Data security templates and resources
Published on: 23rd July 2013 | Updated on: 13th February 2025
Community Pharmacy England with others prepared data security and data security (IG) templates that may assist pharmacy contractors with their completion of the Data and Security Protection Toolkit (DSPTK). Community Pharmacy England continues to revise these as needed.
The GDPR WB also references some of the templates and resources which are listed on this webpage.
Note: that many of these below are referenced within the GDPR Workbook. DSPTK templates arranged by topic a-z set out below.
Access control and password management procedure (Template 15)
Asset register with worked examples (MS Word) / Asset register with worked examples (MS Excel) (Templates 6A-B)
Assigning data security roles (Template 21)
Confidentiality agreement for non-contracted workers visiting pharmacy (Template 20)
Audit sheet (Template 13)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and NHSmail guidelines / policy (Template 8B)
Data and security and IG policy (Template 1)
Data flow map illustration (Template 19)
Data handling, record keeping and disposal procedures (Template 4)
Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) (Template M from GDPRB WB)
Data quality policy (Template 17)
Disposal of portable assets (Template 10)
Ensuring staff compliance with Smartcard Terms and Conditions (RA01) template SOP (Template 16)
Incident management procedures and reporting breaches / incidents (Template 11)
Information security incident report form (Template 12)
Mobile computing guidelines (Template 8A)
Physical security risk assessment (Template 7)
Portable equipment / Asset control form (Template 9)
Privacy / transparency notice (wording for websites or patient information leaflets for folding) (also alternative versions: Large-print version / A4 version (Templates 5A-C)
Risk register (with worked examples) and Risk register (blank). Note: Alternatively risk information may be stored on Asset register – see template 6 above) (Template 18)
Staff confidentiality agreement (Template 2)
Staff confidentiality code (Template 3)
Staff list of persons (and IT rights) (Template 14C)
Staff signature list [all policies] or Staff Signature List Page [for each policy separately] (Template 14)
Suppliers list – regarding suppliers that process data for the pharmacy (Template 22)
Training (for induction or refreshment) (9 pages) (Template 3B)
Training factsheet (2 pages) (Template 3C)
Training options and analysis (Template 3D)
NB: Community Pharmacy England originally developed these templates 1-16 with the support of the Department of Health and Social Care. NHS Employers, NHS Connecting for Health and the RPSGB also contributed to the development of many of these.
Note: that many of these below are referenced within the GDPR Workbook. DSPTK templates arranged by number:
Template 1: Data and security and IG policy
Template 2: Staff confidentiality agreement / Staff confidentiality agreement
Note about Template 2: Suggested Contract Clause for Individual Staff members: “You may not during or after the termination of your employment disclose to anyone other than in the proper course of your employment or where required by law, any information of a confidential nature relating to the company or its business or customers. Breach of this clause may lead to dismissal without notice and/or legal action. Guidance on standards expected can be found in the staff code of conduct.”
Template 3A: Staff confidentiality code
Template 3B: Pharmacy data security and IG training (for induction or refreshment)
Template 3C: Training factsheet
Template 3D: Training options and analysis
Template 4: Data handling, record keeping and disposal procedures
Template 5: Privacy / transparency notice (wording for websites or patient information leaflets for folding) (also alternative versions: Large-print version / A4 version.
Note about Template 5: that communications materials are provided in different formats or by different routes to meet the need of patients with special or different needs. NHS 111 provide an interpreter service to support communicating with patients who do not speak English.
Template 6: Asset register with worked examples (spreadsheet) / Asset register with worked examples (MS Word)
Note about Template 6: The pharmacy asset register is likely to contain commercially sensitive information so there is no requirement for the details to be shared with the NHS. Where the pharmacy maintains information on software, hardware or services in a separate asset register for accounting, insurance or business continuity purposes, an option is to do a cross reference from the relevant sections in the information asset register to the relevant register or location that this information is stored to prevent duplicating effort.
Template 7: Physical security risk assessment
Template 8A: Mobile computing guidelines
Template 8B: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and NHSmail guidelines / policy
Template 9: Portable equipment / Asset control form
Template 10: Disposal of portable assets
Template 11: Incident management procedures and reporting breaches / incidents
Template 12: Incident report form
Template 13: Audit sheet
Templates 14A/B: You may use Staff signature list [all policies] (for all to re-sign annually and for new joiners to sign) (one list related to staff confirming in relation to all policies) or Staff Signature List Page [for each policy separately] (multiple lists relating to staff being able to confirm in relation to each policy separately).
Template 14C: Staff list of persons (and IT rights)
Template 15: Access control and password management procedure
Template 16: Ensuring staff compliance with Smartcard Terms and Conditions (RA01) template SOP
NB: If staff do not have cards subject to the RA01 terms and conditions (i.e. EPS Release 2 cards), this requirement can be marked not relevant (NR).
Template 17: Data quality policy
Template 18: Risk register (with worked examples) and Risk register (blank). Note: Alternatively risk information may be stored on Asset register – see template 6 above)
Template 19: Data flow map illustration
Template 20: Confidentiality agreement for non-contracted workers visiting pharmacy.
Note about Template 20: The pharmacy may have persons working for it (otherwise than under a contract of employment) e.g. locum pharmacists, or have persons visiting the pharmacy who are likely to have access to areas of the pharmacy not generally accessible by members of the public. One way to help safeguard the confidentiality of patients’ personal and sensitive personal data is by requiring the third party to agree to a confidentiality agreement. We recommend that the pharmacy retain the original signed confidentiality agreements for at least 6 years before considering disposal.
Template 21: Assigning data security roles
Template 22: Suppliers list – regarding suppliers that process data for the pharmacy
Template M of GDPR WB: Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
NB: Community Pharmacy England originally developed these templates 1-16 with the support of the Department of Health and Social Care. NHS Employers, NHS Connecting for Health and the RPSGB also contributed to the development of many of these.
Templates can be found within the GDPR hub. Templates from the GDPW Workbook for community pharmacy (Part 3) are:
- Template A: Decide who is responsible
- Template B: Action plan
- Template C: Think about and record the personal data you process; and Assure your lawful basis for processing
- Template D: Process according to data protection principles
- Template E: Review and check with your processors
- Template F: Obtain consent if you need to
- Template G: Tell people about your processes: the Privacy Notice
- Template H: Ensure data security
- Template I: Consider personal data breaches
- Template K: Think about data subject rights
- Template L: Ensure privacy by design and default
- Template M: Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
Policy templates are set out within the section above.
Further resources are also set out below.
Further resources
- Emergency planning/ Business continuity
- NHS Digital IG resources webpage.
- Social media policy (Appendix to DH Social interaction guidance) (PDF)
- NHSX IG guidance – updated to take into account of COVID-19 developments
- Guide to Confidentiality in Health and Social Care (NHS Digital 2013) explains the various rules about the use and sharing of confidential information. It has been designed to be easily accessible and to aid good decision making. It also explains the responsibility organisations have to keep confidential information secure.
- Community Pharmacy England Briefing: To share or not to share – government response to the Caldicott Review (2013)
This Community Pharmacy England Briefing summarises Information: To Share or not to Share – Government Response to the Caldicott Review which was published by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in 2013. - Community Pharmacy England Briefing: A summary of the Caldicott Review on information governance (2013)
Dame Fiona Caldicott undertook an independent review of information governance within the NHS in England and her report Information: To Share or Not to Share? was published in April 2013. This Community Pharmacy England Briefing summarises the key points in the report.
Older resources
These templates have been provided as a basis for local adaptation. It is a contractor’s responsibility to ensure their compliance with professional and legal requirements. Where legal advice is required, it should be sought from a Solicitor or Counsel.
Further info
If you have queries on this webpage or you require more information about templates which would assist the Data Security and Protection Toolkit, or wish to request Toolkit-related templates that do not yet exist then please contact To share and hear views about digital developments with like-minded pharmacy team members, join the CP Digital email group today.
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