team that clear communication and thorough testing should occur before a full roll-out of MFA across pharmacy NHSmail users. Community Pharmacy England and the NHSmail team have worked on guidance to support the testing of MFA. MFA will be an essential development for NHSmail as it enhances data security, protects reputation of the NHS, its users,  organisations, and provides increased defence against cyber-attacks. The NHSmail plan is to make MFA mandatory for all NHSmail users, with the expectation that most organisations will have fully implemented MFA by 2024. The mandatory rollout of MFA for the PODS NHSmail users (pharmacy, optometry, dentistry and social care, DACS, Independent Midwives, GP Locums) is scheduled for 2024. Community Pharmacy England, working with the NHSmail team, has a prepared one-page factsheet for pharmacy NHSmail users to guide them in testing MFA (or adding/removing MFA). Pharmacy representatives are also encouraged to urgently put themselves forward to test out MFA by using the guidance factsheet to switch MFA on (it can be toggled off again during the non-mandatory phase). It is important for pharmacy team members using NHSmail to try MFA now. so that any issues can be identified and addressed before the mandatory rollout. Pharmacy representatives are also encouraged to provide feedback on their experiences and comments regarding the new MFA guidance by submitting comments to the IT feedback form, which will be relayed  to the NHSmail team.

Changes with the use of legacy Chrome Extension for NHS Credential Management

Previous CP ITG updates included some info about NHS Credential Management. NHSE’s TD has provided an update about the legacy Chrome Extension, which does not align with Care Identity Service (CIS) IT. If required, support/questions: The top of the NHS Spine portal page was updated with the text below.

“The Google Chrome extension may stop working from 1 June 2024. If you haven’t already, please install NHS Credential Management. For more info please read the depreciation note at NHSE’s TD website

Policy and general updates

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future 

IT policies: localities, organisations and suppliers

IT policy: commentary and requests for the future 

IT policy case studies: Secondary care

IT policy (local): Integrated Care Systems

Digital inclusion

Digital capabilities of the workforce


CP ITG governance

  • CP ITG’s Terms Of Reference (see here) require updating e.g. with a group member organisation’s name changing from AIMp to IPA. Please could CP ITG voting members and other participants contact before the middle of June 2024 with requests to make changes to the group’s Terms Of Reference.

Referrals & appointments

Optimal principles across all pharmacy IT

  • Pharmacy teams can provide updates about any efforts to move towards more paperless work by contacting

Spring 2024 updates

Establishing data flows & IT standards

Information standards for health 

Department of Health and Social Care is running a consultation to invite views on the proposals for information standards for health – how these are produced, communicated and implemented in the future. Department of Health and Social Care say that:

“Changes introduced by the Health and Care Act (HCA) 2022, once commenced, will make information standards binding, i.e. they must be complied with, and will extend their application to include private health and adult social care providers. These changes necessitate regulations to establish the procedure for preparing and publishing information standards.”

The consultation contains 14 questions and should take 10-15 minutes. All CP ITG participants, including pharmacy, policy, and supplier representatives, are encouraged to submit a response.

Previously, Community Pharmacy IT Group pharmacy representatives have supported the need for interoperability standards alongside ongoing engagement regarding IT policy and technical changes that could be progressed or implemented by the community pharmacy sector and its IT suppliers. Therefore, it is suggested that information standards related to the communication pharmacy sector involve relevant engagements with Community Pharmacy IT Group, Community Pharmacy England and the NHS England pharmacy team.

Changes made by the HCA 2022, once commenced, could:

  • make information standards binding; and
  • extend information standards so that they may also apply to private health and adult social care providers

The consultation includes background information and fourteen questions (mostly with multiple-choice options):

  1. Do you think that, before preparing an information standard, the Secretary of State or NHS England should be required to obtain advice? (For example, from an advisory board or other persons)
  2. Which areas should be represented on such a board or included as other persons seeking advice?
  3. Besides seeking advice, what should the Secretary of State or NHS England consider before preparing an information standard?
  4. [What] should be included in an information standard when published?
  5. What would be an appropriate minimum interval for reviewing an information standard?
  6. Should the regulations specify that minimum interval?
  7. Please list any other procedures you think should be followed in connection with preparing and publishing information standards.
  8. Which procedure should revisions to an information standard follow?
  9. Which steps should a ‘light touch’ procedure for revisions to an information standard include?
  10. Which procedure should enable revoking (withdrawing) an information standard to follow?
  11. Which steps should a ‘light touch’ procedure for revocations of an information standard include? (Select all that apply)
  12. What procedure should adopting information standards follow?
  13. Which steps should a ‘light touch’ procedure for adopted information standards include?
  14. Do you have any other feedback you’d like to share? (Maximum 150 words)

Next steps:

  • Group participants are encouraged to consider submitting a consultation response.
  • The secretariat could explore with voting pharmacy representative members whether a CP ITG pharmacy representatives’ response can be submitted.

Related information:

Standards and interoperability

NHS use of data

NHSmail multi-factor authentication (MFA)

  • The NHSmail team previously presented to the group about MFA and NHSmail. MFA is already a requirement for Welsh NHSmail. The group previously told the NHSmail team that clear communications and proper testing should occur before a full roll-out of MFA across pharmacy NHSmail users. Community Pharmacy England and the NHSmail team have worked on guidance to support the testing of MFA. MFA will be an essential development for NHSmail. It helps data be kept in a more protected environment. It helps protect the reputation of the NHS, as well as the individuals and organisations that use NHSmail. It also provides increased protection against cyber-attacks. The NHSmail plan is to make MFA mandatory for all NHSmail users. The NHSmail team expects most organisations to have fully implemented MFA by 2024. Mandatory rollout of MFA for the PODS NHSmail users (pharmacy, optometry, dentistry and social care, DACS, Independent Midwives, GP Locums) is scheduled for 2024. Community Pharmacy England, working with the NHSmail team, has a prepared one-page factsheet for those pharmacy NHSmail users testing MFA (or adding/removing MFA). Pharmacy representatives are also encouraged to urgently put themselves forward to test out MFA by using the guidance factsheet to switch MFA on. Pharmacy representatives are encouraged to submit comments to the IT feedback form about experiences and comments on the new guidance for MFA.

Developing robust services, IT & systems

Pharmacy First IT

NHS England and its Transformation Directorate are continuing to work with four IT system suppliers to assure Pharmacy First functionalities:

The system suppliers updated their NHS-assured IT support for the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) to incorporate the additional elements of the Pharmacy First service, and additional IT functionality is also being developed to support the service.

Pharmacy owners, therefore, have a choice of either:

  • Continuing to use their IT system supplier for Pharmacy First IT support or
  • Changing to another NHS-assured Pharmacy First IT system supplier.

The four CPCS IT system providers have all confirmed to Community Pharmacy England that the pharmacy’s contracts to use a CPCS IT system carried over to the supplier’s new Pharmacy First IT system at the commencement of the service unless the pharmacy owner opts to use another supplier for Pharmacy First.

Pharmacy owners that have yet to contract with the system supplier they use (or will use) should do so. NHS England and suppliers continue to work on the other IT elements coming in post-launch:

  • GP Connect Update Record;
  • GP Connect Access Record; and
  • Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS).

NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) pharmacy IT

  • NHS England and Community Pharmacy England want suppliers to be given information about the service, including the IT implications and dataset requirements. The minutes and slides from the group’s previous meeting outline additional developments concerning MYS APIs. The MYS API priorities were previously listed as Pharmacy Contraception Service, Discharge Medicine Service (DMS), Blood Pressure Checking Service, New Medicines Service (NMS) and Smoking Cessation Service. CP ITG pharmacy representatives previously reported that data entry for services such as DMS is taking many pharmacy teams’ excess time. Last year, NHSBSA released an expression of interest for the DMS API to explore the market’s interest in providing this integration service. NHS England and NHSBSA have been committed to prioritising the progress of the API programme.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) policy

AI care and case studies: Mental Health

AI care and case studies: Research

AI care and studies: Primary Care

Digital prescriptions & services

Other NHS account and NHS App updates

Patient digital tools and apps

Electronic health records usage

Records: National

Records: local

Records (local Trusts)


Straightforward security & connectivity

Contingency and connectivity

Policy and general updates

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future 

Policy (Federated Data Platform)

IT policy (trusts)

IT policy case studies: Secondary care

Digital inclusion

Digital capabilities of the workforce


Seamless referrals & appointments

Optimal principles across all pharmacy IT

AI: governance and principles

Winter 2023 updates

Establishing data flows & IT standards

Supporting NHSmail

NHSmail multi-factor authentication (MFA);

  • MFA is already a requirement for Welsh NHSmail. CP ITG previously fed back to the NHSmail team that clear communications and proper testing should occur prior to a full roll-out of MFA across pharmacy NHSmail users. Community Pharmacy England and the NHSmail team have worked on guidance to support the testing of MFA.
  • MFA will be an important development for NHSmail. It helps data to be kept within a more protected environment. It helps protect the reputation of the NHS, and the individuals and organisations that use NHSmail. It also provides increased protection against cyber-attacks. The NHSmail plan is to make MFA mandatory for all NHSmail users. The NHSmail team expect most organisations to have fully implemented MFA within 2024. Mandatory rollout of MFA for the PODS NHSmail users (pharmacy, optometry, dentistry and social care, DACS, Independent Midwives, GP Locums) is currently scheduled for within 2024.
  • Community Pharmacy England working with the NHSmail team has a prepared one-page factsheet for those pharmacy NHSmail users testing MFA (or adding/removing MFA).
  • Next steps:
  • Pharmacy representatives can feed back about the preferred MFA options.
  • Pharmacy representatives are also encouraged to urgently put themselves forward to test out MFA by using the guidance factsheet to switch MFA on. Pharmacy representatives are encouraged to submit comments to about piloting experiences and comments on the new guidance for MFA pharmacy testers.

Recommended minimum transfer dataset for pharmacies switching from one patient medication record (PMR) system to another

  • Community Pharmacy England previously supported developing a recommended minimum dataset for cases where a pharmacy member has switched from one PMR system to another. For the sake of continuity of patient care, it is critical for some patient information to be transferred from the old to the new system.
  • Community Pharmacy England has worked further with a CP ITG sub-group on the minimum agreed minimum dataset and associated transfer specification document during March-May 2023. The documents were iterated to 1.0 versions:

SNOMED International consultation (closing January 2024)

Briefing papers for the January 2024 consultation on the inactivation of Role Groupers in Substance and Medicinal Product Hierarchies can be found on NHS Delenpages.

Those wishing to feed in in regard to the five questions within the ‘Member/user requirements section’ (bottom of page three of ‘20231103 BN Role Grouper Consultation.pdf’ file found at Delen’ webpage) to by 25th January 2024.

Responses will be submitted to UK representative for SNOMED International so that feedback can be passed on.

Updates to VMP ‘<Drug Form>’ coded attribute in dm+d – Confirmation of Phase 1 changes

Following on from the sample batch of drug form changes for ‘Ointment’, which appeared in the dm+d data, the NHS dm+d team progressed further changes: Updating the NHS dm+d ‘<DRUG_FORM>’ coded attribute within the Virtual Medicinal Product concept class – NHS Digital

Community Pharmacy IT Group’s secretariat collated feedback from supplier and pharmacy representatives, and Community Pharmacy England’s Dispensing and Supply team and passed feedback across to the dm+d team.

Payment and data Manage Your Service (MYS) APIs for CPCF services

NHS England and Community Pharmacy England want suppliers to be given information about the service, including the IT implications and dataset requirements. The MYS API priorities were previously listed as: Pharmacy Contraception Service, Discharge Medicine Service (DMS), Blood Pressure Checking Service, New Medicines Service (NMS) and the Smoking Cessation Service. CP ITG pharmacy representatives previously reported that data entry for services such as DMS is taking a large amount of pharmacy teams. NHSBSA previously released an expression of interest for the DMS API to explore interest with the market providing this integration service. NHS England and NHSBSA had been committed to prioritising API programmes progress within this financial year’s delivery plans.

Community Pharmacy Data Standard (CPDS)

PRSB had engaged with Community Pharmacy England, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), CP ITG and others to reach version 3.0.

Developing robust services IT & systems

CP ITG inputs about pharmacy IT supplier development

Community Pharmacy IT Group were asked to feed into “Items for pharmacy IT supplier development” infographic. Further feedback is welcome from all pharmacy team members. Please contact with comments so that your comments can be incorporated into the next iteration of the infographic.

Pharmacy IT development: technical and commercial approaches via the NHS Digital Care Services Catalogue

NHS England previously fed back it continued to explore commercial requirements and opportunities that will support both the needs of the sector and system suppliers now and in the future to support and develop an open supplier market. Currently there is not a comprehensive framework for NHS England to incentivise community pharmacy IT system suppliers to make technical developments that would align with the objectives within the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). NHS England are seeking to put a process and framework in place to enable this across pharmacy and other sectors. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate plans to support community pharmacy suppliers moving onto the Digital Care Service Catalogue (which is also used by GP IT Futures framework). NHS England’s Transformation Directorate hosted a kick-off call with suppliers and some Community Pharmacy IT Group representatives on 26th April 2023. A meeting recording is available for relevant participant organisations. The project team said they would be seeking to start talking to suppliers further across early summer and from June 2023.

  • A Prior Information Notice was issued to the market (including CPCS suppliers) on 1st June 2023 including:
    • Digital Pathways Framework;
    • Legacy Foundation Solutions Framework (periodic refresh of GP IT Futures Framework);
    • Primary Care Support Services (period refresh of GPIT Futures with greater scope definition);
    • Detained Estate (covers the estate in England and Wales, single clinical system);
    • Research Development & Engagement (opt in Framework facilitating direct agreements between NHS England and parties); and
    • Engagement with Community Pharmacy regarding CPCF Digital Service Standards & Roadmap.
  • Supplier Expression of Interest (EOI) Forms were available with deadline midday 16th June. Further NHS England discussions with the community pharmacy supplier community are anticipated. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate are preparing further support for suppliers.

Services IT (vaccination / MYS)

Digital prescriptions & services

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

  • The NHSBSA continues to lead the RTEC project. The NHSBSA, DWP and the RTEC steering group plan has supported the expansion of the DWP RTEC functionality to additional pharmacy members. The group and pharmacy team members may suggest items for the RTEC development roadmap by emailing

Independent prescribing IT

  • The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) previously consulted and reported on changes to the requirements for entry to independent prescribing courses, and the Pharmaceutical Journal reported that independent prescribing piloting was to begin across England soon. NHS England previously reported into the CP ITG about the plans for the pathfinder programme.
  • CP ITG Chair, Matt Armstrong is taking part with NHS England’s independent prescribing pathfinders’ operational group on behalf of the CP ITG. This group will play a key role with supporting the programme and the evaluation that will inform longer term strategy for introducing independent prescribing into community pharmacy clinical services and providing input to the requirements for EPS system to support pathfinders.
  • NHS England pharmacy team are awaiting the outcome of Moderation and hoping to inform Integrated Care Boards of their successful Expressions of Interest soon.
  • Pharmacy teams are encouraged to complete the Independent Prescribing Programme & IT survey (5-7 mins).

NHS App objectives

The NHS App team say their overall objectives are the below.

  • Maximise value from the NHS App by increasing self service and self care to aim to reduce demand on the front line.
  • Continue developing appointments, record access and prescriptions capabilities to keep up with policy and emerging user needs.
  • Continue to develop the design and navigation of services to address user needs.
  • Continue to enhance the messaging capability to improve the experience for senders and recipients.
  • Ensure the NHS App team understand enough about all users’ behaviours and the full capability of the channel to help them to complete usable end to end journeys.
  • Extend the integrated services available in the NHS App to support localisation and better meet users’ healthcare needs.
  • Extend the underlying capabilities of the NHS App platform with a view to providing the platform capabilities for our future ambitions.

NHS App recent and future developments

The NHS App team are continuing to develop existing and future features. Selected developments are listed below. The full roadmap list is at:

Recently completed:

  • Integrated the National Booking Service so that people can book Covid vaccine booster using the app.
  • Self-asserted blood pressure test results discovery, to understand what is needed to build a service that works for patients and practices.

Working on:

  • Digital Prescription Token discovery and scoping an online prescription ordering service for users without a nominated pharmacy.
  • Improve the way that primary care data is sent to the app, to enable a richer, more user-centred experience. This work is often referred to as GP patient-facing APIs.
  • Improve test results to allow patients to easily access and understand test results.
  • Digitally requesting proxy access for adult to adults with capacity (private beta).
  • Allow people to easily find and register with a GP within the app.
  • Extend hospital appointment supplier integrations to give more patients access to improved secondary care appointment information.
  • Simplify NHS App integrations with national services and other senders.

Working on next:

  • Book and manage flu vaccinations via the app.
  • Medicines A-Z from NHS App to give people easier access to information about their medications.
  • Prescription order updates to users with repeat prescriptions.
  • Improve hospital appointment supplier integrations to give more patients access to improved more secondary care appointment features.
  • Enable people to update their postal address through the NHS App.
  • Notifications relating to GP registration.
  • Offering users communications about their covid vaccine appointment confirmations and reminders.

Other NHS account and NHS App updates

Patient tools

Digital inclusion

Digital capabilities of the health workforce

Electronic health records usage


Standards and interoperability

Straightforward security & connectivity

NHS Profile Manager

  • Previously, community pharmacy teams used two different NHS systems to ensure their pharmacy details were up to date in the Directory of Services (DoS) and on the NHS website: the NHS website profile editor and the DoS Profile Updater. NHS Profile Manager previously launched to replace both the DoS Updater and the NHS website editor. Newer features within NHS Profile Manager mean you can now:
  • update your facilities, e.g. confirmation of facilities such as car parking; and
  • confirm whether you provide the NHS blood pressure check service and Pharmacy Contraception Service – within the service module.
  • Community Pharmacy England published an NHS Profile Manager Spring 2023 reminder.

Next steps:

  • NHS England’s Transformation Directorate continues to work with the pharmacy multiples regarding the NHS website and DoS Application programming interface (API).
  • If pharmacy representatives wants to discuss the potential enhancements on the wishlist, please contact

Other data security updates


Policy and general updates

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future

IT policy general updates

IT policy (local): Integrated Care Systems

Records: national

Records: local

IT policy general updates

IT policy: A Vision for Community Pharmacy

Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund published ‘A Vision for Community Pharmacy’, setting out how community pharmacies’ role in healthcare could be expanded over the next decade, with the right investment and support.

The independent report, commissioned by Community Pharmacy England, follows almost a year’s worth of research and consultation by Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund with those involved with community pharmacy.

CP ITG participants including pharmacy, supplier and NHS participants fed into Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund work to pursue alignment between the Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund vision for the sector and the CP ITG’s vision of pharmacy IT.

The key digital elements Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund incorporated into the “Vision for community pharmacy” included:

  • Electronic health records: “Investment in IT to ensure that any provider offering advanced or enhanced services has access to the National Care Records Service and additionally to ICB-level shared care records, so that information from pharmacy systems can be shared to those records, and has access to the GP care record where that provides necessary access to information (NHS England, ICS leaders).”… “Many interviewees stated that they would need both read and write access into electronic patient records. This was highlighted as being essential to ensure the safety and quality of clinical care delivered to patients and the public, and to support continuity with care delivered by other professionals, particularly GPs. In particular, access to patients’ full and up-to-date medication records was viewed as essential if independent prescribers are to prescribe safely.”… “A minimum level of access to patient records should be agreed to enable provision of the (primarily acute minor ailment) services under the core national contract, requiring a level of interoperability with GP record systems.”
  • Referrals and appointments: “The agreement of clear, direct referral pathways where appropriate, together with simple systems for referring between elements of primary care to avoid patients feeling ‘bounced’ around different elements of the system.”… “Specific activities include: Supporting access [for patients] by maintaining the walk-in nature of community pharmacies, while also offering some longer consultations on an appointment basis. This could also include the use of digital technologies to enable patients to remotely access the services provided.
  • Continuation of relationship with patients incorporating digital elements: “More ways to interact with patients and the public.”
  • Data and wearables: “Making use of new technologies such as advanced diagnostics and wearables to support disease monitoring and prevention of ill health.”

These topics align with Community Pharmacy IT Group’s continued objectives and progress (as seen within the future vision of pharmacy IT infographic) and NHS England work discussed at past CP ITG meetings.

The full report (including the many non-digital aspects): Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund publish ‘A Vision for Community Pharmacy’ outlining what the sector could do for the next decade

Community Pharmacy England along with others will also be further highlighting the outcomes within the report and surrounding materials/events to all of those involved with the sector.

IT policy: organisational changes and updates

NHS use of projects and big data to support patient care and clinical research

IT policy case studies: social care

IT policy case studies: Secondary care

Artificial Intelligence (AI) policy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) policy 2

Science, Innovation and Technology Parliamentary Committee report on AI

UK Parliament published an interim report on the governance of artificial intelligence. This report identified 12 challenges:

  1. The Bias challenge. AI can introduce or perpetuate biases that society finds unacceptable.
  2. The Privacy challenge. AI can allow individuals to be identified and personal information about them to be used in ways beyond what the public wants.
  3. The Misrepresentation challenge. AI can allow the generation of material that deliberately misrepresents someone’s behaviour, opinions or character.
  4. The Access to Data challenge. The most powerful AI needs very large datasets, which are held by few organisations.
  5. The Access to Compute challenge. The development of powerful AI requires significant compute power, access to which is limited to a few organisations.
  6. The Black Box challenge. Some AI models and tools cannot explain why they produce a particular result, which is a challenge to transparency requirements.
  7. The Open-Source challenge. Requiring code to be openly available may promote transparency and innovation; allowing it to be proprietary may concentrate market power but allow more dependable regulation of harms.
  8. The Intellectual Property and Copyright Challenge. Some AI models and tools make use of other people’s content: policy must establish the rights of the originators of this content, and these rights must be enforced.
  9. The Liability challenge. If AI models and tools are used by third parties to do harm, policy must establish whether developers or providers of the technology bear any liability for harms done.
  10. The Employment challenge. AI will disrupt the jobs that people do and that are available to be done. Policy makers must anticipate and manage the disruption.
  11. The International Coordination challenge. AI is a global technology, and the development of governance frameworks to regulate its uses must be an international undertaking.
  12. The Existential challenge. Governance is needed to provide protections for national security.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) case studies

Virtual wards



Seamless referrals & appointments

Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) update

NHS England’s Transformation Directorate’s BaRS programme aims to enable booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers in a format useful to clinicians. The intention is that BaRS will eventually be available in all care settings. CP ITG feedback indicated that the BaRS programme should be expanded to incorporate NHS appointments standards.

The BaRS team have continued to offer regular workshops for suppliers, clinicians and others in addition to one-to-ones with suppliers. Contact with ‘BaRS workshops’ in the title if you’d like to receive the participation information. There are supplier specific workshops, and events for other audiences (such as a monthly show-and-tell meeting).

Referrals & appointments updates


Summer 2023 updates

Community pharmacy IT developments

PSNC becomes Community Pharmacy England

Community Pharmacy England is the new name for the representative body for all community pharmacies in England – from 30th May 2023. Community Pharmacy England will continue to work closely with everyone in the community pharmacy sector. Its goals are to develop the NHS community pharmacy service, to enable community pharmacies to offer a range of services that meet the needs of their local communities and provide value and good health outcomes for the NHS and the public.  Its committee is made up of representatives of pharmacy owners in England from all parts of the community pharmacy sector. The name change reflects the organisation’s current and future work. Changes have been applied to the website: (and webpage redirects are in place) and its Digital and Technology section.  The email contact points for CP ITG secretariat correspondence have been updated to and (email redirects are in place if the older email addresses are used).

Overview of pharmacy IT priorities overview and brief update on the IT elements proposed within the Primary Care Recovery Plan

NHS England, DHSC and the CP ITG have previously flagged the pharmacy IT priorities: PRSB Community Pharmacy Data Standard / Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) IT; records access; payment and data APIs; Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS); and EPS next generation. The CP ITG has continued to support these projects and Community Pharmacy England is also working with the NHS on the next steps to progress these areas. These priorities align with the CP ITG’s vision and the ‘key to the future of pharmacy IT’ infographic (which incorporates requested updates from CP ITG and pharmacy reps. The Primary Care Recovery Plan sets out digital enablers in line with these (see the IT policy: Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care section).

Establishing data flows & IT standards

Payment and data Manage Your Service (MYS) APIs for CPCF services

NHS England and Community Pharmacy England want suppliers to be given information about the service, including the IT implications and dataset requirements. The MYS API priorities were previously listed as: Pharmacy Contraception ServiceDischarge Medicine Service (DMS), Blood Pressure Checking ServiceNew Medicine Service (NMS) and the Smoking Cessation Service. CP ITG pharmacy representatives previously reported that data entry for services such as DMS is taking a large amount of pharmacy teams. During April 2023 NHSBSA released an expression of interest for the DMS API to explore interest with the market providing this integration service. NHS England and NHSBSA had been committed to prioritising API programmes progress within 2023/24 delivery plans.

Update on Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)’s Community Pharmacy Data Standard (CPDS)

PRSB’s Community Pharmacy Data Standard (CPDS) remains critical for enabling:

  • the community pharmacy sector being able to record and transfer data in a consistent and structured way;
  • suppliers to use a blueprint; and
  • other parts of healthcare and the NHS from receiving information in a structured format.

NHS England commissioned PRSB to uplift CPDS. The uplift was to reflect changes to the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework in England and for purposes of futureproofing.  PRSB arranged two webinars: a supplier meeting (2nd February 2023), and a general webinar (7th February 2023). CP ITG participants were encouraged to attend these. CP ITG have also been provided with email updates about the project during the months after those. The uplift plans were set out within this slide-set. An Information Standards Notices (ISN) application was approved by Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) subject to approval of the clinical safety case by the NHS England Transformation Directorate’s Clinical Safety Group (CSG) which is likely within June 2023. The ISN specifies implementation by suppliers during 2024 calendar year and compliance by end of March 2025. Implementation support for suppliers from PRSB is awaiting business case approval in NHS England. Queries relating the standard can be directed to or the PRSB Standard support query webform.

Supporting NHSmail

NHSmail multi-factor authentication (MFA)

  • MFA is already a requirement for Welsh NHSmail. CP ITG previously fed back to the NHSmail team that clear communications and proper testing should occur prior to a full roll-out of MFA across pharmacy NHSmail users. Community Pharmacy England and the NHSmail team have worked on guidance to support the testing of MFA.
  • MFA will be an important development for NHSmail. It helps data to be kept within a more protected environment. It helps protect the reputation of the NHS, and the individuals and organisations that use NHSmail. It also provides increased protection against cyber-attacks. The NHSmail plan is to make MFA mandatory for all NHSmail users. The NHSmail team expect most organisations to have fully implemented MFA within January to March 2024. Mandatory rollout of MFA for the PODS NHSmail users (pharmacy, optometry, dentistry and social care, DACS, Independent Midwives, GP Locums) is currently scheduled for January 2024.
  • Community Pharmacy England working with the NHSmail team has a prepared new one-page factsheet for those pharmacy NHSmail users testing MFA (or adding/removing MFA).
  • Next steps:
    • Pharmacy representatives can feed back about the preferred MFA options.
    • Pharmacy representatives are also encouraged to urgently put themselves forward to test out MFA by using the guidance factsheet to switch MFA on. Pharmacy representatives are encouraged to submit comments to about piloting experiences and comments on the new guidance for MFA pharmacy testers.

Recommended minimum transfer dataset for pharmacies switching from one patient medication record (PMR) system to another

  • Community Pharmacy England previously supported developing a recommended minimum dataset for cases where a pharmacy member has switched from one PMR system to another. For the sake of continuity of patient care, it is critical for some patient information to be transferred from the old to the new system.
  • Community Pharmacy England has worked further with a CP ITG sub-group on the minimum agreed minimum dataset and associated transfer specification document during March-May 2023. This has resulted in the documents being iterated to 0.99 versions:
  • Version 1.0 is expected to be promoted from late June 2023.


NHS England are conducting a dm+d survey about further changes to virtual medicinal product (VMP) drug forms. This survey was originally going to close in April 2023 but the close data has been extended. CP ITG suppliers in particular were (and are) encouraged to take part.

Developing robust services IT & systems

CP ITG inputs about pharmacy IT supplier development

Community Pharmacy IT Group were asked to feed into “Items for pharmacy IT supplier development” infographic. The feedback from pharmacy representatives and supplier representatives is set out on the next page. Further feedback is welcome from all pharmacy team members. Please contact with comments by the end of June 2023 so that your comments can be incorporated into the next iteration of the infographic.

Pharmacy IT development: technical and commercial approaches via the NHS Digital Care Services Catalogue

NHS England previously fed back it continued to explore commercial requirements and opportunities that will support both the needs of the sector and system suppliers now and in the future to support and develop an open supplier market. Currently there is not a comprehensive framework for NHS England to incentivise community pharmacy IT system suppliers to make technical developments that would align with the objectives within the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). NHS England are seeking to put a process and framework in place to enable this across pharmacy and other sectors. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate plans to support community pharmacy suppliers moving onto the Digital Care Service Catalogue (which is also used by GP IT Futures framework). NHS England’s Transformation Directorate hosted a kick-off call with suppliers and some Community Pharmacy IT Group representatives on 26th April 2023. A meeting recording is available for relevant participant organisations.

  • A Prior Information Notice was issued to the market (including CPCS suppliers) on 1st June 2023 including:
    • Digital Pathways Framework;
    • Legacy Foundation Solutions Framework (periodic refresh of GP IT Futures Framework);
    • Primary Care Support Services (period refresh of GPIT Futures with greater scope definition);
    • Detained Estate (covers the estate in England and Wales, single clinical system);
    • Research Development & Engagement (opt in Framework facilitating direct agreements between NHS England and parties); and
    • Engagement with Community Pharmacy regarding CPCF Digital Service Standards & Roadmap.
  • Supplier Expression of Interest (EOI) Forms were available with deadline midday 16th June. Further NHS England discussions with the community pharmacy supplier community are anticipated over June 2023 fortnight. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate are planning to publish supportive documentation for suppliers.

Pharmacy Contraception Service IT

NHS England announced that Pharmacy Contraception Service (PCS) commenced as an optional Advanced Service for community pharmacies from 24th April 2023. On 9th May 2023, the Government and NHS promised investment in community pharmacies over the next two years, part of which could support the expansion of the NHS Pharmacy Contraception – and NHS England and Community Pharmacy England are to consider the details of such an expansion.

It has been a soft launch with minimal communication to the sector and to respect the current sensitivities around workforce and financial pressures and the feedback from Community Pharmacy England on behalf of its pharmacy members.

Most engagement has been done through regional teams that are supporting pharmacy teams that opted to engage during this earlier stage of rollout. The key requirement of the specification is for the pharmacy members to use an approved IT solution (current options are the Cegedim and PharmOutcomes which are being provided free of charge until April 2024 while other IT supplier commercial models may vary). As of June 2023, 1,600 pharmacy members had registered to provide the service. The team mentioned that they have had positive feedbacks from Cegedim and PharmOutcomes, on the end-to-end API having been made available early, there were no reported IT issues and pharmacy feedback to NHS England is that they are finding the IT easy-to-use, particularly when they self-populate.

The post event message for GPs which can be automatically populated is saving time compared to what pharmacy teams had to do during the pilot.

Services IT

Urgent treatment centres and emergency departments can now refer patients to community pharmacists

NHS England update: “Urgent treatment centres and emergency departments can now start to refer patients for a consultation with a community pharmacist for a minor illness symptom or for an urgent supply of a regular medicine, using an IT solution which meets the minimum digital requirements of the service (as specified within the NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service Technical Toolkit). A toolkit of supporting information, including an updated CPCS specification, can assist regional and ICB teams with mobilisation plans. From 1st June 2023 in a change from the previous service specification, claims for payment should be submitted within one month of, and no later than three months from, the claim period for the chargeable activity provided.”

Digital prescriptions & services

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

  • The NHSBSA continues to lead the RTEC project. The NHSBSA, DWP and the RTEC steering group plan has supported the expansion of the DWP RTEC functionality to additional pharmacy members. The group may suggest items for the RTEC development roadmap by emailing

Independent prescribing IT

Digital first

The government has previously set targets for increasing the digital options for patients using the NHS e.g. ability to book appointments online and to order repeat prescriptions online. NHS App is one app which provides such functionality but other apps and websites aligning to relevant NHS IT standards are also increasing digital patient interactions. NHS App updates are outlined within the NHS App section below. Further workshops are to be planned regarding apps and NHS App developments. CP ITG will be invited to those. If you are use an app or provide an app to pharmacies, and would wish to take part please contact within June 2023 with ‘Apps event’ within the email subject title.

Patient experiences of systems and equality considerations

Case study in West Yorkshire: West Yorkshire is a multi-cultural region of England, where a diverse number of languages are spoken by people as a first language. A percentage of this demographic have a limited proficiency in English, a language that all prescriptions and pharmacy labels are printed in. NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care System (WY ICS) & North of England Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) are supporting a pilot in which community pharmacy teams and hospital pharmacy teams can use IT to provide translated medicine dose instructions. At this time only one supplier met the criteria for initial participation within the pilot: Written Medicine. The Pharmacy Terms of Service do not set out requirements for translation activity however pharmacy teams that participate within the pilot receive the software and receive funding towards their work and costs involved. Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire are feeding into the pilot. The pilot findings are to be evaluated by a local university. Lots of patients are not taking their medicines correctly and a portion of this is likely to be due to language challenges. Pictograms/illustrations and audio files are also being added, broadening the application to meet all accessible information and reasonable adjustment needs (although this is not yet part of the pilot). The pilot areas are West Yorkshire and Harrogate – an area in which the solution will be helpful for a larger segment of patients. The pilot prioritises hospitals and community pharmacies and it will be launched from July 2023, and further volunteers will be sought. The pilot team is consulting a stakeholder group which includes Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire. The pilot may run for six months from September, depending on the uptake and other factors.

NHS App objectives

The NHS App team say their overall objectives 2023/24 are the below.

  • Maximise value from the NHS App by increasing self service and self care to aim to reduce demand on the front line.
  • Continue developing appointments, record access and prescriptions capabilities to keep up with policy and emerging user needs.
  • Continue to develop the design and navigation of services to address user needs.
  • Continue to enhance the messaging capability to improve the experience for senders and recipients.
  • Ensure the NHS App team understand enough about all users’ behaviours and the full capability of the channel to help them to complete usable end to end journeys.
  • Extend the integrated services available in the NHS App to support localisation and better meet users’ healthcare needs.
  • Extend the underlying capabilities of the NHS App platform with a view to providing the platform capabilities for our future ambitions.

NHS App recent and future developments

The NHS App team are continuing to develop existing and future features. Selected developments are listed below. The full roadmap list is at:

Recently completed:

  • Integrated the National Booking Service so that people can book their Spring Covid vaccine booster using the app.
  • Self-asserted blood pressure test results discovery, to understand what is needed to build a service that works for patients and practices.

Working on now:

  • Digital Prescription Token discovery and scoping an online prescription ordering service for users without a nominated pharmacy.
  • Improve the way that primary care data is sent to the app, to enable a richer, more user-centred experience. This work is often referred to as GP patient-facing APIs.
  • Improve test results to allow patients to easily access and understand test results.
  • Digitally requesting proxy access for adult to adults with capacity (private beta).
  • Allow people to easily find and register with a GP within the app.
  • Extend hospital appointment supplier integrations to give more patients access to improved secondary care appointment information.
  • Simplify NHS App integrations with national services and other senders.

Working on next:

  • Book and manage flu vaccinations via the app.
  • Medicines A-Z from NHS App to give people easier access to information about their medications.
  • Prescription order updates to users with repeat prescriptions.
  • Improve hospital appointment supplier integrations to give more patients access to improved more secondary care appointment features.
  • Enable people to update their postal address through the NHS App.
  • Notifications relating to GP registration.
  • Offering users communications about their covid vaccine appointment confirmations and reminders.

Other NHS account and NHS App updates

Patient tools

Digital inclusion

Electronic health records usage

Direct Care APIs and GP Connect Update/Access Record

GP Connect enables GPs and other authorised health care organisations to link in with GP system information, allowing those authorised to use additional access/update record functionalities. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate have updated the GP Connect further since the last workstream update.

The Direct Care APIs programme creates and manages multiple NHS IT products including the GP Connect products. The GP Connect products allow information to flow across health and care systems and geographical boundaries in a structured way in support of direct patient care. The vision of the Direct Care APIs programme is to provide a single mechanism to share information across health and care systems and across boundaries in support of direct patient care.

These are a mixture of GP Connect products:

  • Access Record HTML: A read only view of the patient’s record held by the GP practice, including free text and coded entries but excluding documents and attachments.
  • Access Record Structured: The patient’s full record held by the GP practice, in structured coded format which can be ingested and saved into the consumer record.
  • Send Document: Send a PDF document from one care setting back to the registered GP Practice.
  • Update Record: Send structured coded information back to the registered GP Practice to allow auto-ingestion of that information.
  • Appointment Management: Book, amend and cancel appointments in a primary care setting.
  • Patient Facing Services: supporting replacement of legacy technology to provide structured data into the PFS to drive ‘Mobile First’ citizen behaviour.

‘Access Record Structured’ and community pharmacy: In order to improve community pharmacy access to information, the development of Access Record will allow pharmacy staff to view patient information in their local systems. All GP system suppliers are either ready to proceed with first-of-type piloting or are currently in the ‘assurance stage’ (which is progressing well). NHS England would like to work with community pharmacy suppliers to ingest a tailored dataset from the GP to support the patient consultations of pharmacies.

‘Update Record’ and community pharmacy: To improve the flow of data from community pharmacy to GP Update Record will allow information relating to Medications dispensed, Observations taken and a summary of the encounter to be sent back to the registered GP and will be auto-ingested. The next time the patient record is viewed, the information from community pharmacy will be available as part of the ongoing patient GP record. Observations will also be made available via PFS solutions alongside observations taken at the GP Practice to support presentation of holistic patient observations. Technical specification is currently being reviewed by GP suppliers and will be shared with community pharmacy after this session.

Electronic health records usage within community pharmacy

  • Community Pharmacy England reported on the Summary Care Record application portal being replaced by National Care Records Service.
  • Shared Care Records (ShCR) are patients’ electronic health records. ShCRs include information from multiple care settings, e.g. GP practice and secondary care. Most English patients live within an area with a records project ongoing. Shared care records are emerging across the country and the IT has been maturing, with the aim being that over time more health and care professionals can access these records. LPCs and/or local pharmacy members can continue to take steps to gain pharmacy access and should use the guidance set out in the ‘Engagement’ section of Community Pharmacy England’s community pharmacy and ShCRs webpage.
  • Community Pharmacy England has been encouraging pharmacy IT support to ensure that ShCR, NCRS and records links are authorised for use via communications with the CP ITG whitelisting mailing list.
  • Community Pharmacy England continues to work with NHS England’s Transformation Directorate and other relevant stakeholders on the actions set out within the Shared Care Record (ShCR/LHCR) NHS Transformation Directorate and pharmacy outputs and actions LPCs, ShCR project teams and other parties supporting ShCR pharmacy deployment are encouraged to contact with any technical ShCR information so that supplier and IT support helpdesks can authorize multiple ShCR domains simultaneously.

Records: national

Records: local


Other records updates

  • SCR AI changes continued beyond COVID-19 legislation which expired during 2022. Community Pharmacy England and the Community Pharmacy IT Group have campaigned for pharmacy teams’ access to SCR AI to be extended beyond the pandemic by sharing case study information. If you have any examples of how SCR with AI has enhanced patient care, in comparison to normal SCR access, please contact, as such examples could be used to support the case for permanent access to SCR with AI and other health records for pharmacy.

Standards and interoperability

  • At a previous meeting, the group agreed to support the capability for anonymised data to be accessible, so that pharmacy teams’ interventions can start to be auditable, and the value of community pharmacy can be better demonstrated. If PMR systems were to be adapted to allow such data sharing, it would require the development of a roadmap and a standard approach to data provision, which may benefit from use of SNOMED CT clinical terms. If you would like to help with this work, please contact

Straightforward security & connectivity

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

NHS IT services & older browsers

  • Previous bulletins have provided updates regarding NHS IT becoming non-compatible with older versions of Internet Explorer (e.g. 7, 8, 9 or 10). NHS England’s Transformation Directorate security team have said that using unsupported browsers and systems makes organisations vulnerable to cyber security threats and performance may also be impacted. The Transformation Directorate have been communicating that some NHS IT services will no longer be compatible with Internet Explorer version 7, 8, 9 or 10 from 22nd June 2023. This may include NHS Spine application, Patient Demographic Services (PDS), MeshUI, Electronic Prescription Service Prescription Tracker, Spine alerts and Summary Care Record application (SCRa). NHS Credential Management and NHS Identity Agent software is also recommended for Smartcard authentication. Pharmacy IT support and Patient Medical Record suppliers may have assisted with system setup to include such software on managed terminals. NHS statistics suggest almost all pharmacies have already migrated onto newer browsers, but if there are any remaining pharmacy organisation (large pharmacy organisations as well as smaller ones) who have not done so yet, then migration plans can be implemented.

NHS Profile Manager

  • Previously, community pharmacy teams used two different NHS systems to ensure their pharmacy details were up to date in the Directory of Services (DoS) and on the NHS website: the NHS website profile editor and the DoS Profile Updater. During late 2022, NHS Profile Manager launched to replace both the DoS Updater and the NHS website editor. Newer features within NHS Profile Manager mean you can now:
  • update your facilities, e.g. confirmation of facilities such as car parking; and
  • confirm whether you provide the NHS blood pressure check service and Pharmacy Contraception Service – within the service module.
  • Community Pharmacy England published an NHS Profile Manager Spring 2023 reminder.

Next steps:

  • NHS England’s Transformation Directorate continues to work with the pharmacy multiples regarding the NHS website and DoS Application programming interface (API).
  • If pharmacy representatives wants to discuss the potential enhancements on the wishlist, please contact

Other data security updates

Smartcard identity checking process to be digitized: Apply for Care ID

  • Pharmacy team members must authenticate their identities to be linked to their Smartcards. Prior to the pandemic, pharmacy team members had to attend face-to-face meetings with local Registration Authority (RA) staff. The NHS implemented emergency policies throughout the pandemic so that staff could authenticate themselves remotely, e.g., via video calls. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate hopes that a successful early rollout will lead to the wider rollout of ‘Apply for Care ID’. This programme will enable health care staff use an NHS authenticator app as an alternative to a face-to-face visit to the RA. The service has incorporated feedback from Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG into their plans. The ‘Apply for Care ID’ online materials have been further updated since the last pharmacy IT bulletin.


Policy and general updates

Pharmacy Show: Agenda re pharmacy IT

The Pharmacy Show has been the largest face-to-face gathering of pharmacy professionals during recent years. The next Pharmacy Show is scheduled for 15th-16th October 2023. It will include sessions regarding pharmacy IT.

IT policy: organisational changes and updates

IT policy: Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care

As part of the new funding and to ensure the highest standard of care for patients, we will invest to significantly improve the digital infrastructure between general practice and community pharmacy. NHS England will work with community pharmacy suppliers and general practice IT suppliers to develop and deliver interoperable digital solutions. These will streamline referrals, provide additional access to relevant clinical information from the GP record, and share structured updates quickly and efficiently following a pharmacy consultation back into the GP patient record. These IT improvements will improve existing and future services; for example, by allowing GP patient records to be updated following supply of oral contraception or a blood pressure consultation in community pharmacy.”

IT policy general updates

IT policy case studies: social care

IT policy case studies: GP and urgent treatment centres

IT policy case studies: Secondary care

NHS use of big data to support patient care and clinical research

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future

IT policy (local): Integrated Care Systems

Digital inclusion


Digital capabilities




Seamless referrals & appointments

Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) update

NHS England’s Transformation Directorate’s BaRS programme aims to enable booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers in a format useful to clinicians. The intention is that BaRS will eventually be available in all care settings. CP ITG feedback indicated that the BaRS programme should be expanded to incorporate NHS appointments standards.

Referrals & appointments updates

Optimal principles across all pharmacy IT

Spring 2023 updates

IT policy updates

Pharmacy IT priorities: overview

NHS England, DHSC and the CP ITG have previously flagged the pharmacy IT priorities: PRSB Community Pharmacy Data Standard / Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) IT; records access; payment and data APIs; Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS); and EPS next generation. These priorities  align with the CP ITG’s vision and the CP ITG’s paper about digital transformation within the NHS. The CP ITG has continued to support these projects and PSNC is also working with the NHS on the next steps to progress these areas. Updates are also expected in relation to:

  • Pharmacy IT supplier frameworks: NHS England previously fed back it continued to explore commercial requirements and opportunities that will support both the needs of the sector and system suppliers now and in the future to support and develop an open supplier market.
  • Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS): NHS England’s Transformation Directorate’s BaRS programme aims to enable booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers in a format useful to clinicians. The intention is that BaRS will eventually be available in all care settings. Pharmacy use cases for the standard are currently being considered – including the potential for referrals from NHS 111 to community pharmacy. The minutes and slides from the group’s previous meeting contain additional information about BaRS. CP ITG feedback indicated that the BaRS programme should be expanded to incorporate NHS appointments standards.
  • GP Connect: GP Connect enables GPs and other authorised health care organisations to link in with GP system information, allowing those authorised to use additional functionalities, including “Access Record”. The minutes and slides from the group’s previous meeting contain further information about developments with the GP Connect Access Record.

Independent prescribing

The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) previously consulted and reported on changes to the requirements for entry to independent prescribing courses, and the Pharmaceutical Journal reported that independent prescribing piloting was to begin across England from 2023. NHS England previously reported into the CP ITG about the plans for the pathfinder programme. A special CP ITG meeting was held on 1st December 2022. Each Integrated Care Board (ICB) was invited to complete an expression of interest form working with their Regional Pharmacy Integration Leads and local stakeholders.

Next steps:

Digital priorities

The group has previously discussed pharmacy IT priorities and objectives some of which continues to feed into the CP ITG’s digital vision work. The collated feedback has identified requests relating to the below:

  1. That referrals always be electronic and align to common NHS IT standards
  2. That patients can book an appointment with any pharmacy using online methods including through NHS App or pharmacy apps (which should align to BaRS).
  3. That community pharmacy data flows to and from pharmacy (including expanded Community Pharmacy Data standard).
  4. That patients be notified digitally about their NHS prescriptions and NHS pharmacy services with standardised messages: e.g. via email, SMS text message, app notification, or online account updates. For example, the EPS prescription statuses ‘ready to be collected’ and ‘delivered’.
  5. That the Electronic Prescription Service be enhanced in readiness for the next generation.
  6. That patients be able to look-up any service and quickly see which nearby pharmacies offer which services (the Australian pharmacy service finder provides an example model:
  7. Electronic health records usage: Pharmacy requires records and genomics information accessible within its clinical systems with some interim steps expected to be necessary along the way (NCRS and new information made available within this – ShCR portals and information retrieved via GP Connect Access Records etc.).
  8. That NHS pharmacy services and dispensing elements have IT frameworks and APIs to reduce double data entry. These should be prepared minimum six months prior to service launch.
  9. That paperless processes be used within community pharmacies.
  10. That outcomes data is captured and built into pharmacy and dispensing services.
  11. The Pharmacy IT Futures framework should be established to incentivize innovation and alignment of pharmacy systems to CPCF developments.
  12. Secure and simple authentication: for pharmacy teams and patients during the delivery of NHS pharmacy services.

Next steps:

  • Additional comments about the future development of the infographic can be sent to

Payment and data Manage Your Service (MYS) APIs for CPCF services

NHS England and PSNC want suppliers to be given information about the service, including the IT implications and dataset requirements. Progress in this area will reduce the administrative burden and data entry for pharmacy teams, meaning they will not need to copy and paste across different systems. NHS England are encouraging related developments to be accelerated. NHSBSA continue to develop further API specifications for suppliers to align to. The MYS APIs to be prioritised will be Pharmacy Contraception Service, Discharge Medicine Service, Blood Pressure Checking Service, New Medicines Service and the Smoking Cessation Service.

dm+d medicine code changes

Paul Wright and Kerry Frenz (NHS England’s Transformation Directorate) previously engaged with CP ITG suppliers and other stakeholders regarding dm+d code changes. These included the need to shift to use of UK extension identifiers for all virtual medicinal product (VMP) concepts required to enable adaptation dm+d because of global changes to SNOMED CT terminology. Two CP ITG supplier meetings were held: an introductory webinar on 12th October 2022 (which was also made available for suppliers on-demand) and a check-in meeting on 15th February 2023. Paul Wright and Kerry Frenz likewise offered supplier one-to-ones to support the changes. The guidance for suppliers has been updated. Suppliers are encouraged to share comments and feedback by completing the new supplier dm+d code change snap survey and/or by emailing it to

National Care Records Service (NCRS)

The National Care Records Service (NCRS) is being introduced as a new interface available from within the Spine portal link directory to provide national patient information for health and care staff. NCRS will be a successor to the Summary Care Record application (SCRa) portal. NCRS enables view of SCR information as well as:

  • Personal Demographics Service;
  • National Record Locator to locally held care plans
  • Reasonable Adjustments Flag
  • Child Protection Information Sharing

Information within NCRS is consumable by IT system suppliers. Authorised health and care workers can access the NCRS using mobile or desktop devices connected to the internet using WiFi, mobile data or an existing Health and Social Care Network (HSCN). The NCRS offers multiple access options including biometric authentication or smartcards. The NCRS was piloted within different health and care settings including within Weldricks pharmacies. It is now being rolled out further following the success of the pilots. CP ITG feedback has requested for ShCR pointers, ShCR information, and GP Connect information to be added to the NCRS portal in due course (as an interim given that ShCR information is not yet embedded into clinical systems). Pharmacy teams have also called for the underlying IT standards to unite NCRS and ShCRs so that suppliers which integrate into NHS records systems may easily integrate into any others.

Next steps:

Appointments systems

The group previously considered the management of appointments using IT systems. Past feedback from the group is below:

  • Integration is required across appointment systems.
  • Avoidance of the management of multi appointment systems.
  • Patients should receive sight of appointments information.
  • The BaRS programme should incorporate appointment standards.
  • Appointment systems should seek to reduce the login burden.

The NHS website team have asked for feedback about pharmacy team use of appointment systems.

Next steps:

Interoperability and records

NHS Profile Manager

Next steps:

  • NHS England’s Transformation Directorate continues to work with the pharmacy multiples regarding the NHS website and DoS Application programming interface (API).
  • If the group wants to discuss the potential enhancements on the wishlist, please contact

Electronic health records usage within community pharmacy

  • Shared Care Records (ShCR) are patients’ electronic health records. ShCRs include information from multiple care settings, e.g. GP practice and secondary care. Most English patients live within an area with a records project ongoing. Shared care records are emerging across the country and the IT has been maturing, with the aim being that over time more health and care professionals can access these records. LPCs and/or local contractors can continue to take steps to gain pharmacy access and should use the guidance set out in the ‘Engagement’ section of PSNC’s community pharmacy and ShCRs webpage.
  • PSNC has been encouraging pharmacy IT support to ensure that ShCR, NCRS and records links are authorised for use via communications with the CP ITG whitelisting mailing list.
  • PSNC continues to work with NHS England’s Transformation Directorate and other relevant stakeholders on the actions set out within the Shared Care Record (ShCR/LHCR) NHS Transformation Directorate and pharmacy outputs and actions documents. LPCs, ShCR project teams and other parties supporting ShCR pharmacy deployment are encouraged to contact with any technical ShCR information so that supplier and IT support helpdesks can authorize multiple ShCR domains simultaneously.
  • A pharmacy ShCR progress table sets out some of the activity.
  • CP ITG participants took part in NHS England’s NCRS introductory webinar events held on 2nd February 2023 and 7th February 2023.

PSNC, CP ITG and NHS England’s Transformation Directorate jointly ran an event to progress the records agenda on 8th December 2022 (see papers and slides). Some of the feedback from this event is replicated below:

  • The goal is for structured clinical information to be directly accessible within clinical systems – following the development of structured coding which sits under NHS records systems.
  • The development of underlying IT standards is needed so that a supplier can use NHS APIs so that if the supplier ‘plugs into’ any NHS records system or ShCR system, they will be able to plug into any other easily.
  • Common standards are needed for IG and tech relating to ShCR other records.
  • More information within National Care Records Service (NCRS) portal would be helpful including ShCR pointers (e.g. links and ShCR one-click), and information accessible via GP Connect – Access Records, and National Record Locator (NRL).

Use of records within GP practice

Other records updates

Community Pharmacy Data Standard (CPDS)

  • PRSB reported previously that it was looking to update to CPDS. This was to reflect changes to the community pharmacy contractual framework in England and the services it covers, along with other changes to bring the standard up to date with, for example, improvements to the underlying sections used in other PRSB standards. The changes to the standard are not altering or bringing in significant new areas of clinical/professional content.
  • PRSB arranged two webinars: a supplier meeting (2nd February 2023), and a general webinar (7th February 2023). CP ITG participants were encouraged to attend these. The proposed uplifts are set out within this slide-set. Comments to PSNC can be sent to

Standards and interoperability

  • The King’s Fund held an event on, ‘Digital technologies and interoperability: enabling the future of integrated care’ and made videos from the event available on-demand.
  • At a previous meeting, the group agreed to support the capability for anonymised data to be accessible, so that pharmacy teams’ interventions can start to be auditable, and the value of community pharmacy can be better demonstrated. If PMR systems were to be adapted to allow such data sharing, it would require the development of a roadmap and a standard approach to data provision, which may benefit from use of SNOMED CT clinical terms. If you would like to help with this work, please contact

National Booking Service (NBS) ‘proof of concept’ testing of flu vaccination appointment booking

  • The NBS, is a digital tool which enables patients to use the internet to book their NHS COVID-19 vaccination appointment.
  • NHS England’ NBS team began a ‘proof of concept’ test to consider extending the use of NBS to allow patients to book their flu vaccination appointments through the NBS at pilot pharmacies.
  • The CP ITG held a meeting about NBS on 12th October 2022. CP ITG participants fed back that:
    • NBS should align to the NHS Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS) at the first possible opportunity, and pharmacy appointment systems should align to BaRS. Development work will be required to enable this to happen.
    • If all pharmacy and NHS appointment systems integrated into BaRS this would be expected to lessen the challenge with pharmacy teams needing to manage the burden of multi calendars. Dedicated vaccine appointment systems will help with staff rotas and planning; stock orders; management for just in time deliveries; and patient communications.
  • The NBS team said that NBS does not yet integrate into pharmacy appointment systems or BaRS. However, the NHS England NBS team has started discussions with the BaRS team, although integration work has not yet been commissioned.
  • The evaluation of the NBS flu ‘proof of concept’ will be conducted during 2022-2023.
  • PSNC shared feedback into the NBS evaluation process – which included the feedback from CP ITG participants.

Referrals IT

  • A special CP ITG event was held on 25th October 2022. A CP ITG sub-group discussed referrals with the BaRS team, who are generating research to improve the NHS e-Referral Service and the NHS future referrals team (see slides and minutes). The sub-group provided feedback about the current IT used for referrals and about what was needed in the future.


  • The NHSmail escalation process and the associated factsheet has been amended. Pharmacy NHSmail users with technical queries about NHSmail are now advised to contact instead of The NHSmail team have said this will not change the helpdesk experience. If pharmacy NHSmail users do accidently email the old address such emails will automatically be diverted to the helpdesk inbox.
  • The NHSmail team made changes to the system regarding keeping accounts active from 1st December 2022. Personal NHSmail accounts which are not used for 30 days will be marked inactive and inactive accounts which are not activated within the following 30 days will be deleted. If a personal NHSmail account is ‘deleted’; it can be restored within 30 days by raising an NHSmail ticket. If an account is not restored within that period, it will be permanently deleted, and it will not be able to be restored.
  • The Virtual Visits tool provides pharmacy contractors with an appointments system so that they can notify patients and better manage appointments. Pharmacy teams can also use the Virtual Visits tool to conduct face to face or virtual patient consultations (audio or video).
  • The Virtual Visits tool works in conjunction with NHSmail Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Booking platform. To participate in the pilot, you must have an active personal NHSmail account, access to a shared NHSmail inbox, MS Teams installed on a computer or tablet and a computer or device with a webcam. Contractors that have not done so should register interest with taking part in the Virtual Visits pilot via this webform.

IG, identity and security

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

Other data Security updates

Reducing burden

Paperless processing

Smartcard identity checking process to be digitized: Apply for Care ID

  • Pharmacy team members must authenticate their identities to be linked to their Smartcards. Prior to the pandemic, pharmacy team members had to attend face-to-face meetings with local Registration Authority (RA) staff. The NHS implemented emergency policies throughout the pandemic so that staff could authenticate themselves remotely, e.g., via video calls. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate hopes that a successful early rollout will lead to the wider rollout of ‘Apply for Care ID’. This programme will enable health care staff use an NHS authenticator app as an alternative to a face-to-face visit to the RA. The service has incorporated feedback from PSNC and CP ITG into their plans. The minutes and slides from the group’s previous meeting set out additional developments about Apply for Care ID. The ‘Apply for Care ID’ online materials have been further updated during late 2022.

Other updates about reducing burden

Development of pharmacy systems

Recommended minimum transfer dataset for pharmacies switching from one patient medication record (PMR) system to another

PSNC previously supported developing a recommended minimum dataset for cases where a pharmacy contractor has switched from one PMR system to another. For the sake of continuity of patient care, it is critical for some patient information to be transferred from the old to the new system. A dataset is being developed incorporating the comments from previous group meetings and suppliers. An associated specification document is also being developed. The working group is to meet again once the dataset is further developed.


Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

Apps, wearables and technologies (incl videocon)

NHS App future developments

The NHS App team are continuing to develop existing and future features including:

Booking or managing a vaccination – Eligible people can now book or manage their COVID-19 vaccine using the NHS App as the National Booking Service has been added to the NHS App. In the coming months, eligible people will be able to book a flu jab on the NHS App.

  • Personal Health Records integration with the NHS App.
  • Notifications and messages direct to the NHS App: Following a pilot in 2022, NHS App now allows patients to receive messages relating to their care through the NHS App. The NHS App only allows messages from verified health and care services, so patients who are using the service know they can trust the authenticity of every message they receive. Patients need to have enabled notifications for the NHS App to use this feature. The current messages relate to:
    • reminders for referral appointments;
    • reminders for online consultations; and
    • vaccination invitations.
  • Hospital appointments: patients are being given more control over their hospital appointments and how and when they access information and support – via NHS App. 23 trusts have gone live.
  • Register with a GP surgery: The NHS has introduced an online service to make it quicker and easier for people to register with a new GP surgery, offered free to all GP services. This new service is now being used at over 600 GP practices in England and is available for all GP practices to use.
  • Usability improvements: A new introductory ‘carousel’ has been launched and is visible to people using the app for the first time. It describes what the app can do for them.
  • Access to GP health records. Since late 2022, patients with online accounts such as through the NHS App will be able to read new entries in their health record. This applies to patients whose practices use the TPP and EMIS systems.
  • Test results: NHS App team are currently undertaking discovery work to understand more about the difficulties and pain points patients and clinicians face when it comes to accessing and understanding test results. It is hoped the findings will help NHS App team to prioritise the improvements which will have the most value for patients and clinicians.

Other NHS account and NHS App changes

Patient apps, tools and regulation

Usable IT beyond pharmacy PMR systems and EPS

IT policy: organisational changes and updates

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into ‘Digital Transformation in the NHS’

Despite some encouraging progress, the Expert Panel found that key Government commitments on workforce and the use of patient information were either not met or were not on track to be met. The Panel found that overall progress towards improving the digital capabilities of the NHS was too slow, and often lacked support and funding.

Professor Dame Jane Dacre, the Panel Chair, said:

“What is particularly disappointing is that the Government recognises that the digitisation of the NHS is essential to bring about real benefits to patients, for example by helping them to monitor and manage long-term health conditions independently. Yet time and again, promises have been made but not delivered, hampering wider progress. We heard about issues with interoperability between systems and providers, making it difficult for all parts of the system to communicate effectively, leading to delays and efficiency losses.”

Steve Brine MP, Chair of the Health and Social Committee, said:

“The Panel’s detailed work provides evidence of the Government’s overall ‘inadequate’ approach to its commitments to digitise the NHS and will feed into the Committee’s work, shaping the recommendations we make to Ministers.”

  • The full report from the Health and Social Care Committee also noted that:
    • The NHS App was is not well integrated with pharmacy which prevents use of the app to manage repeat prescriptions and this may be one of the reasons a very small percentage of repeat prescriptions orders are made using the NHS App.
    • The current funding is not sufficient given the scale of the commitment which includes staffing provision as well as technical aspects. Furthermore, funding needs to be ringfenced, sustained and more evenly spread.
    • Pharmacy fed back that a lack of common standards hindered interoperability and prevented wider pharmacy onboarding with ShCRs.
  • reported on the findings.

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future

IT policy (local)

Cultural change

Use of big data within the NHS

Digital inclusion


Digital capabilities and recruitment



Autumn 2022 updates

IT policy updates

IT policy: organisational changes

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future

  1. Deliver things that patients and staff need
  2. Set clear, realistic goals
  3. Test, measure and learn how it is working
  4. Think long term, deliver short term
  5. Invest in a dedicated, cross-functional inhouse digital team
  6. Get the best out of technology suppliers
  7. Build trust not barriers
  8. Not sticking to the wrong plan.

IT policy: Integrated Care Systems (ICS)

IT policy: health and care around the globe

IT policy (future)



IT policy (general)

Interoperability and records

NHS Profile Manager

  • Previously, community pharmacy contractors used two different NHS systems to ensure their pharmacy details were up to date in the Directory of Services (DoS) and on the NHS website: the NHS website profile editor and the DoS Profile Updater.
  • A new tool, NHS Profile Manager launched to replace both the DoS Updater and the NHS website editor during late June 2022.
  • A series of NHS Profile Manager video tutorials from NHS Digital can be used to support pharmacy teams with using the tool.
  • Community Pharmacy England has been a member of the NHS Profile Manager steering group since June 2021 and continues to participate in related sub-groups to help with the project rollout and any deployment hurdles.
  • Community Pharmacy England published a news item about use of NHS Profile Manager regarding the 19th September 2022 bank holiday.
  • Multiples head office staff that use NHS Profile Manager should create a personal NHSmail account if they have not already done so. Advice is available within the ‘NHSmail personal accounts: creation and linking’ section of Community Pharmacy England’s NHSmail
  • NHS Digital will be working with the pharmacy multiples regarding the NHS website and DoS Application programming interface (API).
  • If the pharmacy team members want to discuss the potential enhancements on the wishlist, please contact

Shared Care Records (ShCR): status

  • Shared Care Records (ShCR), formerly ‘Local health and shared care records’, are patients’ electronic health records. ShCRs include information from multiple care settings, e.g. GP practice and secondary care. Most English patients live within an area with a records project ongoing. Shared care records are emerging across the country and the IT has been maturing so that over time more health and care professionals can access these. LPCs and/or local contractors can continue to take steps to gain pharmacy access and should use the guidance set out at the ‘Engagement’ section of the community pharmacy and ShCRs webpage.
  • Community Pharmacy England published a new ShCR case study during July 2022: Somerset Shared Care Record case study (SIDeR). reported that Somerset Integrated Digital ShCR is now being used 13,000 times a month (by a mixture of healthcare settings).
  • Community Pharmacy England continues to work with the NHS Transformation Directorate and other relevant stakeholders on the actions set out within the Shared Care Record (ShCR/LHCR) NHS Transformation Directorate and pharmacy outputs and actions LPCs, ShCR project teams and other parties supporting ShCR pharmacy deployment are encouraged to contact with any technical ShCR information so that supplier and IT support helpdesks can authorize multiple ShCR domains simultaneously.


  • SCR AI changes continued beyond COVID-19 legislation which expired at the end of June 2022. Community Pharmacy England and the Community Pharmacy IT Group have campaigned for pharmacy teams’ access to SCR AI to be extended beyond the pandemic by sharing case study information. If you have any examples of how SCR with AI has enhanced patient care, in comparison to the normal SCR access, please contact, as such examples could be used to support the case for permanent access to SCR with AI and other health records for pharmacy.
  • Community Pharmacy England conducted some interviews with pharmacists that frequently used ShCR systems. Some of the comments about ShCR and GP Connect Access Record included the below:
    • If there is integration with both, this provides continuity if one system experiences an outage.
    • ShCRs and GP Connect each have some of their own benefits and challenges.
    • ShCR records can include structured information from across multi sectors e.g. helping with the delivery of Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) when discharge information can reach the pharmacy before the GP Practice.
    • GP Connect records are useful for a lot of dispensing work, but record data from other settings does not always impact the GP record swiftly and in a structured way.

Standards and interoperability

  • NHS Digital’s Programme Head for GP Data outlined the benefits and challenges of health data sharing.
  • At a previous CP ITG meeting, the group agreed to support the capability for anonymised data to be accessible, so that pharmacy teams’ interventions can start to be auditable, and the value of community pharmacy can be better demonstrated. If PMR systems were to be adapted to allow such data sharing, it would require the development of a roadmap and a standard approach to data provision, which may benefit from use of SNOMED CT clinical terms. If you would like to help with this work, please contact

Recommended minimum transfer dataset for pharmacies switching from one patient medication record (PMR) system to another

Community Pharmacy England previously supported developing a recommended minimum dataset for cases where a pharmacy contractor has switched from one PMR system to another. For the sake of continuity of patient care, it is critical for some patient information to be transferred from the old to the new system. A dataset is being developed incorporating the previous comments. An associated specification document is also being developed. A working group of supplier representatives chaired by Community Pharmacy England has conducted monthly meetings to discuss the detail of the proposed documents. This work is identifying areas where PMRs may wish to consider future proofing by exploring opportunities to align the way data is stored within the local PMR to various national standards. Community Pharmacy England is aligning this further with individual NHS data dictionary standards to support the next steps. The working group is to meet again once the dataset is further developed.


  • User research into NHSmail and authentication: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides additional security for digital access. Good data security practices require use of individual logins for different persons and consideration of MFA where needed. Microsoft enables MFA for Outlook as an option. NHS Digital are considering the impact of MFA on NHSmail users, e.g. a recognised phone confirms the access at a relevant interval (not necessarily for every login). The group was asked to share views about MFA and any associated pharmacy requirement if this was to be introduced. Pharmacy team members can send comments about the proposed introduction of multi-factor authentication to enable use of NHSmail to
  • The Virtual Visits tool provides pharmacy contractors with an appointments system so that they can notify patients and better manage appointments. Pharmacy teams can also use the Virtual Visits tool to conduct face to face or virtual patient consultations (audio or video).
  • The Virtual Visits tool works in conjunction with NHSmail Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Booking platform. To participate in the pilot, you must have an active personal NHSmail account, access to a shared NHSmail inbox, MS Teams installed on a computer or tablet and a computer or device with a webcam. Contractors that have not done so should register interest with taking part in the Virtual Visits pilot via this webform.
  • Since the recent launch of the NHS Profile Manager tool, which uses NHSmail accounts to allow pharmacy team members to login to it, both Community Pharmacy England and the NHSmail team have received an increasing number of questions from pharmacy contractors regarding NHSmail. A selection of NHSmail queries that have been submitted by contractors are available within a new Community Pharmacy England NHSmail FAQs briefing factsheet.

IG, identity and security

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

Community Pharmacy England updated its Data security and information governance hub and published new guidance for the 2021/22 Toolkit submission. Additionally, Community Pharmacy England and NHS Digital jointly presented a webinar on the topic, with around 500 people registered to attend the webinar on the night. The webinar was subsequently made available on demand. Community Pharmacy England and NHS Digital are working on the arrangements for the community pharmacy toolkit publication ahead of the next June 2023 deadline. If you would like to feed into the development of the 2022/23 toolkit, please email

Other data security updates

Reducing burden


Development of pharmacy systems

NHS Digital update on CPCS minor illness post event structured message

NHS Digital technical specification is being worked on:

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) progress

Community pharmacies now offer an expanded range of services to support patients and members of the public. The Professional Record Standards Body’s (PRSB’s) Community Pharmacy Data Standard defines the subset of information that should be sent to the GP record for specific services. NHS Digital has now updated its information about notifications from pharmacy to GP systems using the Community Pharmacy Data Standard.

Core Information Standard and records standards: PRSB is consulting on updates to Core Information Standard.

111 referral as part of Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS) for 111 to community pharmacy:

GP Online Consultation referral to community pharmacy: GP online consultation referrals to community pharmacy will launch from October 2022 within a London pilot guided by existing PRSB standards.

Work to revise and future-proof the Community Pharmacy Data Standard: PRSB anticipates further work for the Community Pharmacy Data Standard.

PRSB Standards Partnership Scheme: The PRSB Standards Partnership Scheme connects the PRSB with clinical system suppliers to accelerate development, adoption and implementation of PRSB standards. Many suppliers who have joined the scheme have undertaken conformance assessment to receive the PRSB Quality Mark, demonstrating that their systems are standards compliant to their users and commissioners. This process has its advantages for system suppliers and for PRSB standards, for example, it has helped PRSB to consider adaptation of standards to smoothen the implementation journey for suppliers. The scheme may work well for community pharmacy system suppliers, e.g. implementation of Community Pharmacy Data Standard.

PRSB professional network: PRSB have launched a new Professional Network for any individual working in the health or care sector with an interest in standards and the digital agenda. Pharmacy professionals may consider registering to participate within the PRSB professional network.

PRSB running a campaign to support use of the ‘About Me standard’: PRSB’s ‘#CareAboutMe’ campaign aims to raise widespread awareness of the About Me standard and the improvements this can make to the quality of care administered in health and care, as well as the positive impact this could have on people’s quality of life and health. About Me information is the most important details that a person wants to share with professionals in health and social care.

Diabetes information care record standard: The new standard on Diabetes information care is split into two parts: the first covering the information that people treating diabetes and people with diabetes would want to be able to see, enabling sharing of this information between all the different setting of those involved in the care. The second concerns self-management standards from people’s own personal devices.

Projects in development or being updated: Maternity, wound care, workforce, anaesthetic charts, end of life, diabetes standard and social prescribing.

CPCF IT Toolkits and Future Enterprise Architecture for pharmacy IT systems

NHS England has commissioned work to create technical toolkits to support the development of IT for CPCF clinical services. Four IT toolkits (Discharge Medicines Service, New Medicine Service, Blood Pressure Check Service, Smoking Cessation Service) are undergoing final internal sign off and publication approval. These will be hosted on the NHSBSA website. NHS Digital has recommended Future Enterprise Architecture for community pharmacy IT systems. Suppliers may review the information about Future Enterprise Architecture and associated prerequisites.

Pharmacy Contraception Service technical toolkit

The Pharmacy Contraception Service will be commissioned as an Advanced service from 11th January 2023 following the pilot. The drafted Pharmacy Contraception Service technical toolkit will be further published shortly.

GP Connect and other record systems

GP Connect enables GPs and other authorised health care organisations to link in with GP system information, enabling those authorised to use functionality including “Access Record”. The GP Connect Access Record programme allows authorised clinicians access to GP patient records in a HTML read-only format or an editable format. The GP Connect Access Record programme allows authorised clinicians access to GP patient records in a HTML read-only or an editable format.

Electronic health records event

The CP ITG, together with NHS England’s Transformation Directorate, are hosting a Connecting with & benefitting from patient records webinar on Thurs 8th December 2022, 9.30am-11am. This event for LPCs and those with an interest in the records agenda will be focused on the future of records and how contractors’ access to Shared Care Records (ShCRs), GP Connect Records and other records can be improved. All CP ITG attendees and LPC Chief Officers are encouraged to attend. LPC members and contractors with an interest in improving contractor access to records are encouraged to also register to attend this event.

NHS England and Community Pharmacy England have been keen for suppliers to be given information about the service, including the IT implications and dataset requirements. NHSBSA and NHS England have further developed the Hypertension case-finding (Blood Pressure Check) and Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) Manage Your Service (NHSBSA MYS) APIs. The NHSBSA has issued this to suppliers. Suppliers have been invited to share any feedback with NHSBSA by email ( NHSBSA continues to encourage suppliers to share feedback if they have not already done so. Only one supplier has shared substantive feedback with the NHSBSA so far. The API documents for these services will help the future development of other API documents.

Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) and appointments IT

NHS Digital’s BaRS programme aims to enable booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers in a format useful to clinicians. The intention is that BaRS will eventually be available in all care settings. Pharmacy use cases for the standard are currently being considered – including the potential for referrals from NHS 111 to community pharmacy. NHS England’s Transformation Directorate IT standards roadmap highlights BaRS as a priority.

The BaRS formal standard was published in June 2022, starting with a standard deployed for use between NHS 111 and emergency departments, 999 and Clinical Assessment Services, and at other key interfaces in the urgent and emergency care system (target date March 2025). The Pharmacy Integration team, along with others such as the Community Pharmacy IT Group, are supporting the development of pharmacy use cases.

The NHS Digital BaRS user research team are conducting interviews with health and care staff to inform the programme of work and support future business cases for expansion of the standard. Community Pharmacy England and NHS Digital are encouraging community pharmacy teams to share their views about bookings and referrals. The BaRS team would like to hear the view of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, dispensers and pharmacy counter assistants. To date, the feedback submitted has only been from pharmacists. The BaRS team are conducting interviews (usually lasting 30-45 minutes) to hear more about the current experiences and the future preferences concerning sending and receiving referral messages.

CP ITG feedback has indicated that the BaRS programme should be expanded to incorporate NHS appointments standards.

An event will occur: CP ITG call BaRS user research call: 27th October 11am-11.45am. Pharmacy team members may contact to receive an invitation.

Cancer referrals pilot

The NHS Long Term Plan committed to increasing the proportion of cancers caught early, when they are easier to treat, from half to three in four. NHS England previously created a plan for pilots. The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) tool is expected to be evaluated during the piloting.

Vaccinations, the NHS National Booking Service and appointments standards

Following patients booking COVID-19 vaccination appointments via the NHS National Booking Service (NBS), NHS England are running a ‘proof of concept’ to explore expanding NBS into community pharmacy trial sites to enable patients to book seasonal flu vaccination appointments. The group will set-up a CP ITG call about Vaccinations, the NHS National Booking Service and appointments standards: 12th October 10.30am-11.15am. Pharmacy team members who would like an invitation may contact


Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

  • The NHSBSA continues to lead the RTEC project. The NHSBSA, DWP and the RTEC steering group plan has supported the expansion of the DWP RTEC functionality to additional pharmacy contractors. Community Pharmacy England communicated during July 2022 that RTEC DWP roll-out had reached over 80% of pharmacies. Contractors using RTEC should now be able to use the RTEC DWP feature. Community Pharmacy England and other RTEC steering group members are exploring what should be added to the RTEC roadmap. Examples requested before included:
    • if patient updates address at GP, NHSBSA get this, to reduce RTEC unknowns confirmed instead of ‘RTEC yes’
    • patients have a ‘checker’ which uses same info as presented in RTEC, to reduce scenarios where patient believes must pay charge, but PMR says ‘RTEC yes’

    Note: Both these examples would require significant technical change to be addressed. Dan Ah-Thion will ask the group whether there are additional items which should be considered for the RTEC roadmap. Pharmacy team members may send further items for consideration for the RTEC development roadmap to

Smartcard admin portal

Currently pharmacy contractors use the Care Identity Service (CIS) portal to administer their NHS Smartcards. Example functionality includes the ability to register to be able to ‘self-unlock’ and the ability to request new Smartcards. The Care Identity Management (CIM) portal is being developed so that more Smartcard users can use the portal to administer their Smartcards. The current plan is to close the CIS portal, and to transition Smartcard users to the CIM portal. Pharmacy contractors and team members are encouraged to participate in user research by emailing using the subject title “CIM research”.

NHS Digital and Community Pharmacy England are seeking additional feedback from pharmacy teams about the existing portal:

  1. How do and your teams you usually go about unlocking Smartcards?
  2. What do you think could be improved?

Smartcard identity checking process to be digitised: Apply for Care ID

Pharmacy team members must authenticate their identities to be linked to their Smartcards. Prior to the pandemic, pharmacy team members had to attend face-to-face meetings with local Registration Authority (RA) staff. The NHS implemented emergency policies throughout the pandemic so that staff could authenticate themselves remotely, e.g., via video calls. These emergency policies will end shortly.

NHS Digital hopes that a successful pilot will lead to the rollout of ‘Apply for Care ID’. This programme will enable health care staff use an NHS authenticator app as an alternative to a face-to-face visit to the RA. The service has been in pilot since April and the project team has incorporated feedback from Community Pharmacy England in their plans. Further pilot work will involve participating organisations (including pharmacy contractors) inviting individuals to go through the steps. Extra pharmacy team and head office views are needed to support the discovery and business cases for a process which could involve pharmacy teams being given an offer to authenticate themselves via a phone app. The pilot learning should consider technical aspects (device standards, browser standards and public cloud access), procedural aspects (what documentation is required), and the people aspects. The previous quarterly bulletin set out additional developments about Apply for Care ID.

Pharmacy contractors and team members are encouraged to participate in the user research by emailing using the subject title “Apply for Care ID research”.

Smartcard self-unlock process and guidance

NHS Digital have been updating their Smartcard guidance ahead of sharing this refreshed guidance with the CP ITG: Pharmacy teams are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the guidance.

Drug Tariff IT and dm+d code changes

Community Pharmacy England and the Department of Health and Social Care will set up some workshops.

Apps, wearables and technologies (incl videocon)


  • NHS Digital blogged about how suppliers could start to more easily integrate with the NHS App.
  • The NHS App team are continuing to work on existing and future features including:
  • Booking or managing a vaccination – Currently patients can book or manage their vaccination appointments using the National Booking Service. As part of this service, they are required to answer questions about their health circumstances and are then offered a vaccination appointment based on the results.
  • Personal Health Records integration with the NHS App.
  • Notifications and messages direct to the NHS App: a pilot with 7 GP practices was concluded successfully with positive feedback from members of the public, GPs and communication service providers. Messages could include reminders for appointments or online consultations.
  • Access to GP health records. From late 2022, patients with online accounts such as through the NHS App will be able to read new entries in their health record. This applies to patients whose practices use the TPP and EMIS systems.

NHS account

  • The NHS website has adjusted its use of terminology used regarding accessing certain NHS services online. The NHS website now call this ‘logging into the NHS account’, whether by NHS App or the NHS website.
  • Community Pharmacy England updated its information about NHS account.
  • The NHS account team provided updates about the changes made to NHS account functionality. This includes the latest updates, bug fixes and new features. See: NHS account release notes.


Summer 2022 updates

NHS Profile Manager

  • Previously, community pharmacy contractors used two different NHS systems to ensure their
    pharmacy details were up to date in the Directory of Services (DoS) and on the NHS website: the
    NHS website profile editor and the DoS profile updater.
  • A new tool, NHS Profile Manager was launched to replace both the DoS Updater and the NHS
    website editor.
  • Community Pharmacy England has participated within the NHS Profile Manager steering group since June 2022 and related
    sub-groups to support the project, preparatory work and the current launch.
  • A CP ITG sub group attended two demo meetings, both of which have were recorded and posted
    online: CP ITG Profile Manager Demo and meeting video 1 (December 2021); and Demo and
    meeting video 2 (February 2022). The group also discussed the future enhancements with NHS
    Profile Manager team.

Next steps:

  • In February, Community Pharmacy England published communications about progress with the launch and further
    communications are expected before or just after the group’s June 2022 meeting. The group and
    contractors are encouraged to support the cascade of messages.
  • Multiples head office staff that use NHS Profile Manager should create a personal NHSmail
    account if they have not already done so. Advice is available within the ‘NHSmail personal
    accounts: creation and linking’ section of Community Pharmacy England’s NHSmail webpage.
  • NHS Digital will also be working with pharmacy multiples regarding the NHS website and DoS
    Application programming interface (API).
  • If the group or contractors wish to discuss potential enhancements on the wishlist, please contact

Shared Care Records (ShCR) update

  • LPCs and/or local contractors that want to gain pharmacy access to such records should:
    o identify their ShCR project team from the List of records systems (this list was recently
    o read case studies such as Dorset Care Record ShCR pharmacy access case study and the
    East London Patient Record (eLPR) pharmacy case study;
    o contact the ShCR project team and local partners to find out how to get involved;
    o Make use of the ‘Planning pharmacy access briefing’ and ShCRs webpage; and
    o review the previous Community Pharmacy England/RPS ShCRs/SCR letter to NHS orgs about records access.
  • Community Pharmacy England continues to work with the NHS Transformation Directorate and other relevant
    stakeholders on the actions set out within the Shared Care Record (ShCR/LHCR) NHS
    Transformation Directorate and pharmacy outputs and actions documents. LPCs, ShCR project
    teams and other parties supporting ShCR pharmacy deployment are encouraged to contact with any technical ShCR information so that supplier and IT support helpdesks
    can authorize multiple ShCR domains simultaneously.
  • CP ITG representatives including Community Pharmacy England, CCA, NPA and supplier reps attended several events
    hosted by the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) regarding Accelerating shared care
    records (March 2022), Driving standards (June 2022), two Core info standard workshops (June
    2022) and a June meeting about draft pharmacy ShCR guidance from the NHS. Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG
    attendance was to support the ShCR agenda and progression.
  • A CP ITG pharmacy records event will be held in mid-October 2022 for the group, Local
    Pharmaceutical Committee Chief Officers, ShCR/GP Connect teams and others. Work will be
    undertaken ahead of this.


Standards and interoperability

Booking, referrals and appointments (with IT)

Supporting NHSmail

  • Community Pharmacy England has published a new factsheet about using shared NHSmail inbox within the Outlook mobile
    app for community pharmacy teams.
  • The Virtual Visits tool provides pharmacy contractors with an appointments system so that they
    can notify patients and better manage appointments. Pharmacy teams can also use the Virtual
    Visits tool to conduct face to face or virtual patient consultations (audio or video).
  • The Virtual Visits tool works in conjunction with NHSmail Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft
    Booking platform. To participate in the pilot, you must have an active personal NHSmail account,
    access to a shared NHSmail inbox, MS Teams installed on a computer or tablet and a computer
    or device with a webcam.
  • Virtual Visits can be piloted by many more contractors (potentially circa 100) across summer
    2022. Contractors that have not done so should register interest with taking part in the Virtual Visits pilot via this webform.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides additional security for digital access and the
    NHSmail team has been asked to explore the implications, benefits and impacts with MFA
    introduction for health and care NHSmail users. The group is asked to share views about
    NHSmail MFA and any associated pharmacy requirement to

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

Next steps:

  • If you would like to feed into the development of the proposed 2022/2023 question set, please

Internet Explorer support coming to an end, Care Identity Service and NHS Credential Management
(particularly relevant for pharmacy IT support)

  • Microsoft announced a long time ago support for Internet Explorer (IE) 11 is to be withdrawn from June 2022.
  • Community Pharmacy England, and NHS Digital teams met to discuss the impact on the community pharmacy sector.
  • NHS Credential Management (CM), is a new component from NHS Digital that supports the move
    away from IE (whether the browser itself or related IE plugins within other internet browsers).
    CM is standalone installation, which facilitates communication between the Identity Agent and
    modern browsers, removing the dependency on Java Applets and IE11.
  • NHS Credential Management also replaces current card management system operations within
    the NHS Care Identity Service (CIS) user registration service.
  • NHS Spine user tools such as SCRa and EPS Prescription Tracker are now CM compatible. By
    removing the requirement for applets and unsupported browsers, CM facilitates improved security and performance. CM is a required installation as part of the transition to CIS2 Authentication.
  • CIS1 is anticipated to shift into a sunset phase, with a deprecation date of September 2023. It is
    anticipated CIS2 benefits could include potentially enabling the move away from reliance only on
    physical Smartcards. Pharmacy system suppliers are currently engaged with the NHS CIS2 team,
    but if a system suppler requires further information they should contact and may also flag issues at their catch-ups with NHS
    Digital / EPS team / NHSBSA.
  • IT support may consider installation of NHS Credential Management onto community pharmacy
    machines where necessary. It is not recommended that contractors install components onto their
    machines without liaising with their IT support.

Other data security updates

Smartcard identity checking process to be digitized

  • NHS Digital are exploring improved processes regarding face-to-face authentication checks for
    pharmacy team members to update their Smartcards – via a new NHS Digital product: Apply for
    Care ID”. Extra pharmacy team and head office views are needed to support the discovery and
    business cases for a process which could involve pharmacy teams being given an offer to
    authenticate themselves via a phone app.
  • This new programme involves health care staff being given the opportunity to use an NHS
    authenticator app as an alternative instead of a face-to-face visit to the local Registration
    Authority. The group and contractors are encouraged to participate with user research (including
    feeding back regarding what authentication is necessary within community pharmacy e.g.
    whether or not NHSmail and Disclosure and Barring Service checking is required or not) by
    volunteering to take part in interviews by contacting ccing
  • NHS Digital previously added the multi-site ‘FFFFF’ Smartcard code and SCR rights onto
    Smartcards with the pharmacist or pharmacy technician role, because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    This initiative was supported by Community Pharmacy England and NHSE&I. NHS Digital previously confirmed to Community Pharmacy England that assignment codes are further extended until 31st March 2022. This has been further extended.
    Community Pharmacy England is in discussions with NHS Digital about the benefits of this innovation irrespective of the
    pandemic and the benefit with disentangling this from the Control of patient information (COPI)



  • Community Pharmacy England published a new webpage: Keeping your pharmacy profile information up-to-date. When
    information about pharmacies changes, there are multiple profiles to be updated (aside from NHS
    website and DoS). Regular updates and corrections will help ensure that others will be able to
    contact or visit the pharmacy as needed.
  • Community Pharmacy England updated its webpage about the NHS Parent Organisation Code (POC). POC is the pharmacy’s unique identifying code for the parent organisation. Every pharmacy contractor has a POC even if there is one pharmacy within the organisation. There is a process to make corrections if required. The POC was utilised to help enable the running of the summer 2022 Pharmacy Representation Review Steering Group (RSG) meeting.
  • The NHS Transformation Directorate, NHS Digital, Community Pharmacy England and others are supporting an initiative to rationalise central lists of pharmacy data used within NHS systems and datasets. This will help
    align data, reduce pharmacy workload, and improve accuracy and data quality. The workstream
    is also helping to identify future NHS Profile Manager enhancements, some of which are being
    added to the roadmap.

Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) Manage Your Service (MYS) API

  • DMS was introduced as an Essential service last year. NHSE&I and Community Pharmacy England have been keen for
    suppliers to be given information on the service, IT implications and dataset requirements. There
    is an objective to progress the integration work further. Some of this progress is dependent on
    NHSBSA and supplier preparations. NHSBSA shared an updated specification to suppliers in June
    2022. NHSBSA will further engage with suppliers for comments during summer 2022. Supplier
    alignment to the specification could ease burden relating to pharmacy double data entry.

CPCF IT: Toolkits

  • At previous meetings, the group agreed that they supported the CPCF specifications and felt that
    the group should provide comments on these specifications. NHSE&I has commissioned work to
    create technical toolkits. These toolkits have recently been published in draft format for: Blood Pressure Check technical toolkit, Smoking Cessation technical toolkit, Contraception
    Management technical toolkit, Discharge Medicines Service technical toolkit and New Medicine Service technical toolkit. CP ITG representatives have been notified before the group’s June 2022
  • Suppliers, the group and contractors should feed back to NHSE&I and also can feed back to to comment onto the CP ITG collated comment. NHSE&I are conducting workshop
    calls and inviting suppliers along to these and to feed into changes to the drafts. Suppliers can express interest with aligning to these toolkits by emailing NHSE&I commercial hub (or contacting if email address info required).

GP Connect

  • GP Connect enables GPs and other authorised health care organisations to link in with GP system
    information. GP Connect enables those authorised to:
    o Access records: GP Connect lets authorised clinicians access GP patient records in a HTML
    read-only format or within an editable format;
    o Send Documents: the tool enables GPs and other healthcare professionals to update a
    patient record via ITK3, and MESH message; and
    o Appointment Management: GP connect enables the sharing and management of
  • The ‘GPC records’ programme enables health care staff to access GP records information if
    suppliers have integrated into GPC. The integration processes have eased during the last year.

Recommended minimum transfer dataset for pharmacies switching from one patient medication record (PMR) system to another

  • The group previously supported developing a recommended minimum dataset for cases where
    a pharmacy contractor has switched from one PMR system to another. A previous draft iteration
    version was supported by the group. For the sake of continuity of patient care, it is critical for
    some patient information to be transferred from the old to the new system.
  • A drafted dataset has been prepared incorporating the comments from previous group meetings
    and suppliers. An associated specification document has also been prepared. The dataset does
    not include all the records within pharmacy systems but is intended to be a starting point as to
    strengthen data quality. Suppliers recently requested changes, including:
    o arranging the data into tables instead of within a data block (via JavaScript Object
    Notation (JSON) format); and
    o categorising the data by Medicines, Patient, Prescriber and Prescribing Organisation.
  • A working group of supplier representatives and Community Pharmacy England has been meeting every two weeks to
    progress the proposed documents. This work is also identifying areas where PMRs may wish to
    consider future proofing by exploring opportunities to align the way data is stored within the
    local PMR to various national standards.

Supporting systems

Supplier letter

Dear System Supplier leads,

Further to our letter in April we hope that this subsequent letter provides some of the additional detail as promised, and more importantly that this letter evidences our intention to keep this conversation with you open in order that we can support the ambitions of the sector and ensure we can collectively deliver the digital capabilities required to support the vision set out in the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) for community pharmacy to play an increased role in the delivery of primary care, delivering more services, in safe and efficient ways, for patients .

Working collectively, the NHS Business Services Authority (BSA), NHS Digital (NHSD), the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Pharmacy Team and both NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) Transformation Directorate and Pharmacy Team, have defined what we believe to be the ‘Top 5’ digital priorities for the community pharmacy sector over the next 22 months. This will take us to April 2024, the end of the current transformative five-year CPCF.

For system suppliers that are supporting the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS):

  1. Development against the Electronic Prescription Service API (next generation). EPS is currently the de-facto mechanism by which primary care prescriptions are sent to dispensers so patients can receive their medication. A range of improvements to the service have been identified and a programme has started to design and develop core changes that will modernise the service, allowing innovation for new capabilities and reducing system development time. A new fully FHIR based service is being developed which will improve the user experience for prescribers, dispensers and patients alike. The work will support a further reduction in paper and provide a modern, flexible EPS. We are working with dispensing system suppliers to support their development and will develop central capability to support the live service during the transition to the new infrastructure. We anticipate readiness engagement with system suppliers to commence in Q4 of 2023. For further information please contact

For system suppliers that are offering or want to offer the system functionality to support the delivery of community pharmacy clinical services as per the current CPCF:

  1. Compliance with the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSBCommunity Pharmacy Data Standard to enable information about services provided by community pharmacies to be recorded and transferred in a safe and efficient manner to their GP practice. The standard was first published by PRSB in 2018 and uplifted in 2021 to meet the full requirements of the CPCF. Further information regarding supplier conformance is available from the PRSB. NHSD are preparing the technical specification to develop interoperability between community pharmacy and GP systems and expect it to be available to suppliers by September 2022.
  2. Access to patient care recordsWe are aware that a number of system suppliers have already enabled pharmacy contractor access to patient care records through integration with the Patient Demographic Service (PDS) and 1-click access to the Summary Care Record (SCR).For the duration of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, contractors had access to SCR additional information to help support clinical decision making. This access is to continue while permanent policy changes, taking into account issues such as patient safety and data security, are being considered.The shared vision for community pharmacy to play an increased role in the delivery of primary care was set out in the 5-year deal. As pharmacy services continue to develop and expand, there is consensus that community pharmacists having the ability to view and contribute to the medical records of patients, where appropriate permissions are given, including but not limited to; access to baseline measurements and pathology results, is necessary to achieve this safely and effectively. Options for additional integration and record access include:
    • GP Connect Access Record. This provides direct access to a defined community pharmacist, enabling them to see an appropriate view of a patient’s GP record either as a read-only document, (as an HTML), or subject to further development, and agreement of standards, pharmacists will be able to retrieve structured information from a patient’s GP practice record, see GP Connect – NHS Digital. Further information will be provided regarding this functionality at the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CPITG) meeting on the 8 June.


    • Shared Care Records (known as ‘ShCR’, ‘Local health and shared care records’, ‘LHCRs’ or simply ‘records’) include information from multi care settings e.g., General practice and secondary care. National ShCR guidance due out in the summer provides the next steps towards the target for wider implementation of shared care records in 2023/202Engagement and development associated with the Bookings and Referrals Standard (BaRS)the strategic interoperability standard for healthcare IT systems. This will enable booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers quickly, safely and in a format that is useful to any clinicians. Working with the BaRS programme we are hoping to prioritise the following use cases; NHS 111 and General Practice to pharmacy (22/23) and secondary care to pharmacy (23/24). An initial workshop has been scheduled for Tuesday 12th July from 10am to 1pm and all system supplier leads would be very welcome to attend. For further information please contact
  1. Payment and Data APIs   

The BSA are being commissioned to develop and support application programming interfaces (APIs) for all of the community pharmacy clinical services within the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). These APIs will support both the payment of service fees along with the provision of additional data to support the future evaluation and commissioning of services. API specifications for COVID and Flu vaccinations, Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) and the Smoking Cessation Service (SCS) are already available, and the draft specification for the Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) has just been shared for review. This financial year, the BSA will also develop and issue the API specifications for the Blood Pressure Check Service; the New Medicine Service (NMS) and any future services subject to negotiations. For further information regarding this project please contact

We recognise that this is an incredibly challenging roadmap, and we all want to work with you to ensure this is achievable and will meet the needs of the users, the pharmacy contractors, to provide safe and efficient patient care.

You will have seen that a Prior Information Notice (PIN) was recently issued in relation to CPCF service specific ‘technical toolkits’ that includes references to some or all of the above. Supplier engagement sessions regarding the technical toolkits and feedback opportunities are being scheduled, with further information available from June. In addition, NHSD have also been commissioned to publish a Future Enterprise Architecture document, based on user needs, for community pharmacy covering a number of the foundation services and providing a picture of the longer-term direction of travel. This will be available this summer on the NHSD webpage.

Work is also underway to look into commercial requirements and opportunities that will support both the needs of the sector and system suppliers now and in the future. Further information will be shared in due course. It remains the policy intent that we will continue to support and develop an open supplier market and your views on how we can go about this are always welcome. It is the case that pharmacy contractors, as commercial businesses, cover the costs of their preferred IT solution(s) and have the freedom to choose the supplier that most meets their specific needs.

We are also looking beyond April 2024, working closely with colleagues and stakeholders on the future strategy for community pharmacy and what digital capabilities and requirements MAY be required to support future services. Examples of potential discovery projects include capabilities to support independent prescribing; access to and the recording of pathology and/or phlebotomy tests, additional referral pathways etc. These areas are speculative at this stage, and need to be informed by wider policy developments, such as the Fuller Stocktake and the transition of commissioning to Integrated Care Systems.

We recognise your continued commitment to the community pharmacy sector and the users of your systems, and we share your determination to ensure community pharmacies are able to provide the best possible care within the NHS and have the best IT to be able to do so to support the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework and beyond.

Our aspirations for this sector remain high and we continue to have an ambitious and challenging roadmap to ensure that pharmacy contractors do have the best IT available to them to support the current 5-year CPCF framework but also the ‘what’s next’.

You will note that we have not mentioned vaccinations within this letter and this is an area where we expect that there may be additional requirements of suppliers providing these services. We are engaging with the vaccination programme and will share more information once this is available.

We trust this letter is received in good faith and look forward to further discussions either via the CPITG or via alternative mechanisms in due course.

Signed on behalf of

NHS England and Improvement (Pharmacy policy team), NHS England and Improvement Transformation Directorate, Department of Health (Pharmacy policy team), NHS Business Services Authority Digital development team and NHS Digital Medicines and PODAC programmes.

IT related to Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) and other Drug Tariff reforms

SSPs: SSPs are for use in the event of a serious shortage of a medicine. SSPs give community pharmacies the ability to dispense less, give a different strength or pharmaceutical form, provide an alternative generic product, or provide an alternative product following appropriate discussions with the patient.

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) is continuing to identify a significant percentage of SSP claim messages that do not meet the endorsing requirements. That is usually because one or more of the below apply:

  • Invalid or incorrect SSP reference number endorsed – For example SSP 000, SSP (missing reference number), SSP 028 (incorrect number), SSP 05 (two instead of three digits).
  • Incorrect item endorsed.
  • SSP claims for prescribed items without an active SSP.
  • Claims for supplies made in accordance with an expired SSP.

Drug Tariff reforms: DHSC has proposed and consulted on reforms to community pharmacy drug reimbursement and previously published its response. The eight proposals relate to changes to:

  • the discount deduction scale;
  • the way drug prices in non-Part VIIIA are set;
  • the way Category A prices are set;
  • how medicine margin is distributed in Category M drugs;
  • how Category C prices are set for drugs with multiple suppliers;
  • the Drug Tariff in relation to inclusion of non-medicinal products within;
  • the arrangements for reimbursement and procurement of ‘specials’; and
  • the reimbursement of generically prescribed drugs and appliances dispensed as ‘specials’.

System suppliers have fed back that some of these reforms are associated with IT change.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Maria Caulfield, the Conservative MP for Lewes stated that there is an intention for “an annual prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) for HRT items, which is due to be implemented from April 2023. This certificate will allow individuals to access the annual licensed HRT treatments they require for the cost of two single prescription items at £18.70.

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

  • NHS Digital EPS and eRD utilisation rate statistics (for the February 2022 dispensing month) are set out on the right.
  • NHS Digital’s EPS team are continuing with their assurance work for EPS prescribing and dispensing systems.​
  • NHS Digital ​EPS (Next Generation work):
  • Discovery and user research taking place around potential for limited prescription tracking for patients using the NHS App.
  • Secondary care system suppliers are developing against the prescribing API, and more suppliers are engaged – both prescribing and dispensing systems​.
  • Development of APIs for dispensing and prescribing system suppliers.
  • Prioritisation of technical developments and potential EPS enhancement continues – considering the value/benefits and technical feasibility.
  • NHS Digital would like to talk to pharmacy team members about their experience using EPS. User feedback is essential to inform future improvements and the next generation of the system. Please could pharmacy EPS users within the group take part and provide views, by signing up at This may involve a short telephone interview.
  • NHSBSA conducted a survey concerning pharmacy teams’ use  of Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC) during May 2022. The results of this survey will be analysed, and the outcomes will be shared with the CP ITG in due course.
  • Community Pharmacy England encouraged pharmacy teams to consider whether Smartcards required renewal. If not renewed, Smartcards expire after two years for information governance reasons. When the renewal date for a Smartcard approaches, the member of the pharmacy team will be prompted to renew every time they login. Community pharmacy team members to check their Smartcards are working regularly and renew them well in advance of their expiry date. Doing so early will mean there is more time to resolve any technical or other issues that may occur during the renewal process. Pharmacy team members can renew their card via the Care Identity Service (CIS) online Smartcard software portal. A large number of Smartcards are due to pass their expiry date in June 2022; 140,000 Smartcards are due for renewal on 27th June 2022. If a Smartcard passes its expiry date without renewal, additional steps will be needed to get the Smartcard working again, therefore, it is advised to renew any Smartcards before their expiry date.
  • Community Pharmacy England encouraged pharmacy teams to consider whether Smartcards required renewal. If not renewed, Smartcards expire after two years for information governance reasons. When the renewal date for a Smartcard approaches, the member of the pharmacy team will be prompted to renew every time they login. Community pharmacy team members to check their Smartcards are working regularly and renew them well in advance of their expiry date. Doing so early will mean there is more time to resolve any technical or other issues that may occur during the renewal process. Pharmacy team members can renew their card via the Care Identity Service (CIS) online Smartcard software portal. A large number of Smartcards were due to pass their expiry date in June 2022; 140,000 Smartcards were due for renewal on 27th June 2022. If a Smartcard passes its expiry date without renewal, additional steps will be needed to get the Smartcard working again, therefore, it is advised to renew any Smartcards before their expiry date.
  • NHS Digital are documenting the benefits of specific enhancements to support future business cases. NHS Digital have produced 0 of EPS NextGen roadmap, and will welcome further CP ITG input during upcoming workshops.
  • The NHS App should receive new messaging capability from December. This will enable discovery work relating to prescription tracking messaging using existing EPS Spine messages, and notifications to patients about EPS status. A CP ITG subgroup will meet with NHS Digital in July 2022 to discuss the proposals.

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

  • NHSBSA has led the RTEC project since January 2020. The CP ITG and Community Pharmacy England have been supportive of its continued roll-out. Read more on RTEC and its phases at: RTEC. Feedback from RTEC users (PSL/EMIS/Cegedim/Titan/Lloyds/RxWeb systems) has continued to be positive.
  • The NHSBSA, DWP and the RTEC steering group plan has allowed the expansion of the DWP RTEC functionality to additional pharmacy contractors since the last meeting – from 100 to more than 8,000 sites – a eighty-fold increase. The RTEC team and suppliers have been supporting the ongoing rollout.


  • The NHS App team are working on further features including:
    • Personal Health Records (PHRs) integration with the NHS App.
    • Notifications and messages direct to the NHS App: a pilot with 7 GP practices was concluded successfully with positive feedback from citizens, GPs and communication service providers. Messages could include reminders for referral appointments or online consultations.
    • NHS account: personalisation. Since April 2022, the project team have given users access to log in to their NHS account direct from the NHS website.
    • Access to GP health records. From late 2022, patients with online accounts such as through the NHS App will be able to read new entries in their health record. This applies to patients whose practices use the TPP and EMIS systems.
  • NHS Digital has said that analysis supports its view that the NHS App is creating an environmental benefit in reducing the number of care journeys to doctors’ surgeries (this was also reported by Management in Practice).
  • NHS App team blogged about developments including progress with the messaging service.

Patient apps and tools

Remote consultations

  • NHSE&I published Remote Consultations Guide for Pharmacy. The group fed comments into the guide’s development. Community Pharmacy England along with others also supported its development. Community Pharmacy England has promoted the guidance. Remote consultations have played a critical role during the NHS response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new guide includes information on:
    • the different types of remote consultation;
    • when these should be considered as an option;
    • how to test and update your processes; and
    • how to conduct remote consultations.

IT policy: priorities, reports and the future

IT policy: NHS changes

IT policy: global case studies

IT policy (general)



Digital capabilities

Spring 2022 updates

Development of a Learning network 

  • As part of its work to develop a pharmacy digital strategy, the NHS Transformation Directorate has been tasked with exploring options to develop a ‘National Community Pharmacy Learning Network’, whereby best practice and ideas can be shared. The learning network was one of the items identified during the Kaleidoscope engagement workshops about digital strategy held last year, and which many CP ITG representatives attended. The NHS Transformation Directorate has commissioned Kaleidoscope Health and Care to assist with this learning network discovery work: The discovery team are considering:
  1. What would a successful learning network look like for you?
  2. What gaps currently exist in sharing learning and best practice between different Pharmacy stakeholders?
  3. What are the disadvantages with learning networks?
  4. What sort of topics would you like to discuss in a network like this?
  5. What would make the learning network as engaging as possible for you?
  6. How can we ensure a learning network is sustainable?

IT policy: priorities and reports

Events and digital development

  • An upcoming webinar will be held on accelerating Shared Care Records (ShCR) and related IT standards. It will be held on Monday 21st March 12:00-14:00 and hosted by the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB). Pharmacy team members with an interest with ShCR are encouraged to register to attend.
  • NHS Digital Health Leadership Programme is open to applicants until 24th March for the next cohort of digital leaders (learning begins September). Pharmacy and other applicants can find out more about the application process at the NHS Digital Academy application webpage and the rest of the NHS DA website.

IT policy: NHS organisational changes

IT policy (general)


Intro to NHS Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS)

  • NHS Digital’s Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS) team aims to enable booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers in a format useful to clinicians. The intentions are that it will eventually be available in all care settings. Pharmacy use cases are currently being considered including the potential for referrals from 111 to community pharmacy.
  • NHSE&I is developing a standards roadmap to go live in April 2022 which will provide a list of proposed and developing data, information and technical standards, including potential changes to existing standards. BaRS is listed as a major priority.
  • The BaRS team provided an update at the CP ITG Spring 2022 meeting.

NHS Profile Manager

  • Currently, community pharmacy contractors use two different NHS systems to ensure their pharmacy details are up to date in the Directory of Services (DoS) and on the NHS website: the NHS website profile editor and the DoS profile updater.
  • A new tool, NHS Profile Manager is scheduled to replace both the DoS Updater and the NHS website editor in spring 2022. During late 2021 and early 2022, NHS Digital reviewed all the existing users of the NHS website profile editor and any users who are not using an email address ending with received email instructions on how to update their login details.
  • A CP ITG sub group attended two demo meetings, both of which have been recorded and posted online: CP ITG Profile Manager Demo and meeting video 1 (December 2021); and Demo and meeting video 2 (February 2022). The group also discussed future enhancements with NHS Profile Manager team.
  • In February, Community Pharmacy England published communications about progress with the launch and further communications will be published in due course about the release plan. The group are encouraged to support the cascade of messages.
  • Multiples head office staff needing to use NHS Profile Manager should create a personal NHSmail account if they have not already done so. Advice is at the ‘NHSmail personal accounts: creation and linking’ section of Community Pharmacy England’s NHSmail
  • NHS Digital will also be working with pharmacy multiples regarding the NHS website and DoS Application programming interface (API).

Shared Care Records (ShCR) update

LPCs and/or local contractors can continue to take steps to gain pharmacy access such as:

Community Pharmacy England continues to work with NHS Transformation Directorate and other relevant stakeholders on the actions set out within the Shared Care Record (ShCR/LHCR) NHS and pharmacy outputs document. Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs), ShCR project teams and other parties supporting ShCR pharmacy deployment are encouraged to contact with technical ShCR information so that supplier and IT support helpdesks can whitelist several ShCR domains at the same time.


Standards and interoperability

  • NHSE&I is developing a standards roadmap to go live in April 2022 which will provide a list of proposed and developing data, information and technical standards, including potential changes to existing standards. BaRS is listed as a major priority. NHS Transformation Directorate are seeking feedback on the roadmap structure and content. If you think there is anything missing from their standards roadmap list, or you have a query the Standards & Interoperability team can be reached at:
  • NHS Digital published an Information Standard to support improved medication and allergy/intolerance information sharing across healthcare services in England. It does not currently apply to EPS but could relate to pharmacy services IT.
  • NHS Digital blogged about their API sunsetting process.
  • net published a special report about how the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) would help improve interoperability nationally and internationally.
  • At a previous meeting, the group agreed to support the capability for anonymised data to be accessible, so that pharmacy teams’ interventions can start to be auditable, and the value of community pharmacy can be better demonstrated. If PMR systems were to be adapted to allow such data sharing, it would require the development of a roadmap and a standard approach to data provision, which may benefit from use of SNOMED CT clinical terms. A PSNC-drafted dataset was prepared and a dataset for the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) could be added. If you would like to help with this work, please contact

Standards case study

  • Case study: How NHS Digital used API Management to support APIs at scale. NHS Digital implemented an API management platform to help them roll out digital healthcare services more quickly and consistently. The team at NHS Digital set an API management vision with goals to make it easier for suppliers engaged with the project team to: o onboard, by only asking developers to do things that are needed; o learn, by making documentation available online;o design and build, by making APIs internet-facing and using open standards; o test, by providing developers with sandbox environments for early and easy testing; and o get help and support with self-serve support and reliable help resources.NHS Digital has bronze, silver, gold and platinum service classifications. Early in the project, the API was initially classified as a bronze service which meant, among other things, support was limited to within office hours. The team switched to platinum and were able to offer a rolling out 24-hour support. The team set up an on-call rota; the rota makes sure someone is available to respond to emergencies and provide backup support. The outcomes of the project were improved lead time, improved supplier rating and engagement.

NHSmail updates

  • NHSmail support pages outline the benefits of the NHSmail Teams “Virtual Visits” patient consultation platform – namely, this platform enables appointment booking and video consultation. The NHSmail team previously provided a demo of the tool to Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG representatives. Several contractors amongst the small alpha pilot group have now begun to successfully use and pilot Virtual Visits.
  • Pharmacy contractors within the group who are not already participating in the pilot are encouraged to take part by completing the volunteer form. The second round of (beta) piloting is due to start from early March 2022.
  • The group will be asked to provide feedback about the Virtual Visits email address naming convention: e.g. for MediGood a recommended format such as:
    1. and display name “MediGood (NHS Pharmacy)”.
  • The NHSmail team will be stopping the hard-copy postal one-time passcode (OTP) option currently used to authenticate new users registering for NHSmail, a paperless method is scheduled to be used from late March 2021.
  • Community Pharmacy England communicated NHSmail Teams guidance.
  • Survey results suggested Microsoft Teams is helping many health and care staff save time.

Virtual Visits: How it works

The Virtual Visits tool provides pharmacy contractors with an appointments system so that pharmacy teams can notify patients and better manage appointments. Pharmacy teams can also use the Virtual Visits tool to conduct face to face or virtual patient consultations (audio or video). The tool works in conjunction with NHSmail Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Booking platform. To participate in the pilot, you must have: an active personal NHSmail account; access to a shared NHSmail inbox; MS Teams installed on a computer or tablet; and a computer or device with a webcam.

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

  • Community Pharmacy England and NHS Digital are currently updating the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK) and related tips. Additional user testing is also planned. If you would like to get involved with this user testing, please contact
  • NHS Digital may update contractors about the availability of the initial Toolkit version. However, we strongly recommend that contractors hold off accessing the Toolkit until the planned improvements have been finalised and Community Pharmacy England releases its updated guidance. Contractors will still have adequate time to complete the Toolkit before the submission deadline on 30th June 2022. We will keep contractors informed of any developments.

Other data security updates



  • NHS Digital Organisation Data Service (ODS) team has launched the new ODS DataPoint service enabling you to quickly download customised reports relating to ODS and pharmacy data.
  • NHSX, NHS Digital, Community Pharmacy England and others are supporting an initiative to rationalise central lists of pharmacy data used within NHS systems and datasets. This will help align data, reduce pharmacy workload, and improve accuracy and data quality. The workstream is also helping to identify future NHS Profile Manager enhancements, some of which are being added to the roadmap.
  • The NHS Digital Terminology Server now includes data from the NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d), through the Terminology Server’s web API. The old method of downloading XML files from the Technology Reference Update Distribution (TRUD) is still available. NHS Digital plan to add Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs, the numbers used on barcodes) and information about ingredient strength for multi-ingredient products in April 2022.


  • NHSE &I and Community Pharmacy England previously announced that a national procurement model would be in place to support community pharmacy contractors with the delivery of the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). This was originally scheduled to end on 1st October 2021 but was extended to the end of March 2022. Given that the contractual arrangements from 1st April 2022 will be solely between the supplier and pharmacy contractor, contractors should make the necessary preparations as soon as possible. Contractors need to consider their choice of CPCS IT supplier and either confirm to their existing supplier that they will be staying with them or inform a new supplier that they will be using their system. Contractors will be able to transition to their own contractual arrangements with one of the four assured IT providers[1]: Cegedim; Positive Solutions; Sonar Informatics; or PharmOutcomes. NHSE&I and NHSX published the CPCS IT Provider ‘Switching’ guide and the CPCS IT Buyer’s Guide with inputs from partner organisations including Community Pharmacy England.
  • Contractors are encouraged to make their decisions well in advance of the upcoming deadline. Group members are asked to communicate on this topic to their networks and can use the CP ITG CPCS IT communications copy and future Community Pharmacy England and NHSE&I bulletin news items.

Recommended minimum transfer dataset for pharmacies switching from one patient medication record (PMR) system to another

  • The group previously supported developing a recommended minimum dataset for cases where a pharmacy contractor has switched from one PMR system to another. A previous draft iteration was supported by the group. For the sake of continuity of patient care, it is critical for some patient information to be transferred from the old to the new system.
  • A drafted dataset has been prepared incorporating the comments from previous  group meetings and  suppliers. An associated specification document has also been prepared. The dataset is not comprehensive for all those records within pharmacy systems, but the dataset is intended to be a starting point as a means to strengthening the data quality. Suppliers recently requested changes, including:o arranging the data into tables instead of within a data block (via JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format); and o categorising the data by Medicines, Patient, Prescriber and Prescribing Organisation.
  • Suppliers are asked to send comments to by the end of March 2021.
  • The secretariat will arrange a joint call with suppliers to talk through the updated dataset.

Supplier letter

System supplier previously fed back that multiple projects were ongoing or forthcoming within the NHS (see: Appendix CPITG 03A/06/21 Gantt Chart (slide) and spreadsheet version). A group of system suppliers prepared a letter addressed to NHSE&I, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and other pharmacy IT policy makers to explain the benefit of advance IT project planning. The letter explains “We do not wish to delay or prevent innovation and change. We welcome changes which benefit pharmacies, their patients and the NHS. However, we would welcome a deep consideration about how policy makers can ensure that IT system providers in the pharmacy sector are provided with adequate notice ahead of changes being made to ensure the best possible running of pharmacy IT systems and changes.” The letter also proposes enhanced NHS IT assurance processes; that suppliers should be able to collaboratively feed into NHS IT specifications throughout the course of their development; and that suppliers should be able to submit information about their company and solutions to the NHS once.

  • The group previously published its “Use and development of pharmacy systems – Suggested features list v1.0”. Additional feedback has led to this document being significantly updated. Suppliers and the group are encouraged to share final comments, by emailing during March 2022. The updated list will be published shortly after the March 2022 meeting. See: CP ITGUse and development of pharmacy systems Suggested features comments.docx.
  • NHS Digital EPS and eRD utilisation rate statistics (for the November 2021 dispensing month) are set out on the right.  o NHS Digital’s ESP team are continuing with their assurance work for EPS prescribing and dispensing systems for current and Next Gen EPS.
  • NHS Digital EPS (Next Generation work):
    • Secondary care system suppliers are developing against the prescribing API, and more suppliers are engaged – both prescribing and dispensing systems.
    • Development of APIs for dispensing and prescribing system suppliers.
    • Discovery work is ongoing around use of EPS for secondary care outpatients to homecare.

    Prioritisation of technical developments and potential EPS enhancements continues – considering the value/benefits and technical feasibility.

  • NHSE&I, NHS Digital, and the CP ITG discussed developments at the CP ITG March meeting.

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)  

  • NHSBSA has led the RTEC project since January 2020. CP ITG and Community Pharmacy England have been supportive of its continued roll-out. Read more on RTEC, its phases at: RTEC. Feedback from RTEC users (PSL/EMIS/Cegedim/Titan/Lloyds/RxWeb systems) has continued to be positive.
  • NHSBSA, DWP and the RTEC steering group plan have allowed the expansion of the DWP RTEC functionality to additional pharmacy contractors since the last meeting from fifty to 100 sites.
  • The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) said that Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC) had performed 100 million checks.

NHS Digital seeking pharmacy user research volunteers to support digitising the Valproate form

  • The Valproate Annual Risk Acknowledgement Form (ARAF) helps to confirm the necessary Pregnancy Prevention Programme (PPP)[1] for those patients being prescribed sodium valproate. A specialist completes the ARAF with the patient and the ARAF information goes back to the GP practice usually by post. NHS Digital are doing discovery work about: How to digitise the form? o Which parts of the form might digitally flow into the GP practice system? What bits of information in the form are the most relevant to pharmacy professionals?
  • NHS Digital are seeking pharmacy user research participants to look at the ARAF and comment about which bits seem the most relevant and why. The research is expected to be undertaken via polls and 15-minute interviews. Some of the work is anticipated to begin during the second half of 2022 which allows a period of discovery before this. Contractors that wish to take part may contact Community Pharmacy England will forward volunteers’ details to the project team. CP ITG has also signposted the project team to the Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group (CPPSG).


  • NHS App reached more than 22 million users by end of 2021 with over 16 million new users since the COVID-19 vaccination status service was added in May 2021. The NHS App is available on the Google Play store and the Apple App store. More than 28 million people have registered with NHS login – over half of the English population.
  • The NHS App team are working on further features including:
    • Personal Health Records (PHRs) integration with NHS App. o Notifications and messages direct to the NHS App: being piloted in 7 GP practices as of February 2022. Messages include reminders for appointments or online consultations. o NHS account: personalisation. Since January 2022 NHS App team have been trialling updated service journeys on NHS website and are exploring how to enable users to easily update their account contact details.
    • Access to GP health records. From April 2022, patients with online accounts such as through the NHS App will be able to read new entries in their health record. This applies to patients whose practices use TPP and EMIS systems. PulseToday reported on progress.
  • NHS App team blogged their work enhancing the patient messages features to better satisfy the growing appetite of users to receive their communications digitally.
  • NHS Login is now being hosted on Amazon’s AWS cloud service.

Apps and tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics


Autumn 2021 updates

IT policy updates

Integrated Care Systems (ICS)

IT policy: lessons from the pandemic

IT policy: changes to the landscape

CP ITG IT infrastructure survey

dm+d code changes and synchronisations

  • Community Pharmacy England received system supplier and pharmacy contractor feedback about changes to dm+d codes impacting on the use of EPS.
  • Pharmacy contractors should report actual or potential clinical impacts using the Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE) process outlined at the dm+d webpage reporting guidance section.
  • NHSBSA dm+d team are reviewing their scope to provide notifications ahead of changes and have already started to introduce some communications earlier than usual via the Technology Reference data Update Distribution communications route.
  • Supplier comments have proposed that if dispensing and prescribing systems targeted aligned synchronisation dates this would reduce the risk that pharmacy contractors received problem prescriptions for items which have had changed dm+d entries. However, there are challenges given that some prescribing suppliers reportedly synchronise less often compared to pharmacy system suppliers and additionally whilst the drugs database update may be made available monthly for prescribers, it may take two to three weeks after the update for it to reach all GP practices using that system. Pharmacy system suppliers will contact the CP ITG secretariat within October 2021.

IT policy key updates


Digital capabilities


Healthwatch reported on how some patients had been excluded by remote GP appointments

Interoperability and records

Shared Care Records (ShCR) update

Updates about ShCR arrangements have been included within previous meeting papers and discussed at past meetings. ShCRs were previously called ‘Local health and shared care records (LHCRs)’.

LPCs and/or local contractors can continue to take steps to gain pharmacy access such as:

CP ITG pharmacy reps and LPCs took part in the Virtual ShCRs event (1st July 2021). Community Pharmacy England continues to work with NHSX and other relevant stakeholders on the actions decided at this meeting. More information about these actions is available here: minutes and outputs for the Shared Care Record (ShCR/LHCR) summer 2021 event.


Other updates about interoperability


NHSmail support pages outline the benefit of the NHSmail Teams “Virtual Visits” patient consultation platform – namely, this platform enables appointment booking and video consultation. The NHSmail team provided a demo to Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG representatives. Pharmacy contractors that would like to pilot this can contact with their name, ODS code and telephone number and ‘Virtual Visits pilot’ within the email subject title.

IG, identity and security

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

  • Community Pharmacy England and NHS Digital are currently updating the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK) and related tips. Additional user testing is also planned. If you would like to get involved with this user testing, please contact
  • NHS Digital may update contractors about the availability of the initial Toolkit version. However, we strongly recommend that contractors hold off accessing the Toolkit until the planned improvements have been finalised and Community Pharmacy England releases its updated guidance. Contractors will still have adequate time to complete the Toolkit before the submission deadline on 30th June 2022. We will keep contractors informed of any developments.

Data security key updates

Promoting good IT, and user research opportunity

NHS Service Finder enhancements and user research

  • NHS Service Finder is a free tool that provides access to information from the Directory of Services (DoS) and the NHS website. It is not accessible by the public, but it does allow pharmacy teams and other healthcare professionals to search for service information quickly. The NHS Service Finder team published user survey results in August 2021.
  • NHS Digital user researchers are conducting a further round of user interviews to help further develop the NHS Service Finder tool. If you’d like to take part email

Discovery work about patient digital authentication

  • Discovery work about patient digital authentication: Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG are feeding into DHSC who are carrying out related discovery work and must explore: the best way to capture digital authentication in community pharmacies; main challenges in implementing digital authentication; and main benefits in implementing digital authentication (for pharmacies/patients).
  • Contractors may submit further information into a survey at: by 20th October 2021. CP ITG and Community Pharmacy England will collate further feedback such as via survey and will share the output to DHSC.

Key reducing burden updates

Development of pharmacy systems

Use of pharmacy systems for CPCF services

  • DMS was introduced as an Essential service in early 2021. NHSE&I and Community Pharmacy England were keen for suppliers to be given information on the service, IT implications and dataset requirements. Supplier briefings occurred in October 2020, February and May 2021. Contact persons on the project introduced themselves to CP ITG There is an objective to progress the specification work further during autumn, and for a ‘go-live date’ ideally by late 2021. Community Pharmacy England is continuing to push for this work to be completed at the earliest opportunity. Updates will be published at: and
  • NHSE&I announced that a national procurement model would be in place to support community pharmacy contractors with the delivery of the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). This was scheduled to terminate on 1st October 2021, but was extended to the end of March 2022. Contractors are recommended to start considering which CPCS IT supplier they want to choose well in advance of the next change. From the autumn, contractors will be able to transition to their own contractual arrangements with one of the four assured IT providers: Cegedim; Positive Solutions; Sonar Informatics; or PharmOutcomes.
  • NHSE&I has published a CPCS IT Provider ‘Switching’ guide and additional buyers guidance and an NHSE&I CPCS IT webinar is expected shortly on Thursday 14th October, from 7.00-8.30pm.



  • Since the last meeting, Community Pharmacy England has restructured and revised the webpages within its EPS website section. Community Pharmacy England has also updated its EPS totals reconciliation guidance (EPS totals) guidance and reported on EPS script volumes exceeding 95% of total items.
  • EPS Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs): The current ‘NCSO workaround’ is being phased out and it is recommended that all contractors and system suppliers ensure they are using the EPS SSP endorsement instead of NCSO as soon as possible. NHSBSA is issuing some guidance and support to system suppliers implementing the EPS SSP feature. Suppliers also have some flexibility as to the extent to which they will support pharmacy team members for example, by asking users to complete any missing or incomplete SSP endorsement information if the required endorsements are not present or not in the specified format. NHSBSA has received examples of invalid/incorrectly endorsed SSP claims submitted via EPS. Community Pharmacy England tips explain how to avoid submitting invalid SSP claims.

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

  • NHSBSA has led the RTEC project since January 2020. CP ITG and Community Pharmacy England have been supportive of its continued roll-out. Read more on RTEC, its phases and continued piloting of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) RTEC at five pharmacies using PSL at: RTEC. Feedback from RTEC users (PSL/EMIS/Cegedim/Titan/Lloyds/RxWeb systems) has continued to be very positive. Use of RTEC reduces the exchange of paper between pharmacy teams and patients, assisting infection control.
  • Contractors are now being encouraged to register for RTEC and more than three quarters of pharmacy organisations have now done so.
  • NHSBSA, DWP and the RTEC steering group plan to allow the expansion of the DWP RTEC functionality to additional pharmacy contractors shortly.
  • Community Pharmacy England published an RTEC benefits case study (CP ITG Vice Chairman, David Broome).

Apps, wearables and technologies (incl videocon)


  • NHS App has reached more than 10 million users and become the UK’s most popular app with over 6 million new users since the COVID-19 vaccination status service was added on 17th May 2021. The NHS App is available on the Google Play store and the Apple App store.
  • The NHS App team are working on further features including: Personal Health Records (PHRs) integration with NHS App: The first supplier, Patients Know Best, was made available in the NHS App from April 2020 and more are expected to go live in late 2021.

Tool quality and tool frameworks

Apps and tools

GP tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics

Summer 2021 updates



  • CPCS IT systems are currently funded centrally by NHSE&I. This arrangement was originally due to end in April 2021 but was extended up until the end of September 2021. CPCS contractors will be responsible for purchasing their own solutions from October 2021 onwards.
  • The group has been supportive for guidance and benchmarking that assists the selection of pharmacy contractors’ CPCF/CPCS system supplier and has noted that some contractors will be considering contracts and contract length given that October 1st 2021 is approaching. CP ITG and Community Pharmacy England have supported for continued work but also have fed back to NHSE&I and the CSU at previous and recent meetings that six to twelve months’ notice should be provided ahead of such developments. This time is to allow pharmacy contractors to consider options, agree contracts and train with the new systems. Suppliers also request this period of notice to assist with their allocation of programming resource and to help them with fitting in this work around their other roadmap items.
  • Suppliers’ software solutions will need to meet CPCS IT standards set by the NHS. These standards will be reflected in the CPCS Technical Toolkit (which NHSE&I plan to publish in draft format during June 2021 and to iterate it over time as needed). The document incorporates past comments from CP ITG and suppliers.
  • Four CPCF IT suppliers are expected to be ready for 1st October 2021: Cegedim, PharmOutcomes, Positive Solutions and Sonar. Other suppliers may come on board later. Suppliers are currently being supported by NHS Digital and NHSBSA to meet the minimum requirements in the CPCS Technical Toolkit. See also: CPCS IT system selection and IT support arrangements.

GP CPCS IT pilot

NHSE&I has been working on the GP CPCS piloting and rollout since 2020 and provided a further update about recent progress:

  • The pilot relates to eight London community pharmacies with the Sonar system and four GP practices.
  • CPCS connects patients who have a minor illness or need an urgent supply of a medicine with a community pharmacy. CPCS was extended to include referrals from GP practices from 1st November 2020. Pharmacies which are already registered to provide CPCS do not need to re-register to receive referrals from GPs, as this is an extension to the existing Advanced service (previously referrals came only from NHS 111).
  • There are a significant number of scenarios in which the GP could refer the patient to the pharmacy.
  • NHSE&I have engaged with the LPCs with pilot pharmacies within their areas including with LPCs within Pharmacy London.

GP CPCS IT principles and standards

  • When the GP makes a referral to a community pharmacy, this could be done using different types of GP IT (e.g. accuRx or Doctorlink). Contractors have requested common GP CPCS IT standards so that the messages appear seamlessly in pharmacy CPCS IT systems. LPCs have also requested a principle for GPs to have access to a form of IT that enables CPCS referrals to be reported in the appropriate way even for those patients who do not visit the GP practice in person to make it easy for GP practices to divert patients to pharmacy via GP CPSC, where appropriate.

IT policy updates

Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and local digital priorities

  • NHSE&I published Designing ICS (June 2019) and Integrating care… (November 2020) setting out plans to increase the importance of ICS within the NHS. Community Pharmacy England published a summary of the key points. ICS were in place by April 2021 (or before in many areas) and ICS have a statutory footing from 2022, subject to legislative change. ICS evolved from Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships. ICSs are to: enable cooperation between the NHS and councils; run services in a coordinated way; agree system-wide priorities; and plan collectively how to improve patients’ day-to-day health. There are around 40 ICS and each of them services populations of between 300,000 and 3 million.
  • ICS have been tasked with developing data and digital as one of several key goals (“to drive system working, connect health and care providers, improve outcomes and put the citizen at the heart of their own care”). IT ICS priorities as set out by NHSE&I are as follows: developing Local health and shared care records (LHCRs); preparing digital transformation plans for their area; developing a roadmap for patient-centred digital channels; enabling collaboration including shared appointment booking and referral management and task sharing; publishing statistics; and supporting remote monitoring to allow patients to stay safe at home for longer. Many ICS are forming digital boards and employing digital leads. Local Pharmaceutical Committee Chief Officers have expressed interest with taking on board CP ITG national priorities to support their work with ICS on local digital priorities.
  • The group, LPCs and contractors accessing LHCRs are encouraged to attend a Virtual LHCRs/ICS Event: for LPCs and CP ITG (1st July noon-1.30pm).
  • Local digital priorities based on feedback received by Community Pharmacy England and on the national CP ITG digital priorities list have been prepared into documents: Local pharmacy digital priorities (prose) and Local pharmacy digital priorities slides. Comments on these documents can be made to by the end of June 2021.
  • Examples of LHCR or local digital priority papers should be sent to by 30th June 2021.

New CP ITG IT infrastructure survey

NHSX and NHS Transformation Unit working to develop a new strategy

  • NHSX and NHS Transformation Unit discovery work is continuing to enable the later creation of an NHSX digital strategy for pharmacy, optometry, dentistry, ambulance and community services (PODAC). NHSX are working closely with NHSE&I and other stakeholders to build on the opportunities already taken to accelerate transformation in these areas over the next three to five years.
  • Many from within the group volunteered their time to feed into two workshops. Community Pharmacy England and pharmacy teams also fed in via one-to-one interviews with the project team. The project team have explained that some extra system supplier feedback will be captured later. Community Pharmacy England has reported that capturing supplier feedback is also critical.
  • Those who have not yet fed in can contact to be sighted on developments and feedback opportunities.

Pharmacy IT Gantt chart draft template

  • System supplier feedback has indicated that multiple projects and objectives are contributing towards severe capacity challenges. Suppliers asked whether the group could explore documenting the multiple projects which are ongoing or forthcoming within the NHS; a draft chart template has been prepared. See: Gantt Chart (slide) and Gantt Chart (spreadsheet). The chart can be set to relate to ‘all contractors’ or can be used as a template by an individual system supplier. Comments about the work may be sent to

COVID-19 vaccination programme IT

  • More than 600 community pharmacy sites are currently being used to provide vaccines. Contractors have used Point of Care systems such as those provided by Outcomes4Health and Sonar.
  • NHSE&I and NHS Digital are supporting the use of the National booking service (NBS) and the wider vaccination programme. NBS enables people to book COVID-19 vaccination appointments at vaccination centres and community pharmacies across England. The national booking service is made up of three parts: (1) an online booking service available to the public on the NHS website – the Book a coronavirus vaccination service; (2) an appointment management system for staff working at vaccination centres and community pharmacies offering vaccinations (Q-Flow); and (3) an app for checking people in to their appointments when they arrive at vaccination centres.
  • More than 500 pharmacy-led vaccination sites have administered over five million vaccines across England (as of June 2021). Further pharmacies are being onboarded into the programme.
  • Pharmacy teams involved with vaccine supply are encouraged to feed into NHS Digital by registering interest at so an NHS Digital team member can get in contact. The user research team are especially interested to hear from those who do activities such as data input or reporting, or those who use computer systems as part of their role.

Other IT policy updates

Integrated Care Systems and digital technology

IT policy updates

A May 2021 joint Lancet and London School of Economics (LSE) report on the future of the NHS called for a re-evaluation of digital health and for new areas of focus. The suggested focus areas are as follows:

  1. Deliver integrated electronic health records past commitments (with access for patients, carers, and health and care providers across multiple settings).
  2. Improve the usability and interoperability of IT systems to reduce staff errors and burnout.
  3. Address security, privacy and governance concerns.
  4. Develop easy-to-use platforms for those at risk of digital exclusion.
  5. Collate datasets to support policy and planning, service delivery, and the precision medicine and public health agendas.
  6. Invest in IT leadership, training and development of the existing workforce, and the creation of new roles such as data scientists and clinical informaticists
  7. Understand AI/robotics benefits but as complementary to pre-existing roles and to reduce the burden on staff.

Interoperability and records

Work to update the Pharmacy information flows standard

  • The Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) provided an update at the group’s last meeting and invited CP ITG to a multi-disciplinary workshop, and suppliers to a January 2021 workshop. PRSB pharmacy flows standard developments work was highlighted by Community Pharmacy England. A dedicated pharmacy call with CP ITG and PRSB took place in February 2021. Community Pharmacy England will consider endorsing the dataset after its Service Development Subcommittee have reviewed the latest version of the dataset (which is expected to be available within June 2021). Community Pharmacy England will feed back to PRSB and RPS.

Local health and shared care records (LHCRs) and records update

  • Updates about LHCR arrangements have been included within previous progress updates. LHCRs are sometimes referred to as ‘Shared care records / ShCR’.

LPCs and/or local contractors can continue to take steps to gain pharmacy access such as:

Other updates:

Other interoperability updates


  • NHSmail support pages outline the benefit with the NHSmail Teams “Virtual Visits” patient consultation platform – it enables appointment booking and video consultation. The NHSmail team provided a demo to Community Pharmacy England and CP ITG representatives. At present, pharmacy team members do not have the ability to ‘switch on’ the functionality and the NHSmail team have advised that an update will be provided later about whether a pharmacy process for accessing this can be added.
  • Community Pharmacy England has been working with the NHSmail team to check that pharmacy contractors have the correct revised naming format: (e.g. not the incorrect format Contractors who do not have their address within the expected format can raise a ticket with the NHSmail pharmacy admin team.
  • Community Pharmacy England has published a factsheet to support escalation of an NHSmail ticket.
  • IT case study: Pharmacy and GP practice co-working with NHSmail: Community pharmacy contractors and GP practice staff in Widnes are collaborating more than ever after digitising their communications through a local NHSmail initiative.

IG, identity and security

NHS Digital’s Care Identity Service 2 (CIS2) program

  • CIS2 is a future enabler for login to NHS systems without a physical Smartcard for more health and care settings.
  • CIS2 (formerly called NHS Identity) is an authentication system. Some newer associated CIS2 integrations are being piloted with health and care professionals in England to prove their identity when accessing national clinical information systems e.g. Summary Care Record (SCR) access on iPads via fingerprint identification by Care Home staff and paramedics.
  • Authentication in the future may be via: a specified mobile device correctly set-up and with the right software; or a Smartcard (or virtual equivalent) with or without a direct HSCN connection. However at the present time, Smartcards do require a HSCN connection. There is a piece of work in the pipeline to enable Smartcards to be used on the internet and so remove the reliance on a connection to HSCN.
  • At present EPS and the associated authentication being used (CIS1) is limited to Microsoft Windows.
  • CIS2 has a series of advantages compared with CIS1: it works with iPads/Windows tablets/laptops, and cross-platform keys, it also works with Google Chrome and Apple Safari instead of just via the Microsoft internet browser.
  • Paramedics using CIS2 have found benefits including speedier authentication when compared to older systems.
  • Some older CIS1-related technologies will be reaching end-of-life, and NHS Digital and Community Pharmacy England will be communicating about this to suppliers within June 2021.
  • Pharmacy contractors, teams and CP ITG have expressed interest in being able to break away from needing to use physical Smartcards, in favour of signing-in on a mobile device and using EPS.
  • At some point, CIS2 may be able to create scenarios in which personal mobiles are used for authentication.
  • The ongoing work between Entrust and NHS Digital on other ‘Entrust virtual Smartcard certificates’ is separate from CIS2 developments. Work is ongoing to coordinate and align the two projects.
  • NHS Digital authentication/CIS2 team have been engaging with each of the pharmacy EPS system suppliers and will continue doing so, and plan to do so further via the EPS Next Generation work and  the ongoing NHS Digital / PMR service calls. System suppliers which wish to further understand how to speedily begin the CIS2 integration work should fully explore the NHS Digital CIS2 webpages, continue any PMR/CIS2 team talks which have already begun or contact the CP ITG secretariat ( who will link you to the CIS2 supplier onboarding team. Suppliers may also contact the CIS2 supplier onboarding team directly.

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPTK)

Other updates about data security

Promoting good IT, and user research opportunity

NHS Service Finder enhancements and user research

  • NHS Service Finder is a free tool that provides access to information from the Directory of Services (DoS) and the NHS website. It is not accessible by the public, but it does allow pharmacy teams, LPCs and other healthcare professionals to search for service information quickly. The NHS Service Finder team added new enhancements during March 2021 including: restyled search results, quicker searches, and improved filtering options. Community Pharmacy England has been requesting such changes and will continue to provide input to the NHS Service Finder team based on contractor feedback it receives. A YouTube video was published to highlight the benefits for pharmacy team members.
  • NHS Digital user researchers are conducting a round of user interviews to help develop the NHS Service Finder tool further. Please take part by emailing

Digital tools research by NHS Digital: pharmacy volunteers required

  • NHS Digital and NHSX are running research to help identify what community pharmacists and service leads need most from the digital tools and systems that pharmacy teams use on a daily basis at work. They are also looking to identify what information and data pharmacists and service lead staff need in their daily tasks to make informed decisions and best carry out their role. Community Pharmacy England have fed inputs into the project team.
  • The user researchers are also looking to speak to pharmacists and service leads, most particularly those working in: regional/local multiples; distance selling pharmacies; and large multiples. They have already spoken with many independent pharmacy contractors. The interviews will take around 45 minutes and can be scheduled at a time that works best for the pharmacy team member.
  • NHS Digital user researchers are conducting user interviews to help develop the NHS Service Finder tool further. If you’d like to take part email with ‘digital tools’ in the subject title.

Other updates: reducing burden


EPS statistics

  • NHS Digital EPS and eRD utilisation rate statistics (for the March 2020 dispensing month) are set out on the right, and 95.6% of GP practices were Phase 4 ready at this time. NHSBSA continue to publish EPS dashboards and other data.
  • NHSBSA confirmed at the June CP ITG meeting that over 95% of those community pharmacy prescriptions being processed by NHSBSA are now EPS ones. Other statistics at NHSBSA and NHS Digital websites indicate more than 90% of prescriptions are EPS taking into account other dispenser types.

Other EPS and electronic prescribing updates

  • NHSBSA’s NHS EPS endorsement guidance has been updated (to version 7.6), pages 13-14. The SSP endorsement can be used from June 2021. The current ‘NCSO workaround’ is being phased out and is scheduled to no longer be allowed to be used from October 2021 dispensing.
  • EPS SSPs went live within the June 2021 Drug Tariff with a transition period in which NCSO will be allowed. System suppliers have received guidance from NHSBSA.
  • Suppliers may be revising their SSP system-specific guides and Community Pharmacy England offered to comment on drafts.
  • NHSBSA and Community Pharmacy England have clarified EPS old patient charge rate processes near the boundary of a new financial year (the patient prescription charge rate typically increases from April 1st each year). If EPS prescriptions are submitted in the March dispensing month, they are processed as ‘old patient charge rate’ and if they are submitted within the April dispensing month they are processed as ‘new patient charge rate’ (i.e. for the new financial year).
  • Community Pharmacy England revised its Dose area EPS-related guidance.
  • The Welsh government continues to consider an electronic prescription system. Matt Armstrong is feeding into this project on behalf of the CP ITG.

 NHS Digital work on EPS Next Generation

  • NHS Digital have continued working with NHSX, NHSE&I and others on preparing a newly developed ‘EPS prescribing API / message format’ and EPS Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standards. The initial implementation is into secondary care and in relation to homecare providers. The EPS team has rebuilt the existing service using modern standards and technology. It is now available for secondary care and GP suppliers to develop against. It is anticipated that pharmacy system suppliers can start developing from late June 2021 at the earliest.
  • The EPS team’s 2021-22 ‘Next generation’ work plan includes progressing a first-of-type within summer 2021 for EPS outpatients and homecare suppliers, and working with suppliers to start the transition and deliver some new EPS features. The 2023-24 the work plan currently includes: identification of further features; building new features; working with suppliers and ideally decommissioning the older HL7 EPS R1 and R2 technology by March 2024.
  • NHS Digital have updated several webpages including the following: EPS developer guide, FHIR implementation, FHIR API and signing-in apis.
  • One of the main reasons EPS has moved to FHIR is so that there is the ability for EPS suppliers to align with the standard dosage standard – something long campaigned for by the CP ITG’s outgoing Chair.
  • The Next Generation EPS features that are being looked at include a range of features, including EPS instalment dispensing for methadone (EPS FP10 MDAs) and EPS antibiotic prescriptions.
  • The EPS team would like to be able to work on other EPS wishlist items including: Personally Administered (PADM) items, improvements to cancellation options, removal of the 4-item limit (line item prescribing), extending nomination choices, EPS Tracker APIs, private prescriptions, prescribing and dispensing ‘services’ within directories, customised prison EPS forms, improved eRD (Electronic Repeat Dispensing) and improved dispensing statuses (enabling patient-facing messages via apps etc). Enhancement business cases will be made on a feature-by-feature basis.
  • Community Pharmacy England will continue feeding into NHS Digital. The EPS team will also be welcoming more detailed pharmacy team inputs about specific EPS enhancements being worked on such as via upcoming user research events which the group will be made aware of.
  • If you work within community pharmacy and would like to feed into the CP ITG’s EPS future list or NHS Digital’s work and events contact with ‘EPS future’ in the subject title.

Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC)

  • NHSBSA has led the RTEC project since January 2020. CP ITG and Community Pharmacy England have been supportive of its continued roll-out. Read more on RTEC, its phases and continued piloting of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) RTEC at five pharmacies using PSL at: RTEC. Feedback from RTEC users (PSL/EMIS/Cegedim/Titan systems) has continued to be very positive. Use of RTEC reduces the exchange of paper between pharmacy teams and patients, assisting infection control.
  • NHSBSA met with two PMR suppliers across late 2020 to discuss the new data sharing arrangements necessary between NHSBSA and those suppliers. Deployments for pharmacies with those systems had to pause for several months. RTEC deployments relating to those two system suppliers recommenced immediately after the group’s November 2020 meeting, after additional work by NHSBSA and PMR suppliers. Contractors are now being encouraged to register for RTEC and more than three quarters of pharmacy organisations have now done so.

Apps, wearables and technologies (incl videocon)


  • Details about the NHS App have been explored in past IT progress updates. The NHS App is available on the Google Play store and the Apple App store.

The NHS App team are working on further features including:

  • Online consultations integration: The first supplier was made available through the NHS App in 2020 initially with eConsult and Patient Knows Best. The NHS App team is using open standards to help suppliers who provide forms-based triage systems integrate them.
  • Push notification capability: The NHS App team have built the ability to allow users to receive broadcast or targeted push notifications and messages relating to their care. This could include reminders for referral appointments, reminders for online consultations, and screening invitations, via services integrated into the app. Suppliers are being onboarded.
  • NHS Electronic Referral Service (NHS e-RS) integration: The NHS App team integrated the NHS booking system for hospital appointments, NHS e-RS Manage your referral. This enables patients to book their first hospital appointment when their GP refers them to a specialist.
  • Personal Health Records (PHRs) integration with NHS App: The first supplier, Patients Know Best, was made available in the NHS App from April 2020 and more are expected to go live in spring 2021.

Apps and tools

Video consultation, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics

Get involved

If you have a related query or would like to feed into the CP ITG or share your updates about IT and digital issues then please don’t hesitate to contact one of the group’s organisers, Dan Ah-Thion or or you can also sign-up to join the virtual Community Pharmacy Digital Group which helps inform CP ITG’s work with others. You can be involved as much or as little as you like with CPDG, and can unsubscribe from that email group at any time.



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